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Jack Abramoff Gets 6 Years in Prison (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
For the last year, I have been posting that the Abramoff scandal was going to dwarf that of Tom Delay, and that Abramoff was on his way to prison. For the last year, I have been getting flamed regularly every almost every time I posted something about it.

Today, Abramoff has been sentenced to 6 years. For those who flamed me, I can once again, as I have done before, say "I told you so."

Article is here.
rats, that's it?

I would of preferred a stronger message.
zymurgy said:
rats, that's it?

I would of preferred a stronger message.

I think the heads that will roll with Abramoff's future testimony will make the sentencing compromise worth it.

But I can just hear the apologists now. "How can you believe a convicted felon over <fill in the blank> ?

I hope we nail his benefactors to the wall. Democrats and republicans alike.
Captain America said:
I think the heads that will roll with Abramoff's future testimony will make the sentencing compromise worth it.

But I can just hear the apologists now. "How can you believe a convicted felon over <fill in the blank> ?

I hope we nail his benefactors to the wall. Democrats and republicans alike.

Getting nail to the wall is what is happening to them.

Abramoff's partner, Adam Kidan, also got 6 years, and is still a prime suspect in the Mafia hit on Gus Boulis.
danarhea said:
Getting nail to the wall is what is happening to them.

Abramoff's partner, Adam Kidan, also got 6 years, and is still a prime suspect in the Mafia hit on Gus Boulis.

I'm betting the SwiftboatVets will whack him in prison before he does too much damage. :rofl
Captain America said:
I'm betting the SwiftboatVets will whack him in prison before he does too much damage. :rofl

Nah - The Swiftboaters will call it persecution of Neocons. :)
danarhea said:
For the last year, I have been posting that the Abramoff scandal was going to dwarf that of Tom Delay, and that Abramoff was on his way to prison. For the last year, I have been getting flamed regularly every almost every time I posted something about it.

Today, Abramoff has been sentenced to 6 years. For those who flamed me, I can once again, as I have done before, say "I told you so."

Article is here.

Everyone knew he was going to prison and we were rooting for it but what you were saying was that he was going to take down everyone in the Republican party even the President right along with him.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Everyone knew he was going to prison and we were rooting for it but what you were saying was that he was going to take down everyone in the Republican party even the President right along with him.
It still is, although I never said that Bush himself would be indicted. Lets politely call that artistic license on your part.

This is not over by a long shot, as Abramoff is cooperating with investigators, which is the reason he only got 6 years instead of maybe 20. From the Wall Street Journal:

danarhea said:
It still is, although I never said that Bush himself would be indicted. Lets politely call that artistic license on your part.

This is not over by a long shot, as Abramoff is cooperating with investigators, which is the reason he only got 6 years instead of maybe 20. From the Wall Street Journal.

So what he had a lot of contacts in the Democratic party too that proves absolutely nothing and you have not offered one shred of evidence that it does.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
So what he had a lot of contacts in the Democratic party too that proves absolutely nothing and you have not offered one shred of evidence that it does.
The indictment of David Safavian, the chief White House procurement officer is more than a shred. Its shows that a White House official was involved in an attempt to derail the investigation. :)

And what about the Democrats? Why bring them up? Oh yea, yet another red herring from you, so let me put little end run around the topic to an end right now. If any Democrats are involved, let them fry too. I have no love for Democrat crooks either. OK, back to the topic, folks.
I'm sure there is dirt on the dem's hands too. Speaking of which, which dems are in hot water over the Abramoff scandal? There must be some otherwise they would be jumping on this like a dog on a bone. They sure are being quiet.
Captain America said:
I'm sure there is dirt on the dem's hands too. Speaking of which, which dems are in hot water over the Abramoff scandal? There must be some otherwise they would be jumping on this like a dog on a bone. They sure are being quiet.

I think one good possibility is Harry Reid. Did he get money from Abramoff, or were his dealings strictly with the Indian tribes in his own state, who incidentally happened to be dealing with Abramoff too? That is a question which should be investigated. If the facts show Reid not directly involved with Abramoff, then his own dealings with the tribes in question should be investigated anyways for illegal activity.
This is just the beginning, take note that this sentencing was just for fraud in the purchase of a Florida casino cruise line.
He still has the tax evasion, bribery charges and other fraud charges (his Indian clients) that will be coming up later in the year. Since part of his plea deal is that the sentences for the investigations will be running concurrently, the cruise line sentence is more or less academic. :cool:

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