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J.D. Vance: "What Bothers Me About Tim Walz Is This Stolen Valor Garbage" (1 Viewer)

He retired and was enlisted in the National Guard. Do you understand what Stolen Valor is?
They do not, they're grasping for straws at this point. MAGA has been completely on the back foot ever since Harris took over.
Vance is an imbecile who needs to shut his hole.

He should be deported back to Ohio and told to have a coke and a smile.
Kamala needs to go back to college and retake Extraneous Speech classes. A class in logic might help, too. Cause she doesn't have a damn clue how to think on her feet. Vance WILL answer questions, which is something Harris won't
Kamala needs to go back to college and retake Extraneous Speech classes. A class in logic might help, too. Cause she doesn't have a damn clue how to think on her feet. Vance WILL answer questions, which is something Harris won't
I mean, she's still better at answering questions and stringing together coherent thoughts than Trump.
That's not facts, that's opinion.
Dream on MSNBC man. Ignore it if you want. You can't change what he did.

I would add that his comment during the 2020 riot when he LET PEACEFUL PROTESTERS BURN DOWN MINNIAPOLIS, that the NG were nothing but 19 year old cooks, is a slap at the Guard units in the state. Not to mention as the highest ranking NCO he TRAINED a lot of them or oversaw their training. If they are nothing more than "cooks", then he failed at THAT job too.
I mean, she's still better at answering questions and stringing together coherent thoughts than Trump.
Total bullshit, and you know it. Word salad is not answering questions.
Total bullshit, and you know it. Word salad is not answering questions.
It's not total bullshit. I gave a factual statement. Trump can't keep on target longer than a minute, he's always rambling off on tangents and ridiculous shit. Like Hannibal Lecter and shit. Trump's losing what little of his mind he had left.
Just curious. Do you think it's irresponsible and dangerous for Vance to be saying shit like the following in public?

Last Saturday, introducing Trump at a Georgia State University arena, Vance told the crowd: “They couldn’t beat him politically, so they tried to bankrupt him. They failed at that, so they tried to impeach him. They failed at that, so they tried to put him in prison.” Then, gesturing emphatically, Vance declared: “They even tried to kill him.”

"They even tried to kill him." They? They who, exactly? I know lying is just what MAGA does, but is it possible that there are more than a handful of psychos out there who will believe him and decide to take violent action in response? Maybe?

What does this say about J.D. Vance's decision-making? Is this a guy we would want anywhere within 100 miles of the White House?
The jury is still out on whether "THEY" tried to kill him or not.
Did you ever claim to use a weapon in a war when, in fact, you never went to war?
Walz never claimed to use a weapon. He said he carried a weapon and he was referring to his posting in Italy during "Operation Enduring Freedom" to support the troops in Afghanistan. JD Weirdo never served in combat nor "used" a weapon there either. He was in the Marine's press unit, far behind enemy lines.

Dream on MSNBC man. Ignore it if you want. You can't change what he did.

<snip unrelated content>
You linked to a letter stating opinions, not facts. Sorry, but that is the truth of it.
What Walz did in bowing out/bailing out when he did was glaring! It says volumes about him.
He retired to run for Congress. And, he won in a district that had not voted for a Democrat for over 100 years. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
So Vance was either lying or "misinformed."
No. The record is clear.

His Battalion was alerted for deployment BEFORE Walz submitted retirement papers.

In early 2005, a warning order was issued to the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, which included the position he was serving in, to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq.​
On May 16th, 2005 he quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war.​

Walz says he retired as a Command Sergeant Major. This is false. He retired as an E8 Master Sergeant.

The Minnesota National Guard confirmed Wednesday that Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' vice presidential running mate, was demoted and did not retire as a command sergeant major like he has claimed for years, including on his official gubernatorial biography.​
While Walz temporarily held the title of command sergeant major he "retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy," Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s State Public Affairs Officer, told Just the News.
Typical MAGA logic. Take a comment on gun control and twist it in to a really stupid dig about Walz. "His years in the National Guard are not the same as serving in the real military". What's next? "Walz is a weakling because he never even used a high powered rifle to kill anyone? Come on MAGA. That's just a weak swing and laughable miss. Please try to do better.
And Walz did not say the word "used" or "use". He said carried. Vance is implying that he lied by implying he was in combat. Not so. He served 24 years in the NG. He certainly carried a weapon of war during that time. But, the MAGAs won't check that out. They believe anything and everything that their masters lie about.

Okay, I am not supporting (or refuting) what JD Vance said here. What I did notice is how effectively he delivered this critique of Walz. I also think Walz has the same skills.

IMO, it's going to be one helluva VP debate.
Well, Trump supporters and conservatives have already trashed the quintessential american hero John McCain so I guess we shouldn't be surprised for them to do it to another brave soul who served his country for decades.

I hope one day conservatives find a way to love this country as much as they say they do.
What Walz did in bowing out/bailing out when he did was glaring! It says volumes about him.
He retired to run for Congress in 2005 after 24 years in the NG. He won in a red district that hadn't sent a Dem to congress for over 100 years. I guess he has something going for him that the MAGAs are trying to drown out with lies.
No. The record is clear.

His Battalion was alerted for deployment BEFORE Walz submitted retirement papers.

In early 2005, a warning order was issued to the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, which included the position he was serving in, to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq.​
On May 16th, 2005 he quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war.​

Walz says he retired as a Command Sergeant Major. This is false. He retired as an E8 Master Sergeant.

The Minnesota National Guard confirmed Wednesday that Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' vice presidential running mate, was demoted and did not retire as a command sergeant major like he has claimed for years, including on his official gubernatorial biography.​
While Walz temporarily held the title of command sergeant major he "retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy," Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s State Public Affairs Officer, told Just the News.


Show us the date that the MN ARNG has him submitting his retirement papers. Then we can go from there.
Looks like Vance was telling the truth.
Despite being in the Army National Guard for decades he retired before being deployed to Iraq.
That was not "stolen valor" nor was it news.

Tim Walz did not "abandon" anyone, he merely moved on with his life in another direction.

Just like James Bowman aka James Hamel aka James Vance aka Man Scared of Childless Cat Ladies running mate who moved on with his life in another direction from two marriages.
Vance has a point…Walz is quoted as saying “shouldn't allow weapons that I used in war to be on America's streets.” Walz never served in war. In fact, he refused to serve the one time he was called to do so. Stolen valor.
^^^^Disgusting....and weird.

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