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J.D. Vance: "What Bothers Me About Tim Walz Is This Stolen Valor Garbage" (1 Viewer)

Not really, since he never served in combat (aka war).

If you don't think there is a big difference between "I carried a gun" and "I used a gun". I can't help you.
Acknowledge the spin the lie was intended, it won't hurt I promise.
Walz served during wartime. But maybe we can also nitpick the fact Iraq and Afghanistan were never declared wars by Congress, right?

As did many, including my father, who served during WWII, Korea and Vietnam, but he only served in combat during WWII.

Who are you voting for this November? The vet who served for 24 years and the prosecutor or the billionaire puppet and Corporal Bone Spurs (who insults POWs)?

James Bowman aka James Hamel aka James Vance aka Man Afraid of Childless Cat Ladies has a theme song.

“Why would people in Wisconsin want to have a beer with you?” ~ Reporter

“Uh well, I guess, I guess they’d, they’d like, they’d want to have a beer with me because I actually do like to drink beer.” ~ James Bowman aka James Hamel aka James Vance aka Man Afraid of Childless Cat Ladies

Tom T Hall ~ I Like Beer
Goddamn, right when I thought you couldn't possibly post dumber shit than you've already posted.
She hates Jews so much, she married one.

Seriously though, that Shapiro was more "qualified" than Walz is not the relevant part, it's what the VP pick can bring to the ticket that's the main calculus. From a qualifications perspective, Walz was in the House for 12 years, and is a two term governor. Shapiro was member of the PA state HoR for 7 years, state AG for 6, and the current governor (1 term). Walz has more political experience when measuring that out, but that's not to say Shapiro didn't bring anything to the table. What I see thus far is Walz brings more contrast between the POTUS and VP picks for the Democrats than Shapiro does.
Keep in mind, JD spent six months in Iraq... As a marine reporter.... :ROFLMAO: Remember Joker from Full Metal Jacket? Same MOS as Vance...

Good for him for volunteering to serve. We'd be better off if more young folks did at least one enlistment, IMO.

No job in the military is unimportant.

That doesn't make the horseshit JD is spewing OK, however.
Vance has a point…Walz is quoted as saying “shouldn't allow weapons that I used in war to be on America's streets.” Walz never served in war. In fact, he refused to serve the one time he was called to do so. Stolen valor.
Baloney, and you ate a heaping’ helping’!
From “ bone spurs” lap dogs,
August 7, 2024

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So is that all Jews everywhere, or some Jews? I ask because like many groups, Jews have a variety of different opinions, including Jews in Israel who have varying opinions on how Israel has defended itself. So I'm sure Jews more in line with Likud's views on the conflict and how to respond are probably more worried than others. We've seen views similar to Harris' expressed by members of the Jewish diaspora worldwide with their participation in protests against the war. I can understand why some are looking to make Harris some kind of threat to the alliance with Israel, but nothing she has said is out of line with the consensus shared by many other national leaders throughout the world.

The article you cited complains about Harris disrespecting Netanyahu, which I find to be comical umbrage given Netanyahu's desire to insert himself into US politics rather than just dealing with the US president as is usually the case. Blumenthal's (article's author) makes some daft connections as well, making Harris' comment about not being silent while Palestinians are killed into support for terrorism. It's hard to take that opinion seriously, which is why I'm not surprised you'd cite it. What Blumenthal seems to think is the US as an ally should be one whose sole interest in the region is Israel, which it is not. The US balances alliances with other nations, and has been working to establish ties between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Thinking the US' role is to unconditionally support Israel even if it goes against US interests in the region is laughable, but I can see why Blumenthal, Netanyahu, and the rest of the Likud nutters would think it is.
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Well, good thing Walz didn't say he saw combat. ;)

One of the two tickets is gonna win. Which is the lesser evil?

It’s hard to tell, but both will (or at least intend to) increase the power and expense of the federal government.
It’s hard to tell,

Not really.

but both will (or at least intend to) increase the power and expense of the federal government.

Most likely. And only one ticket is most likely to use the power of the federal government to help the working and middle class...

...while the other ticket will use the power of the federal government to cut billionaire taxes and leave the corporations to 'self-regulate.'
It’s hard to tell, but both will (or at least intend to) increase the power and expense of the federal government.
Only one will attempt to pay for it by taxing those positioned best to sustain an increase in what they have to pay, in line with what prior generations of similar means compared to the bottom 99% were required to pay!

Ugh get that ****er out of my state please! In fact ship all these magats to Siberia. They’ve done absolutely nothing but make my state almost as terrifying as they make Idaho.
Fair enough.

Most people in Colorado do not want Bobert here. I was hoping she would go to Florida and not come back.
It’s hard to tell, but both will (or at least intend to) increase the power and expense of the federal government.
Agreed. harris will be Biden 2.0, which was Obama 3.0, so Harris is Obama 3.0.
Here's the timeline as we know it currently -

Walz files for his Congressional run in Feb 2005.

Walz says his unit is "in the bucket" for an upcoming rotation in March 2005: “I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on specifics of the deployment,” Walz said in the March 2005 campaign release.

Walz retires May 2005 - necessarily he would have had to submit his retirement packet prior to May 2005.

Walz unit is notified of deployment in July 2005.

Walz's unit pre-mobilizes to Camp Shelby in Sep 2005.

Unit actually deploys in March of 2006.


So he was retired well before the unit knew they would be deploying. Did he know a deployment was possible for his unit prior to retiring? Sure.

He admitted that his service interfering with his campaign run was a consideration for his retirement timing, citing the Hatch Act.
Not really.

Most likely. And only one ticket is most likely to use the power of the federal government to help the working and middle class...

...while the other ticket will use the power of the federal government to cut billionaire taxes and leave the corporations to 'self-regulate.'

Has the Biden/Harris administration really helped the working and middle class more than the Trump/Pence administration did?

The ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) median household income increased more during Trump’s term than during Biden’s term.

I'm more leaning to the notion that Obama was part and parcel in forcing Biden out, along with Schumer and Pelosi in front of the Dem big money donors which held back due to Biden's debate performance. The Dems were forced to accept Harris so that the existing campaign money could still be used by the existing campaign. My understanding is that had it been another candidate, they'd have to start from square one with their campaign war chest.
Oh, I absolutely think Obama was right in on (likely leading) forcing Biden out, as well as all the others you mentioned!

But as far as accepting Harris, I think accepting is an appropriate word, but I think that group definitely had other plans. The donor money would have been a little messy and complicated, as in maybe it would have had to be refunded and then redone. But I do not think for a second that any of those mentioned three people wanted Harris in this spot. I very much think they wanted a rapid (August) primary contest of sorts with a few debates, followed by an agreed upon and hyped-up convention choice. I think Biden and Harris, together, quickly ran the insert Harris play while the others were wanting to give the Biden departure a day or two to breathe and settle before they got underway with part two - getting someone they wanted inserted as nominee. But once Biden decided to outplay them (I'd suspect with a big dose of anger about being pushed out) and was successful at it, they had no choice but to accept Harris publicly.

But Obama is smarter than that. He would never have wanted Harris to be the one in this position. I would imagine even he is quite surprised at how, for right now, the Dem machine seems to be working better than he would have expected with a disastrously worthless nominee.
If there's anything which blew up in the Dem's faces it would be Biden's debate performance, along with so many years of the constant gaslighting and propaganda of 'Ol' Joe's just fine'.
That was just unfathomable/unbelievable but that underhanded unethical party decided to do it anyway, thinking (at the time) he was their best chance to keep power.
I suspect that this VP pick isn't going to matter in the larger scheme of things, as the same people behind the curtains pulling the strings in the Biden admin will be the same people behind the curtains pulling the strings in the Harris admin.
True, but Walz's big loose/careless mouth and really far left choices are going to be an ongoing obstacle for them. He was the worst possible pick IMO. I was quite pleasantly surprised, not unlike I felt when Biden picked Harris. In both cases, my reaction was - did they really just do this. I thought those choices couldn't possibly do anything but weaken their future hopes and chances. But after feeling that way both times, I suppose I could end up in utter disbelief that my country might actually elect two such terrible choices, and on the same ticket at the same time.

Trump's big mouth has always been a problem for him and for the GOP. But early signs show me that Walz's mouth will be even more of a newsmaker and even more careless than Trump's.

Yes, that's true.

Yup. With Harris not answering any tough questions, she's not being vetted in the least. This is just her version of Biden's basement strategy.

If all this works, it'd be a complete mockery of the whole thing, and land us directly in the Orwellian 1984, complete with the heavily Dem biased media being 'The Ministry of Truth', note the re-writing of history on GovTrack with their removing their rating of Harris being the most radical left senator, and 'news' web sites taking down any reference of Harris being appointed 'Border Czar'.

This, apparently, what the Dems wish the nation to be, Orwell's 1984.

This nothing more than the reflection of the Dem's 'Ministry of Truth's gaslighting, propaganda, and retconning.
All true and all so sad and disgusting.
Has the Biden/Harris administration really helped the working and middle class more than the Trump/Pence administration did?

The ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) median household income increased more during Trump’s term than during Biden’s term.

Lots of people chose not to return to the workforce after COVID.

That had nothing to do with either presidential administration.
What Walz has shown already is that he has nothing but snarcasm. When those two debate, I'll expect nothing else from him except that and the same kind of lies we've already heard from Biden and Harris.
"I'll expect nothing".............well, you got one thing right. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Vance was outstanding today and yesterday too!

I had hoped Trump would choose Rubio and I knew very little about Vance. My first impression was that Vance lacked charisma and excitement. And, at first, I thought he was trying a bit too hard to kind of generate charisma/humor. But he was getting criticized heavily and some on the left started joking about him getting tossed out and replaced. I didn't think that would happen and just saw the left being in their "push out Joe" mode, as if that would be the new norm for everyone in every situation.

Then, I watched Walz yesterday (I'm freaking shocked Kamala didn't choose Shapiro!). And that was the first I'd ever heard Walz speak besides a couple short videos I'd watched the night before. I thought he came off as Trump like in his bashing and I've heard he's thin skinned. Not intelligent sounding either, IMO. I think he's the opposite of a "balance" to cackling Kamala. He's VERY far left, his Minnesota policy wishes have been extreme (Covid, police, the riots/unrest/soft on crime, his views of children and sex change treatments, the border, sanctuary states, and much more).

Meanwhile, Vance is just settling into who he is and is quickly settling down to be intelligent, calm, well spoken, quick on his feet with answers - available to the press and their questions. I'm loving Vance in comparison to the other 3 (Harris, Walz, Trump) right now. Vance should speak and speak and answer and answer. He's a perfect balance to Trump's rambling. Pair Trump's strong leadership with Vance's speaking ability, and those two make a team.

Harris has undeniable momentum right now but, wow, to the Walz pick. We'll see how this all goes after the convention and a few weeks of now knowing the new tickets for 2024. For right now, it looks like advantage Kamala. But the right is getting ALL OVER policy now (albeit they moved a bit slow in their Kamala reaction) and that's exactly what I think they need to focus on!
Vance has shown himself to be a creepy stalker. Fits right in with the MAGAt Republican Party.
Not really, since he never served in combat (aka war).

At least Tom Foreman on CNN was willing to be honest about it. We'll see if the left keeps defending, justifying, shifting the goalposts on the lie, or deflecting to Vance (who wasn't the one who made any comment about carrying weapons in a fighting situation) - or if they ultimately follow Tom's lead. For now, most on the left are in doubling down and deflecting mode.

“Walz did make a comment speaking to a group, he’s done it a couple of times, where he has used language that has suggested that he carried weapons in a fighting situation,” said Foreman:

"I know from coming from a military family there is a difference between being in a combat area, being involved at a time of war, and actually being in a position where people are shooting at you. There is no evidence that at any time Governor Walz was in a position of being shot at, and some of his language could easily be seen to suggest he was, so that is absolutely false."

Foreman noted, “The [Harris-Walz] campaign has essentially come forward to say, ‘Look, he had a long career, he would never want to purposely mislead people about this.’ That’s what campaigns tend to say, and I’m sure we haven’t heard the end of this.”

CNN host Brianna Keilar concluded, “The quote was, ‘We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,’ and certainly for someone who wasn’t familiar with their record, they might draw a different conclusion.”
Has the Biden/Harris administration really helped the working and middle class more than the Trump/Pence administration did?

The ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) median household income increased more during Trump’s term than during Biden’s term.

That chart only goes through 2022, a rough year overall as the country battled inflation.

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