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I've got a question about the 2006 elections. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Ya ok I know that the midterms are for electing some of the senate and all of the house but I can't recall is this the same election that you vote for the governor or are these seperate? And if it is at the same time as the midterm elections then how come some of the governor elections have already been held and how come some haven't?

God I really should have studied more in my state/local government class.
Governor elections are contingent on the state. Each have different term limits, here's some wikihelp:
Current Governor State Past Party Elected/took office Seat Up
Robert R. Riley Alabama List Republican 2002 2006
Frank H. Murkowski Alaska List Republican 2002 2006
Janet Napolitano Arizona List Democrat 2002 2006
Mike Huckabee Arkansas List Republican 1996 2006 (term limits)
Arnold A. Schwarzenegger California List Republican 2003 2006
William F. Owens Colorado List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
M. Jodi Rell Connecticut List Republican 2004 2006
Ruth Ann Minner Delaware List Democrat 2000 2008 (term limits)
John E. "Jeb" Bush Florida List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
G. Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III Georgia List Republican 2002 2006
Linda Lingle Hawaii List Republican 2002 2006
Dirk A. Kempthorne Idaho List Republican 1998 2006 (retiring)
Rod R. Blagojevich Illinois List Democrat 2002 2006
Mitch Daniels Indiana List Republican 2004 2008
Thomas J. Vilsack Iowa List Democrat 1998 2006 (retiring)
Kathleen Sebelius Kansas List Democrat 2002 2006
Ernest L. Fletcher Kentucky List Republican 2003 2007
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Louisiana List Democrat 2003 2007
John Elias Baldacci Maine List Democrat 2002 2006
Robert L. Ehrlich Maryland List Republican 2002 2006
W. Mitt Romney Massachusetts List Republican 2002 2006
Jennifer M. Granholm Michigan List Democrat 2002 2006
Timothy Pawlenty Minnesota List Republican 2002 2006
Haley R. Barbour Mississippi List Republican 2003 2007
Matthew Blunt Missouri List Republican 2004 2008
Brian Schweitzer Montana List Democrat 2004 2008
Dave Heineman Nebraska List Republican 2005 2006
Kenny C. Guinn Nevada List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
John Lynch New Hampshire List Democrat 2004 2006
Richard Codey New Jersey List Democrat 2004 2005 (acting governor)(retiring)
William B. Richardson New Mexico List Democrat 2002 2006
George E. Pataki New York List Republican 1994 2006 (retiring)
Michael F. Easley North Carolina List Democrat 2000 2008 (term limits)
John Hoeven North Dakota List Republican 2000 2008
Robert A. Taft II Ohio List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
Brad Henry Oklahoma List Democrat 2002 2006
Theodore R. Kulongoski Oregon List Democrat 2002 2006
Edward G. Rendell Pennsylvania List Democrat 2002 2006
Donald L. Carcieri Rhode Island List Republican 2002 2006
Mark C. Sanford South Carolina List Republican 2002 2006
M. Michael Rounds South Dakota List Republican 2002 2006
Philip N. Bredesen Tennessee List Democrat 2002 2006
J. Richard Perry Texas List Republican 2000 2006
Jon Huntsman, Jr. Utah List Republican 2004 2008
James H. Douglas Vermont List Republican 2002 2006
Mark R. Warner Virginia List Democrat 2001 2005
Christine Gregoire Washington List Democrat 2004 2008
Joe Manchin West Virginia List Democrat 2004 2008
James E. Doyle Wisconsin List Democrat 2002 2006
David D. Freudenthal Wyoming List Democrat 2002 2006

In addition to the states, several other areas belong to the United States. The governors of those areas are:

Governor Territory Party Elected/took office Seat Up
Togiola Tulafono American Samoa Democrat 2003 2008
Felix Camacho Guam Republican 2002 2006
Juan N. Babauta Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth Republican 2001 2005
Aníbal Acevedo Vilá Puerto Rico, Commonwealth PPD (Democrat) 2004 2008
Charles Wesley Turnbull U.S. Virgin Islands Democrat 1999 2006
shuamort said:
Governor elections are contingent on the state. Each have different term limits, here's some wikihelp:
Current Governor State Past Party Elected/took office Seat Up
Robert R. Riley Alabama List Republican 2002 2006
Frank H. Murkowski Alaska List Republican 2002 2006
Janet Napolitano Arizona List Democrat 2002 2006
Mike Huckabee Arkansas List Republican 1996 2006 (term limits)
Arnold A. Schwarzenegger California List Republican 2003 2006
William F. Owens Colorado List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
M. Jodi Rell Connecticut List Republican 2004 2006
Ruth Ann Minner Delaware List Democrat 2000 2008 (term limits)
John E. "Jeb" Bush Florida List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
G. Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III Georgia List Republican 2002 2006
Linda Lingle Hawaii List Republican 2002 2006
Dirk A. Kempthorne Idaho List Republican 1998 2006 (retiring)
Rod R. Blagojevich Illinois List Democrat 2002 2006
Mitch Daniels Indiana List Republican 2004 2008
Thomas J. Vilsack Iowa List Democrat 1998 2006 (retiring)
Kathleen Sebelius Kansas List Democrat 2002 2006
Ernest L. Fletcher Kentucky List Republican 2003 2007
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Louisiana List Democrat 2003 2007
John Elias Baldacci Maine List Democrat 2002 2006
Robert L. Ehrlich Maryland List Republican 2002 2006
W. Mitt Romney Massachusetts List Republican 2002 2006
Jennifer M. Granholm Michigan List Democrat 2002 2006
Timothy Pawlenty Minnesota List Republican 2002 2006
Haley R. Barbour Mississippi List Republican 2003 2007
Matthew Blunt Missouri List Republican 2004 2008
Brian Schweitzer Montana List Democrat 2004 2008
Dave Heineman Nebraska List Republican 2005 2006
Kenny C. Guinn Nevada List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
John Lynch New Hampshire List Democrat 2004 2006
Richard Codey New Jersey List Democrat 2004 2005 (acting governor)(retiring)
William B. Richardson New Mexico List Democrat 2002 2006
George E. Pataki New York List Republican 1994 2006 (retiring)
Michael F. Easley North Carolina List Democrat 2000 2008 (term limits)
John Hoeven North Dakota List Republican 2000 2008
Robert A. Taft II Ohio List Republican 1998 2006 (term limits)
Brad Henry Oklahoma List Democrat 2002 2006
Theodore R. Kulongoski Oregon List Democrat 2002 2006
Edward G. Rendell Pennsylvania List Democrat 2002 2006
Donald L. Carcieri Rhode Island List Republican 2002 2006
Mark C. Sanford South Carolina List Republican 2002 2006
M. Michael Rounds South Dakota List Republican 2002 2006
Philip N. Bredesen Tennessee List Democrat 2002 2006
J. Richard Perry Texas List Republican 2000 2006
Jon Huntsman, Jr. Utah List Republican 2004 2008
James H. Douglas Vermont List Republican 2002 2006
Mark R. Warner Virginia List Democrat 2001 2005
Christine Gregoire Washington List Democrat 2004 2008
Joe Manchin West Virginia List Democrat 2004 2008
James E. Doyle Wisconsin List Democrat 2002 2006
David D. Freudenthal Wyoming List Democrat 2002 2006

In addition to the states, several other areas belong to the United States. The governors of those areas are:

Governor Territory Party Elected/took office Seat Up
Togiola Tulafono American Samoa Democrat 2003 2008
Felix Camacho Guam Republican 2002 2006
Juan N. Babauta Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth Republican 2001 2005
Aníbal Acevedo Vilá Puerto Rico, Commonwealth PPD (Democrat) 2004 2008
Charles Wesley Turnbull U.S. Virgin Islands Democrat 1999 2006

O.K. so it is up to the state constitution in regards to term limits thanx that cleared it up.

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