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Ivanka/Jared ultimate goal (1 Viewer)

JC Callender

DP Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
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Metro Detroit
Political Leaning
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both successful at business, are now deep into politics. What do you think their ultimate goal is?
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both successful at business, are now deep into politics. What do you think their ultimate goal is?

Both are silver spoon babies, so imo, the jury is out on successful at business. I think they are just caught up in the whirlpool. I don’t think there is a plan.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both successful at business, are now deep into politics. What do you think their ultimate goal is?

to use their influence to enrich themselves even more is my best guess.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both successful at business, are now deep into politics. What do you think their ultimate goal is?

More money, more power. Same as Hillary Clinton's piggybacking off Bill to get into the Senate, State Department, and tried to become President.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both successful at business, are now deep into politics. What do you think their ultimate goal is?

Doing what they can to help her dad and the country. Not sure where the hatred of these two come from. Only two things stand out a) the resistance hates anything and anyone who want this administration to succeed b) they are Jewish. Still and no no in much of the country.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, both successful at business, are now deep into politics. What do you think their ultimate goal is?

Serve the nation they both love. Kushner is a highly effective negotiator, as has been proven...but the TDS left , FAKE NEWS/Lying Left could never acknowledge it...naturally.
Serve the nation they both love. Kushner is a highly effective negotiator, as has been proven...but the TDS left , FAKE NEWS/Lying Left could never acknowledge it...naturally.

Rose colored glasses full on.
rose colored glasses full on.

case in point. ^^^^^^

quote originally posted by grokmaster .

serve the nation they both love. Kushner is a highly effective negotiator, as has been proven...but the tds left , fake news/lying left could never acknowledge it...naturally.
Probably just to be allowed to live in peace.

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