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Its wrong to use SEX in Advertizing (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
Its like fishing with blood.

And its an evil thing to do.
galenrox said:
How's it an evil thing to do? I really don't understand the connection. What's wrong with using sex in advertising?

And what's wrong with fishing with blood?
I agree completely. Will everyone please get in line for their burqas?
Robodoon said:
Its like fishing with blood.

And its an evil thing to do.

Not really. Well its not really fishing but when I do shark dives I use pigs blood and ground up fish to atrack them with. But we do fish after the sharks are gone is that the same?

PS. As far as the sex in advertising just what cable/dish system do you have? I dont see anything like that on mine....
shuamort said:
I agree completely. Will everyone please get in line for their burqas?

May I have two please?
Hmmmmm, I'm not sure. What kind of sex are we talking about and does it involve nurses uniforms where the structural integrity of stitching of the button holes is starting to give way due to the stress applied against it due to the amplitude of the endowments currently heaving in breathless anticipation?

In at case, it might be o.k.
Kelzie said:
And what's wrong with fishing with blood?

Damn, you beat me to it.

The only time I have a problem with sex in advertising is when they're using it to advertise medicines to treat STDs-- because dammit, that's just creepy.
sex in advertising does the job!!! Tell me if Im right or wrong, but would you rather look at some hott model wearing a bikini, holding a perfume bottle or some old lady wearing a sweater, holding that same perfume? I don't know about you, but I would definately look at the hott as hell model!
galenrox said:
How's it an evil thing to do? I really don't understand the connection. What's wrong with using sex in advertising?


it is wrong to use the flesh to gain.
shuamort said:
I agree completely. Will everyone please get in line for their burqas?

Hey covering women isn't such a bad idea.

We use to cover them and hide their hair from the fallen Angels.

who created ....abomination...and then the flood came.
shuamort said:
I agree completely. Will everyone please get in line for their burqas?

Hey covering women isn't such a bad idea.

We use to cover them and hide their hair from the fallen Angels.

who created ....abomination...and then the flood came.
cherokee said:
Not really. Well its not really fishing but when I do shark dives I use pigs blood and ground up fish to atrack them with. But we do fish after the sharks are gone is that the same?

PS. As far as the sex in advertising just what cable/dish system do you have? I dont see anything like that on mine....

Talking about fresh water, not salt.
@_girL........ said:
sex in advertising does the job!!! Tell me if Im right or wrong, but would you rather look at some hott model wearing a bikini, holding a perfume bottle or some old lady wearing a sweater, holding that same perfume? I don't know about you, but I would definately look at the hott as hell model!

Whats the goal profits or souls?

You can not have two masters, PICK God or mammon.
Robodoon said:
Whats the goal profits or souls?

You can not have two masters, PICK God or mammon.

God created this earth, and everything in it. We need money to survive out in the world. If this is what butters peoples bread, then who are you to say that they are wrong?
Robodoon said:
Talking about fresh water, not salt.

Fresh water or salt, does it matter really??? There are two different types of waters, and there are two different types of opinion here. You will not be able to convince this croud that they are wrong for watching and supporting those advertizements. Have you studied marketing? I highly doubt that, its true in the business, that sex sells. What else is there that will make someone buy things? I am a writer, and I know the importance of sex in advertisements and such although I most likely wont use it in my current assignment, maybe.....
Robodoon said:
Hey covering women isn't such a bad idea.

We use to cover them and hide their hair from the fallen Angels.

who created ....abomination...and then the flood came.
Prove your claim. Scientifically verifiable evidence is needed.
Sex in advertising is the only sex in this house....

Could someone PLEASE send this guy back to the home? They've been looking for him all week...he didn't get a pass and he's missing his meds...
Robodoon said:
Hey covering women isn't such a bad idea.

We use to cover them and hide their hair from the fallen Angels.

who created ....abomination...and then the flood came.

What are you, 80?
@_girL........ said:
God created this earth, and everything in it. We need money to survive out in the world. If this is what butters peoples bread, then who are you to say that they are wrong?

Using evil to promote profits is wrong.

Hey the chinese sell body parts for profits, is that right?

Girls are dragged into prostitution for profits, is that right?

Loyalty to America is ignored for profits, is that right?

Using wicked ways for wealth is not moral thing today. its ill gotten gain.
robodoon said:
Using evil to promote profits is wrong.
So your argument seems to be based on the presumption that sex is thusly evil.
shuamort said:
So your argument seems to be based on the presumption that sex is thusly evil.

Of course thats his arguement. I personally find that sex was made to be enjoyed... Unfortunately for that guy, he probably doesn't get any or is still stuck with only one position... so sad......
shuamort said:
So your argument seems to be based on the presumption that sex is thusly evil.

Seems to me that he has forgotten just how it was that he came to be living on this Earth.
@_girL........ said:
Of course thats his arguement. I personally find that sex was made to be enjoyed... Unfortunately for that guy, he probably doesn't get any or is still stuck with only one position... so sad......

I feel the same way. I don't generally have a problem with using sex in advertising. Sex is often used in advertisements in a lot of fashion magazines and it usually doesn't bother me. But the AD still has to be creative and interesting. If it was just two people getting it on and nothing else, it would be a sucky AD. I mean you still have to ad artistic properties.
Which of the following, if any, do you find excessive or inappropriate?


(Calvin Klein)




In case you can't read that one, it's a toilet paper ad.

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