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It's time to IMPEACH Bush! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 28, 2005
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Bush has failed us in oh so many ways.

Our "National Guard" is stuck fighting in a nation (QUAGMIRE) called Iraq instead of tending to domestic affairs, as needed.

Hurricane Katrina has OVERWHELMED this Government, as did the WTC attacks on 9/11/01!

FEMA Director Brown, who Bush told "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" 5 days after Hurricane Katrina hit, has resigned and who does Bush appoint as interim Director? David Paulison, the frickin' "duct tape and plastic sheathing, in the case of chemical attack", guy!

Oh boy, don't we feel safe now! NOT!

My goodness George Bush hadn't even seen any footage and didn't have any idea how serious Hurricane Katrina was until the NEXT DAY!

Mississippi still hasn't been tended to by FEMA in many areas.

Hurricane Katrina has shown America and the world the readiness of the United States in case of an emergency. You'd think 4 years after 9/11 we'd have done MUCH BETTER than we did. The Bush Administration has FAILED US AGAIN!

How much more should we have to endure of this President? How long can Rightwing America condone his EVERY MOVE?

Where's the OUTRAGE?
I've been wanting to impeach him since he first set foot in the White House.
I understood when some of the American People called for Bush’s impeachment after invading Iraq. I don't know why... perhaps, I let the rightwing flag-waving peer pressure get to me, but I didn't jump on that bandwagon. SHAME ON ME!

Had we impeached Bush instead of re-electing him (if he REALLY was re-elected… Ohio), perhaps we'd have been more prepared for Hurricane Katrina and who knows, maybe even saved some more lives. Maybe some of our troops would be on their way home from Iraq, by now… saving yet more American lives!

Maybe our Government should be doing more to build a better America, instead of a better Iraq (Good Luck!) with American blood and the American taxpayers money.

You see, I and many Americans like me have been SCREAMING that we MUST fight terror here at home TOO. While it's GREAT we went into Afghanistan, it was a TERRIBLE move to invade Iraq almost alone and tie-up such HUGE number of forces there.

The Iraq War has become a HUGE distraction to the REAL War on Terror (if there really is such a thing), as well as a distraction to homeland security. We, the labeled "haters", have been SCREAMING for better port security, Federal Agents on domestic transportation, better nuclear plant security.

Our National Guard isn't meant to be fighting our overseas battles. They are meant for riots and disasters... natural and man-made. They are meant to protect our homeland. NEVER has our National Guard deployed in the numbers we're seeing today in Iraq. Not even close! We have an Army, Navy, Air force and Marines for that. And, if needed we turn to the Reserves. I suppose the Coast Guard should be deployed to Iraq next, huh?

Though I still support the efforts in Afghanistan because they were harboring those that attacked us.

The reason I said "if there really is such a thing", about the war on terror, is because it's now appearing (to me) to have been all a big scam to invade Iraq. That was Bush's goal all along. And, EXPLOITING 9/11 to make a case for invading Iraq was MORALLY WRONG! I believe Bush invaded Afghanistan for all the WRONG REASONS!

There were no “confirmed” stories of a meeting in Prague with Iraq officials and al Qaeda operatives, as Vice President Dick Cheney said there was. We didn’t “know where they are”, as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had told the American Paople, of the chemical weapons of mass destruction. There were no chemical drones. No mushroom clouds. No shopping for uranium in Africa. No tons of chemical weapons. This was ALL HYPE. All scare tactics used on a society that had been viscously attacked, the year before. Stacked allegations, exaggerations and EXPLOTATIONS!

I honestly believe George Walker Bush ran for President in 2000 to invade Iraq!
He's had his sights on Saddam Hussein from the start!

Hey... got duct tape?
With a republican majority? Never. Your only chance would be to try and overthrow him but good luck with that. In my opinion, just wait for his term to end. Hopefully he won't do too much damage before he leaves office.
The United States National Guard
Prior to the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, the National Guard's policy regarding deployment was that Guardsmen would be required to serve no more than six months over seas at any time. Due to strains placed on active duty units following the attacks, the possible deployment time was increased to 18 months. Additional strains placed on military units as a result of the invasion of Iraq further increased the amount of time a Guardsman could be deployed to 24 months. Current DOD policy is that no Guardsman will be involuntarily activated for a total of more than 24 months (cumulative) in one six year enlistment period.

The Source

Had we stayed out of Iraq or invaded with a REAL coalition, there would be NO STRAINS on our Military.

Bush KNEW that!

Here's what he said when applying to the American People for the job of Commander in Chief...

"If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world and nation building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road, and I'm going to prevent that.... ....I don't want to be the world's policeman, I want to be the world's peacemaker."
George W. Bush - Gore/Bush Presidential Debate
October 3, 2000

Where's the OUTRAGE?
Ironside said:
Had we stayed out of Iraq or invaded with a REAL coalition, there would be NO STRAINS on our Military.

Bush KNEW that!

Here's what he said when applying to the American People for the job of Commander in Chief...

Where's the OUTRAGE?

With all the problems going on you want to start an impeachment movement? Why not use that energy to help solve some problems that could actually be addressed? Instead you want to tie up the congress with impeachment hearings. Let me guess you were completely against it when Congress did that to Clinton, but since it's now Bush that screwing things up, you're all for it.
Pacridge said:
With all the problems going on you want to start an impeachment movement? Why not use that energy to help solve some problems that could actually be addressed? Instead you want to tie up the congress with impeachment hearings. Let me guess you were completely against it when Congress did that to Clinton, but since it's now Bush that screwing things up, you're all for it.
You guessed WRONG! While I thought the blow-jobs were the business of ONLY Clinton, his God, Hillary and Monika Lewinski... and certainly not the Government's, when he lied under oath, he blew it! No pun intended.

He should have answered the way Geroge Bush answered questions about cocaine use and paying for an abortion in the 70's. Bush simply said, he refused to answer questions about his "personal life" like that.

Are there any more assumptions you'd like to make?

As far not impeaching him beacuse we shouldn't tie up Congress, that's ridiculous.
When do we draw the line? It's aready too late for our Troops in Iraq and the people of New Orleans!
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Ironside said:
You guessed WRONG! While I thought the blow-jobs were the business of ONLY Clinton, his God, Hillary and Monika Lewinski... and certainly not the Government's, when he lied under oath, he blew it! No pun intended.

He should have answered the way Geroge Bush answered questions about cocaine use and paying for an abortion in the 70's. Bush simply said, he refused to answer questions like that.

Are there any more assumptions you'd like to make?

Well that's not the first incorrect assumption I've made, won't be the last.

But am I incorrect in that you think tying the fed. gov. up with an impeachment is a good idea?
Pacridge said:
But am I incorrect in that you think tying the fed. gov. up with an impeachment is a good idea?

Well, considering the alternative of letting him continue.
I mean, if you keep digging a hole, it's only going to get bigger.
Bush has REALLY screwed up a lot.

Where do we draw the line and say, enough is enough?
Ironside said:
Well, if you keep digging a hole, it's only going to get bigger.
Bush has REALLY screwed up a lot.

Where do we draw the line and say, enough is enough?

I agree with you there. The man has made a mess of just about everything he's touched. He's running the country just like he did his oil company, right into the ground.

I just don't see it as a viable option. Unlike the Clinton situation, the numbers in the Congress don't add up for it. It's just never going to happen. So why not use our energy on things that can be dealt with?
Pacridge said:
I agree with you there. The man has made a mess of just about everything he's touched. He's running the country just like he did his oil company, right into the ground.

I just don't see it as a viable option. Unlike the Clinton situation, the numbers in the Congress don't add up for it. It's just never going to happen. So why not use our energy on things that can be dealt with?
Because, I feel the need to rant. I'm an OUTRAGED American citizen.
I can't stand to just sit and watch this President do what he's doing to our Troops and America, as well as her People! This concerns me deeply!

He must be STOPPED!

It's already too late for the victims of 9/11. (Bush had warnings)
It's already too late for some of the Troops that were deployed to Iraq.
It's already too late for many of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

I feel a sense of responsibility as an American citizen to try to stop him before it's too late for others!
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Ironside said:

Bush has failed us in oh so many ways.

Our "National Guard" is stuck fighting in a nation (QUAGMIRE) called Iraq instead of tending to domestic affairs, as needed.

Hurricane Katrina has OVERWHELMED this Government, as did the WTC attacks on 9/11/01!

FEMA Director Brown, who Bush told "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" 5 days after Hurricane Katrina hit, has resigned and who does Bush appoint as interim Director? David Paulison, the frickin' "duct tape and plastic sheathing, in the case of chemical attack", guy!

Oh boy, don't we feel safe now! NOT!

My goodness George Bush hadn't even seen any footage and didn't have any idea how serious Hurricane Katrina was until the NEXT DAY!

Mississippi still hasn't been tended to by FEMA in many areas.

Hurricane Katrina has shown America and the world the readiness of the United States in case of an emergency. You'd think 4 years after 9/11 we'd have done MUCH BETTER than we did. The Bush Administration has FAILED US AGAIN!

How much more should we have to endure of this President? How long can Rightwing America condone his EVERY MOVE?

Where's the OUTRAGE?

The liberal democrats have been waiting for, & even INVENTING any reason whatsoever to have Bush removed from office.

Blame blame, & blame. YOU people think that by employing the leftwing media to portray Bush as insensitive, as a liar, as a racist etc etc, & we must not forget the WAR MONGER epithet either, ..that its going to help the liberal whackos in 08'!

Far from it, ..it is only re-inforcing what the 'real' mainstream majority already knows, & that fact is this: You people cannot win at the ballot box anymore, & need inventive scandal, & conspiracy to attempt to remove Bush from office.

It aint gonna happen, ..& NO the democrats will not ever be successful at "institutionalizing" liberalism either.

The liberal fun days are over, ..& they, the liberal ideologues that pretended to represent the majority no longer have a media monopoly either.

If the DNC continues to hitch its wagon on those liberal whackos, get used to more DNC election losses.

Howard Dean, & some of the rest of the DNC party bosses are the best asset the republicans could ever hope to have, as is the two faced Hillary Clinton pretending to be something other than what she really is; & THAT has ALWAYS been the phoney moniker of the disingenous liberal democrat who cannot ever hope to get elected by the REAL mainstream voter who has damn little to share with the modern democratic party anymore!;)
The problem is that he can only be impeached for committing a crime.
Stupidity and generally being an asshole are not impeachable offenses. Too bad.
Old and wise said:
The problem is that he can only be impeached for committing a crime.
Stupidity and generally being an asshole are not impeachable offenses. Too bad.

THat IS quite true, ..but then we would also have to indict the stupid as.sholes in the senate who wanted to grace terror combatins with the same constitutionial rights that american citizens have as well.

Now, ...we would not want to have to remove the majority of the democratic senators for their right to exercize their stupidity now, ..would we? :2wave:
Ironside said:

Bush has failed us in oh so many ways.

Our "National Guard" is stuck fighting in a nation (QUAGMIRE) called Iraq instead of tending to domestic affairs, as needed.

Hurricane Katrina has OVERWHELMED this Government, as did the WTC attacks on 9/11/01!

FEMA Director Brown, who Bush told "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" 5 days after Hurricane Katrina hit, has resigned and who does Bush appoint as interim Director? David Paulison, the frickin' "duct tape and plastic sheathing, in the case of chemical attack", guy!

Oh boy, don't we feel safe now! NOT!

My goodness George Bush hadn't even seen any footage and didn't have any idea how serious Hurricane Katrina was until the NEXT DAY!

Mississippi still hasn't been tended to by FEMA in many areas.

Hurricane Katrina has shown America and the world the readiness of the United States in case of an emergency. You'd think 4 years after 9/11 we'd have done MUCH BETTER than we did. The Bush Administration has FAILED US AGAIN!

How much more should we have to endure of this President? How long can Rightwing America condone his EVERY MOVE?

Where's the OUTRAGE?

You obviously have no concept of the impeachment proceedings or laws, first name one single impeachable offense (mind you I'll be asking you to back up your bold faced lies which I will easily shread to pieces with the blinding light of truth and fact halleluya, amen), secondly it's just not going to happen in a Rep dominated house and senate, you're not going to get your watergate this time buddy don't :2bigcry: dry your eyes. Third, why don't you focus on the future you might actually get some Dems elected in 06 and 08 . . . sike! Oh, and did you hear the presidents speach? I suggest you listen to it.
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Ironside said:
Because, I feel the need to rant. I'm an OUTRAGED American citizen.
I can't stand to just sit and watch this President do what he's doing to our Troops and America, as well as her People! This concerns me deeply!

He must be STOPPED!

It's already too late for the victims of 9/11. (Bush had warnings)
It's already too late for some of the Troops that were deployed to Iraq.
It's already too late for many of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

I feel a sense of responsibility as an American citizen to try to stop him before it's too late for others!

Ok first off, there is two main problems within your arguement and i didnt even need to read it to see it! Just a glance. you said "It's already too late for the victims of 9/11. (Bush had warnings)". BUT clinton got attacked in 93 by bin landen but did nothing about it. there were several more instances clinton could have gone after bin laden but didnt (i recommend the book Losing Bin Laden).The warning bush had was so unbelievably vague and already known bin laden wanted to attack america. anyone could have known that! DUUUR.

Secondly, YOURE BLAMING BUSH FOR THE HURRICAN DISASTER WHICH IS THE MOST IDIOTIC THING IN EXISTANCE! The disaster has absolutely NO IMPACT on the president. The state government, legistalor and the local government and legislature of the surrounding cities of NO was solely responcible! Bush could have done nothing to prevent this untill the governor would have agreed to it but nope, she never did anyhting. By the time the hurricane hit, the governor and mayor of NO were so over their heads, the decided to slam the blame upon bush! :rofl

One thing i would like to add to this is that the democratic senator of LA first ran in 1996. The day of the election, she knew she was going to lose. She, ON A MOMENTS NOTICE, brought in 500 buses to bring the black low class community into the polls! Where was she on that BEFORE the hurricane hit!

Ironside, start being practicle and intelligent. There is nothing within your arguement but complete liberal spin to destroy the Bush administration!
We should have done it on 2000.

Sorry the answer is NO

No matter how much you complain or make **** up the answer will be NO

After 08 and the Dems lose again and your asking for another impeachment, the answer will still be NO
Calm2Chaos said:

Sorry the answer is NO

No matter how much you complain or make **** up the answer will be NO

After 08 and the Dems lose again and your asking for another impeachment, the answer will still be NO

you must really like ignorance and stupidity in one of our highest offices...
wxcrazytwo said:
you must really like ignorance and stupidity in one of our highest offices...

Why... Do you plan on visting the White House?

YOU will complain no matter what happens. If it involves the president, regaurdless you will complain. Keeping this in mind how can what you say be serious
Calm2Chaos said:
Why... Do you plan on visting the White House?

YOU will complain no matter what happens. If it involves the president, regaurdless you will complain. Keeping this in mind how can what you say be serious

Dude, the guys an idiot and you know it.
wxcrazytwo said:
Dude, the guys an idiot and you know it.

Well I am not going to say he's a Rhode Scholar...But I don't think he is an idiot either. And until someone can toss up someone on the ticket that has a clue. I will stick with what I know
Calm2Chaos said:
Well I am not going to say he's a Rhode Scholar...But I don't think he is an idiot either. And until someone can toss up someone on the ticket that has a clue. I will stick with what I know

Well, we had Gore. blahaahahaha..
Originally posted by Stu Ghatze:
The liberal democrats have been waiting for, & even INVENTING any reason whatsoever to have Bush removed from office.

Blame blame, & blame. YOU people think that by employing the leftwing media to portray Bush as insensitive, as a liar, as a racist etc etc, & we must not forget the WAR MONGER epithet either, ..that its going to help the liberal whackos in 08'!

Far from it, ..it is only re-inforcing what the 'real' mainstream majority already knows, & that fact is this: You people cannot win at the ballot box anymore, & need inventive scandal, & conspiracy to attempt to remove Bush from office.

It aint gonna happen, ..& NO the democrats will not ever be successful at "institutionalizing" liberalism either.

The liberal fun days are over, ..& they, the liberal ideologues that pretended to represent the majority no longer have a media monopoly either.

If the DNC continues to hitch its wagon on those liberal whackos, get used to more DNC election losses.

Howard Dean, & some of the rest of the DNC party bosses are the best asset the republicans could ever hope to have, as is the two faced Hillary Clinton pretending to be something other than what she really is; & THAT has ALWAYS been the phoney moniker of the disingenous liberal democrat who cannot ever hope to get elected by the REAL mainstream voter who has damn little to share with the modern democratic party anymore!
What's with this US and THEM bullshit? The problem is not liberalism. The problem is not conservatism. The problem IS you and me........the American Voter. We are into this loyalty to the party crap so much that it has affected the health of this nation. We don't seem to even have the desire to work with each other for a common good.

Is there anything a liberal could do that you agree with? Be specific.

I personally could care less what party was in office as long as the people elected were qualified for the position they would be administering.

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