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It's Official: Cruz will NOT be Trump's VP (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
“Ted Cruz is a desperate candidate trying to save his failing campaign,” Trump said in response to Cruz’s tirade. “Today’s ridiculous outburst only proves what I have been saying for a long time, that Ted Cruz does not have the temperament to be President of the United States.”
Trump conquers - POLITICO


Just wow,
I don't even know how Trump derived to that conclusion, seems like everything he says sticks though.

"I have been saying for a long time".


Note: 24 hours earlier he said "I'd have to think about it".

This guy just takes his dick out, lays it out on the table for all to see, and dares anyone to say a word.

Ya gotta respect that kind of confidence.

Which is why he is your next President.

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Even I'm shocked that Trump used the temperment argument against anyone. It's so outrageous that it veers into the hilarious.

And it will almost certainly work, because most of what Trump has done this cycle has worked.
"I have been saying for a long time".


Note: 24 hours earlier he said "I'd have to think about it".

This guy just takes his dick out, lays it out on the table for all to see, and dares anyone to say a word.

Ya gotta respect that kind of confidence.

Which is why he is your next President.


He said he think about what? I am confused...
He said he think about what? I am confused...

Sorry, a lot of times I get lazy and dont leave enough bread crumbs. THe day before Trump had been asked if he will consider Cruz as VP. Trump said "I'd have to think about it"...as in could happen. AND we know that the #1 thing with Trump for VP pick is that they would make a good President, has has been saying this from the beginning every time he is asked.

THen next day Cruz is not qualified and and Trump has been saying it for a long time?

I mean, this is like saying that the moon is made of swiss cheese, in the entire world only 8 drug junkies are going to think you told the truth.

THis is amazing, and I think the reason he does it is that he and his fans know that this time in the process is all about giving the people the show that we want and expect, and Trump is putting on a WWE themed show for us.

And we love it.

This guy will go the extra mile to give us what we want.

THis is my guy.

This guy just takes his dick out, lays it out on the table for all to see, and dares anyone to say a word.

Ya gotta respect that kind of confidence.

Which is why he is your next President.


LOL'd so hard!!

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