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It's Official: Bush Spied On Me (1 Viewer)



Two of the groups I work with in Pittsburgh - The Thomas Merton Center and the Pittsburgh Branch of the ACLU held a press conference Tuesday stating that they had conclusive proof the FBI had them under surveillance. You would think there are better ways of spending our tax dollars than spying on Americans protesting the Iraq war.

I was at the Novemeber 2002 protest referenced in the story.

Here's the story:

FBI documents acquired under the Freedom of Information Act and provided to reporters show the FBI conducted surveillance of the Pittsburgh-based Thomas Merton Center for Peace & Justice at anti-war demonstrations and leaflet distributions in 2002 and 2003.

FBI officials in Pittsburgh said the bureau was engaged in legitimate investigations, and in one case dropped the probe upon determining a person photographed at one demonstration was not whom they were looking for.

“We had a legitimate purpose for being there,” FBI special agent Bill Crowley said, referring to a November 2002 protest.

The ACLU said the spying fit a pattern of federal abuse following the Sept. 11 attacks. President Bush has generally received high marks from the public for taking a strong hand in security matters.

The FBI acknowledged the report sounded as if it were reporting on the activities of an anti-war group, but said ”such a characterization would be factually misleading.”

The agent was pursuing leads “from another source possibly establishing a link between an ongoing investigation and the group engaging in anti-war protests. Finding no such link, he terminated his surveillance,” the FBI said in a statement.

“We know that this surveillance is about the political views of the Thomas Merton Center because that's what the documents say,” said Mary Catherine Roper, an attorney with the Pittsburgh ACLU.

Merton Center director Jim Kleissler said his group filed the request for FBI documents because its members believed they were being spied on by the FBI in 2002 and 2003 while they protested against the imminent war in Iraq.
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What do you suppose they found when they looked into your affairs, hip?
Get ready................
Stormtrooper's coming.

Shades of Nixon!:shock:
Moderator's Warning:

Some folks have trouble understanding this even though I've tried highlighting each of the items. So, in that light, please don't take offense at how simply I'm going top break this down. It's not directed at you in particular.

In order to post someone else's material (copyrighted material in particular) there are a two (2) guidelines that must be followed. That's all, just two.

#1 All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. All means all and must means must. All such material must contain a link to the original source.
hipsterdufus, your piece DID have a link to the original source. Good job

And in ADDITON to this

#2 Please do not post entire articles. I'm not sure how to clarify this. But, if needed, I will try.
hipsterdufus, you posted the entire article. Please do not do this.

What you should have done:
Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest.

So remember, two guidelines which both must be followed at the same time.

These guidelines, as well as others can be found here Forum Rules

Thanks, your humble mod,
KCConservative said:
What do you suppose they found when they looked into your affairs, hip?

KCC, by your reply you seem to be conceding that the administration lied when they claimed that they only spied on people linked to terrorist groups.

(and trust me....I expect some reply about the ACLU being a terrorist group....even in the short time I've been on this board I can sense your "sarcasm".)
disneydude said:
KCC, by your reply you seem to be conceding that the administration lied when they claimed that they only spied on people linked to terrorist groups.

(and trust me....I expect some reply about the ACLU being a terrorist group....even in the short time I've been on this board I can sense your "sarcasm".)

I was curious, since Hipster was spied on, what he thinks they may have found. I think my question was very clear.

In my view, the ACLU is not a terrorist group. Sorry to disappoint you, disney.
The FBI constantly observes groups of both left and right wing groups. Also in the article that Hip posted was a particular comment that one of the people that they had reportedly been told who was there was, in fact, not.
This is nothing major, just routine surveillance, which the FBI, SS, and state BI conduct regularly.
KCConservative said:
In my view, the ACLU is not a terrorist group. Sorry to disappoint you, disney.

Sometimes....even you surpise me.:tink:
disneydude said:
Sometimes....even you surpise me.:tink:
Interesting. You actually thought I would say the ACLU are terrorists? You honestly thought that?
KCConservative said:
Interesting. You actually thought I would say the ACLU are terrorists? You honestly thought that?



Captain America said:


Then I guess the tables are turned. Rather than me using gross generalizations, it is you.
Guilty as charged!

Bailiff! Whack his pee-pee!:rofl
I had an interesting experience the other day. I was speaking on the phone to a fellow network engineer that was on a long job reviving a failed Exchange server. As we were going over the symptoms, he started explaining to me how he uses Starbucks Espresso to keep himself awake during the long jobs.

At that point an NSA operative cut in. He explained that Espresso has less caffiene than regular brewed coffee, due to the heavy roasting process. And that we'd be able to stay alert longer and for less money if we just bought the Starbucks brewed.

We were like, "Thanks!"
It's the ACLU...... I can think of few other groups in this country that deserve being watched more then them. I would think a few terrorist organizations are probably higher on the list. But you will probably find there lawyers there anyway offering assistance if they ever get caught with some C4 ...:lol:
Back at ya Teach. Great minds think alike.

You make me feel right at home.
*************************Ted Nugent
Carl said:
At that point an NSA operative cut in. He explained that Espresso has less caffiene than regular brewed coffee, due to the heavy roasting process.
As a dedicated coffee addict, I can't let this go.

While there is often less caffeine in a single shot of espresso than in a cup of coffee, espresso has more caffeine per ounce than regular coffee.


These samples show 13.9 oz of espresso w/ 758mg of caffeine =>54.5mg/oz

Whereas the 360 oz of brewed coffee held only 3696.5 mg =>10.26mg/oz

So espresso has at least four times as much caffeine per ounce of beverage as regularly brewed coffee.

Twenty-seven caffeinated and decaffeinated samples were purchased from retail coffee shop s (e.g., Big Bean®,
Starbucks®, Dunkin Donuts®, Royal Farms ®, Einstein Brothers® and Hampden Cafe®) in the Baltimore, Maryland
area; both caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages were included. The caffeine content was determined in the beverages using liquid/liquid extraction and gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorous detection.

Boulenger JP, UhdeTW, Wolff EA, Post RM. Increased sensitivity to caffeine in patients with panic disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1984; 41: 1067 -1071.
Kuczmarski RJ, Carroll MD, Felgal KM, Troiano RP. Varying BMI cutoff points to describe overweight prevalence among US adults: NHANES III (1988-1994).
Obesity Research. 1997;5: 542 -548.
Mandel HG. Update on caffeine consumption, disposition and action. Food & Chemical Toxicology. 2002; 40: 1231 -1234.
TandaG and Goldberg S. Alteration of the behavior effects of nicotine by chronic caffeine exposure. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior. 2000; 66: 47 -64.Smith A. Effects of caffeine on human behavior. Food & Chemical Toxicology. 2002; 40 : 1243 -1255. World Health Organization, http:// www.who.int/archives/inf-pr-1996/pr96-77.html, accessed April 28, 2003.​
Did you hear that................................... That was this thread going off the tracks,.....:lol: :lol: :rofl
Calm2Chaos said:
Did you hear that................................... That was this thread going off the tracks,.....:lol: :lol: :rofl

All aboard!!!!

What? A derailed Hipster Bush bashing thread? :lol: If I had a nickel.....
KCConservative said:
What? A derailed Hipster Bush bashing thread? :lol: If I had a nickel.....

If you did W would have probably stolen it from you as some sort of covert anti nickel strategy he's developing
Calm2Chaos said:
If you did W would have probably stolen it from you as some sort of covert anti nickel strategy he's developing
Oh, now you've done it. Danarhea will, no doubt, use your post as his source for the new Bush Nickel Scandal. :lol:
Simon W. Moon said:
While there is often less caffeine in a single shot of espresso than in a cup of coffee, espresso has more caffeine per ounce than regular coffee.

You just can't trust the government!!

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