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Active member
Sep 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
Things ( I guess like checks to haliburton) will surely get moving quickly in Texas reguarding hurricane Rita now that Bush has HALIBURTON there!

>>>>>>>>Question is WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE???<<<<<<<<

Will they take the place of our N Guards???:doh

Will they take over the Govs job?

Will they take over the oil companys wells?

Will they take over the oil companys refineries?:shock:

Will they take over a mayors job?

Will they be there to remove everything from Bushs ranch to HIGHER GROUND?:rofl

Will they be there to remove and securely place valuables like jewlery and money for people that have left alwready???:roll:
do you even know what Halliburton does or is it just one of your buzz words that you fling around without even realizing its meaning? Halliburton is an energy company of course they're going to be involved with rebuilding the gas and power infrastructures especially when they built said infrastructure in the first place.
taxpayer said:
Things ( I guess like checks to haliburton) will surely get moving quickly in Texas reguarding hurricane Rita now that Bush has HALIBURTON there!

>>>>>>>>Question is WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE???<<<<<<<<

They are doing levy repair and dewatering. The contract is for $16 million. Would you prefer the government go through the normal bidding process which would take weeks to do?

Yes or no answer please.

I note you did not mention the following no-bid contracts, why is that

Debris removal (all amounts in millions)

Ashbritt Inc $500
Ceres Environmental Services $500
Environmental Chemical Corp. $500
Phillips & Jordon $500

Emergency Housing
Bechtel $100
Flour $100
CH2M Hill $100
Shaw Group Inc $100

Ice and Power
IAP Worldwide Services $107.9

Roofing Repair
Shaw Group $14.9
(source Associate Press; Army Corp of Engineers, FEMA)
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
do you even know what Halliburton does or is it just one of your buzz words that you fling around without even realizing its meaning? Halliburton is an energy company of course they're going to be involved with rebuilding the gas and power infrastructures especially when they built said infrastructure in the first place.


Well smarty, whos right? YOU or STINGER? TWO answers and TWO DIFFERENT answers! YOU say Halliburton is a ENERGY company and Stinger says that they are doing LEVY and DEWATERING!:doh

Heres ANOTHER for you!!!
If Halliburton is a ENERGY company then what the HECK are they doing SUPPLYING OUR TROOPS WITH FOOD for about $50 MILLION A DAY???:roll:

You really need to do some research before RUSHING out on a broken limb to protect your buddie Bushies FRIENDS!!!:roll:

And NOW it seems that YOU are flinging YOUR BUZZ words around!

WE ALL know that Halliburton has OVERCHARGED US U.S.A. TAXPAYERS >>>MILLIONS<<< in Iraq. They got caught but Bushie Boy wouldn't prosecute and NEVER made any mention of it!!! :doh
Stinger said:
They are doing levy repair and dewatering. The contract is for $16 million. Would you prefer the government go through the normal bidding process which would take weeks to do?

Yes or no answer please.

I note you did not mention the following no-bid contracts, why is that

Debris removal (all amounts in millions)

Ashbritt Inc $500
Ceres Environmental Services $500
Environmental Chemical Corp. $500
Phillips & Jordon $500

Emergency Housing
Bechtel $100
Flour $100
CH2M Hill $100
Shaw Group Inc $100

Ice and Power
IAP Worldwide Services $107.9

Roofing Repair
Shaw Group $14.9
(source Associate Press; Army Corp of Engineers, FEMA)

I only mentioned the company that got caught OVERCHARGING "US, WE" AMERICAN TAXPAYERS "MILLIONS OF $$$$$$ in Iraq!!!:roll: :doh


taxpayer said:
I only mentioned the company that got caught OVERCHARGING "US, WE" AMERICAN TAXPAYERS "MILLIONS OF $$$$$$ in Iraq!!!:roll: :doh



Haliburton does a lot more than just energy issues. To say different is the same as saying Marines only kill. Stinger and Trajan, both happen to be correct. More and more you are coming off as another over emotional and over dramatizing wacko who's need to criticize only serves to keep you grounded in tunnel vision.
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A lot has been said of Haliburton getting no bid contracts in the wake of Katrina and I am sure they will get them in the wake of this hurricane as well. The thing is though, there are probaby only a very small handful of corporations worldwide that have the resources and experience to handle these kinds of disasters. The fact is, if Ralph Nader were president, you can bet that Haliburton would still probably end up with these contracts.

I mean does anyone honestly want to wait for a formal bidding process before reconstruction begins?
SouthernDemocrat said:
A lot has been said of Haliburton getting no bid contracts in the wake of Katrina and I am sure they will get them in the wake of this hurricane as well. The thing is though, there are probaby only a very small handful of corporations worldwide that have the resources and experience to handle these kinds of disasters. The fact is, if Ralph Nader were president, you can bet that Haliburton would still probably end up with these contracts.

I mean does anyone honestly want to wait for a formal bidding process before reconstruction begins?

Taxpayer does...or he merely just likes to criticize.
GySgt said:
Haliburton does a lot more than just energy issues. To say different is the same as saying Marines only kill. Stinger and Trajan, both happen to be correct. More and more you are coming off as another over emotional and over dramatizing wacko who's need to criticize only serves to keep you grounded in tunnel vision.

What part of "HALLIBURTON OVER CHARGED (US---WE), if you are a taxpayer, MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$ in IRAQ are you having trouble understanding???:roll: :doh

And Trajan said that Halliburton was a "ENERGY COMPANY"!!!

So now i'll ask YOU:

taxpayer said:

What part of "HALLIBURTON OVER CHARGED (US---WE), if you are a taxpayer, MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$ in IRAQ are you having trouble understanding???:roll: :doh

And Trajan said that Halliburton was a "ENERGY COMPANY"!!!

So now i'll ask YOU:


Wow, You are a little off. I never said a word on any kind of spending. I shall simply restate post # 6....

"Haliburton does a lot more than just energy issues. To say different is the same as saying Marines only kill. Stinger and Trajan, both happen to be correct. More and more you are coming off as another over emotional and over dramatizing wacko who's need to criticize only serves to keep you grounded in tunnel vision."

I will add that the U.S. Marine Corps is highly trained. Even our clerks are highly trained to kill as a grunt. Why on earth would we do humanitarian missions, occupations, and rescues? The point is that it is possible to have a multi function. Even Haliburton.
GySgt said:
Taxpayer does...or he merely just likes to criticize.

YUP! I like to criticize companys like Halliburton that OVER CHARGE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$$ and NEVER even have to answer for it!:roll:

I guess "YOU" don't care about the MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$ Halliburton OVER CHARGED IN IRAQ and AFGAINISTAN! Well GUESS WHAT??? I CARE!!!

But of course AMERICAN TAXPAYERS are NOT BUDDIES of BUSH!!!!:roll: :doh
taxpayer said:
YUP! I like to criticize companys like Halliburton that OVER CHARGE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$$ and NEVER even have to answer for it!:roll:

I guess "YOU" don't care about the MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$ Halliburton OVER CHARGED IN IRAQ and AFGAINISTAN! Well GUESS WHAT??? I CARE!!!

But of course AMERICAN TAXPAYERS are NOT BUDDIES of BUSH!!!!:roll: :doh

I never said I didn't care. Keep making an ass of yourself....
GySgt said:
I never said I didn't care. Keep making an ass of yourself....
Then if you care lets hear it instead of resorting to name calling!
You know, like a answer that means something.
GySgt said:
I never said I didn't care. Keep making an ass of yourself....

N/M! Duplicate post! Nothing here but my SIG!!!
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I would advise 'taxpayer' to peruse a Haliburton prospectus to obtain some inkling of the diverse nature of the firm and its numerous subsidiaries. I also am forced to conclude that for taxpayer, Haliburton is merely a catch-all-hot-button. Next time... explore a bit before you leap to unfounded and biased accusations.

Tashah said:
I would advise 'taxpayer' to peruse a Haliburton prospectus to obtain some inkling of the diverse nature of the firm and its numerous subsidiaries. I also am forced to conclude that for taxpayer, Haliburton is merely a catch-all-hot-button. Next time... explore a bit before you leap to unfounded and biased accusations.


HEY! YO! I would ADVISE Tashah to READ BEFORE HE or she POSTS!:doh

Now tell me "tashah" just where did I say that Halliburton did ONLY ONE THING???:roll: Come on now, go back and >>>>>>>"READ"<<<<<<< and show me where I said that! Otsseeeee wootsseeee, wazamatta? Can't find where I said that??? Try another thread! Maybe its in there! Keep reading!

And NO! Again you need to read before you post! Halliburton is NOT a catch all hot button to me! :doh

To me they are a company that got off scott free after OVER CHARGING MILLIONS OF $$$$$$$$$ to American Taxpayers in Iraq and Afgainistan!!!

Next time explorer a bit before you leap to unfounded and biased accusations!:roll:
taxpayer said:
Then if you care lets hear it instead of resorting to name calling!
You know, like a answer that means something.

Name calling? I merely called you a wacko. Considering your other posts, I think it is fair.

There is huge amounts of money being wasted all over Iraq. I have seen it. There is an even huger waste ratio in Afghanistan. From local military and police payrolls to overspending in many different areas that include but are in no way limited to...wrong airconditioner units, over priced local contracts, over priced civilian vehicles, and over priced luxurious furniture for higher HQ units who have to entertain the local politicians. Much of the military monetary waste is due to having to go through government contractors (not Haliburton) that we have always been stuck with under every administration. I would give you further examples, but whats the sense? The monetary waste is coming from U.S. Government and KBR.

For Iraq.....

KBR, a division of Haliburton, won the semi-annual bid for military contracts on things like infrastructure contrustion, laundry, food, supplies... etc.... they won this contract back from a rival in 2000. I would like to note it was the Pentagon that awarded the contract in the standard lowest bidder fashion.

I believe in February 2003, they awarded KBR with the job of supplying things for the Iraq war. They did it without a bidding war. You know why? Because they aren't stupid. It would have taken months and months to go through the entire process, and more than likely, their current contractor would have gotten it anyways, (i.e. KBR). On top of that, the logistics of two different companies interracting with each other on such a massive scale would have been chaos and slowed our already slow government down even more.

And just in case you jump to the next ignorant assumptions.....Cheney hasn't profited in any way, as does no other administration official, from Halliburton for a long time.

For the hurricanes...

Well, simply put, they are doing the job of which their contract demands.

Government contractors have always raped the gobernment and as you say it, the taxpayer. There is nothing new here. Have you even tried to research this topic or do you just repeat the chants of other people that haven't really reasearched it either? Commenting on something and going off on tangents are two different things. Now, see the difference in how I comment on things and the way you do? I DON'T even HAVE to use CAPS to do IT!
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I am not saying that Taxpayer does not have a point about Haliburton way over charging the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. My only point was that they are probably the only U.S. company capable of handling a job of this magnitude.


Doesnt Cheney still have a financial interest in Haliburton? I thought it was just in a blind trust.
What puts salt in the wound is that Cheney was on the board at Halliburton and Cheney and Bush into the oil business it seems something fishy is going on with them getting most of th contracts. I would to see a quick bidding process to allow other companies at least a chance. Hallburton cannot be the fix all for every AMERICAN problem..
taxpayer said:
Now tell me "tashah" just where did I say that Halliburton did ONLY ONE THING???
Let's refer to a previous post of yours 'taxpayer'...

Post #4
taxpayer said:
If Halliburton is a ENERGY company then what the HECK are they doing SUPPLYING OUR TROOPS WITH FOOD for about $50 MILLION A DAY???
As anyone can plainly read, it is you who had no idea that Haliburton is a diverse multi-national entity.

Tashah said:
I would advise 'taxpayer' to peruse a Haliburton prospectus to obtain some inkling of the diverse nature of the firm and its numerous subsidiaries.
As anyone can also plainly see, I simply advised you to stretch your knowledge horizons beyond the pale of 'hot-button' expediancy.

GySgt said:
Name calling? I merely called you a wacko. Considering your other posts, I think it is fair.

There is huge amounts of money being wasted all over Iraq. I have seen it. There is an even huger waste ratio in Afghanistan. From local military and police payrolls to overspending in many different areas that include but are in no way limited to...wrong airconditioner units, over priced local contracts, over priced civilian vehicles, and over priced luxurious furniture for higher HQ units who have to entertain the local politicians. Much of the military monetary waste is due to having to go through government contractors (not Haliburton) that we have always been stuck with under every administration. I would give you further examples, but whats the sense? The monetary waste is coming from U.S. Government and KBR.

For Iraq.....

KBR, a division of Haliburton, won the semi-annual bid for military contracts on things like infrastructure contrustion, laundry, food, supplies... etc.... they won this contract back from a rival in 2000. I would like to note it was the Pentagon that awarded the contract in the standard lowest bidder fashion.

I believe in February 2003, they awarded KBR with the job of supplying things for the Iraq war. They did it without a bidding war. You know why? Because they aren't stupid. It would have taken months and months to go through the entire process, and more than likely, their current contractor would have gotten it anyways, (i.e. KBR). On top of that, the logistics of two different companies interracting with each other on such a massive scale would have been chaos and slowed our already slow government down even more.

And just in case you jump to the next ignorant assumptions.....Cheney hasn't profited in any way, as does no other administration official, from Halliburton for a long time.

For the hurricanes...

Well, simply put, they are doing the job of which their contract demands.

Government contractors have always raped the gobernment and as you say it, the taxpayer. There is nothing new here. Have you even tried to research this topic or do you just repeat the chants of other people that haven't really reasearched it either? Commenting on something and going off on tangents are two different things. Now, see the difference in how I comment on things and the way you do? I DON'T even HAVE to use CAPS to do IT!
DUH! My point is that Halliburton over charged MILLIONS of $$$$$$ in Uraq and Afgainistan and it was just white washed where as if a American citizen did that they would have been prosecuted!
THATS why I DO NOT MY TAX $$$$$$$$$ to have anything to do with Halliburton!!!
I DO NOT care about the OTHER companys that have NO BID contracts unless they were also caught with their hands in the TAXPAYERS pockets and got away with it!!!

Halliburton was just told to "REFTURN" the MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$$!!!

HEH! YOU try that and see if BUSSHIE BOY lets you just "RETURN" the $$$$$$$$$!!!:roll: Bushie Boy is our President and its a SHAME that he did NOT call for a full investigation into Halliburtons as they call it "OVER CHARGING"!!!
Tashah said:
Let's refer to a previous post of yours 'taxpayer'...

Post #4

As anyone can plainly read, it is you who had no idea that Haliburton is a diverse multi-national entity.

As anyone can also plainly see, I simply advised you to stretch your knowledge horizons beyond the pale of 'hot-button' expediancy.


This post says NOTHING about ME saying that Halliburton only did one thing!

"If Halliburton is a ENERGY company then what the heck are they doing SUPPLYING FOOD TO OUR TROOPS for about $50 MILLION A DAY!!!"

Trajan said that Halliburton was a ENERGY company and that was MY ANSWER to him or her!

Again "Tashah" you need to READ before you POST!:roll:

WOW! Thats just plain LAME! :doh Where does this post say that???:roll:

SEE! Thats what happens when you stick your nose into something that you know NOTHING about!!!
SouthernDemocrat said:
I am not saying that Taxpayer does not have a point about Haliburton way over charging the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. My only point was that they are probably the only U.S. company capable of handling a job of this magnitude.

Stupid double post.
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SouthernDemocrat said:
I am not saying that Taxpayer does not have a point about Haliburton way over charging the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. My only point was that they are probably the only U.S. company capable of handling a job of this magnitude.


Doesnt Cheney still have a financial interest in Haliburton? I thought it was just in a blind trust.

I don't know. I have "heard" rumors and read internet accusations from citizens, but nothing solid from anyone that matters. What I do know as 'fact', is...

1. Cheney doesn't have millions in Haliburton stock. President Bush made him sell it when he accepted the Vice Presidency.

2. Cheney's 'payroll' that he recieves is part of a severance contract and does not depend or fluctuate with the profits or misfortunes of the company.
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taxpayer said:
DUH! My point is that Halliburton over charged MILLIONS of $$$$$$ in Uraq and Afgainistan and it was just white washed where as if a American citizen did that they would have been prosecuted!
THATS why I DO NOT MY TAX $$$$$$$$$ to have anything to do with Halliburton!!!
I DO NOT care about the OTHER companys that have NO BID contracts unless they were also caught with their hands in the TAXPAYERS pockets and got away with it!!!

Halliburton was just told to "REFTURN" the MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$$!!!

HEH! YOU try that and see if BUSSHIE BOY lets you just "RETURN" the $$$$$$$$$!!!:roll: Bushie Boy is our President and its a SHAME that he did NOT call for a full investigation into Halliburtons as they call it "OVER CHARGING"!!!

Based on your mannerisms in which you post, I have to ask. Are you 14 and merely posing as a 55 year old? Some examples...





As far as "BUSSHIE BOY"...I believe you are the proud Republican.
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