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Italy: Searches of Moslems lead to Chechen refugee arrests (1 Viewer)



I liked very much the way Italians secured safety of their future parliamentary election. 80 searches of Moslem settling places in 46 Italian countries - that’s quite good. The majority of arrested, suspect and deportees are Chechens.
I envy Italians. They’ve come to their senses and started to realize great cause. I wish Austria, Norway, Denmark and my native Belgium and other European states would do the same.
IMHO Chechens are the main source of terrorist menace. So let’s kick them out of Europe! Italians have already set example for us.
Moreover we should find the way of preventing Chechen “refugees’” penetration into European territory. In my opinion proper sanctions should be undertaken against such countries as Poland allowing them to pass through their territory. Or… May you’ll suggest something to?
Re: Well done!!!

Aki said:
I liked very much the way Italians secured safety of their future parliamentary election. 80 searches of Moslem settling places in 46 Italian countries - that’s quite good. The majority of arrested, suspect and deportees are Chechens.
I envy Italians. They’ve come to their senses and started to realize great cause. I wish Austria, Norway, Denmark and my native Belgium and other European states would do the same.
IMHO Chechens are the main source of terrorist menace. So let’s kick them out of Europe! Italians have already set example for us.
Moreover we should find the way of preventing Chechen “refugees’” penetration into European territory. In my opinion proper sanctions should be undertaken against such countries as Poland allowing them to pass through their territory. Or… May you’ll suggest something to?
There has never been a Chechen attempt in South, North, West or Central or Southern East Europe, as far as I know. Sanctions against Poland don't make sense to me. The terror risk in Italy will decline, as soon a the government lead by Romano Prodi replaces those Silvio Berlusconi folks. I hope they win and I guess, they will withdraw Italian troops from Iraq.
Re: Well done!!!

Volker said:
I hope they win and I guess, they will withdraw Italian troops from Iraq.
No problem, its a well known fact that Italian tanks have more reverse gears than forwards.;)
Re: Well done!!!

JamesRichards said:
No problem, its a well known fact that Italian tanks have more reverse gears than forwards.;)

That's gotta hurt...:2wave:

Reminds me of a quote that has been unofficially credited to General Patton...

"I'd rather have a German Division in front of me than a French one behind me."
Re: Well done!!!

You know, JamesRichards, you might want to look at a map sometime. France and Italy are seperate countries, hundreds of kilometres apart from each other. :lol:
Re: Well done!!!

JamesRichards said:
No problem, its a well known fact that Italian tanks have more reverse gears than forwards.;)
This might be true. But one thing is, they have no business there like all those coalition troops. The other thing is, the more countries leave this embarassing coalition, the better it is in a political view. It might be a hint about how things can work in possible future conflicts.
Re: Well done!!!

vergiss said:
You know, JamesRichards, you might want to look at a map sometime. France and Italy are seperate countries, hundreds of kilometres apart from each other. :lol:
JamesRichards did not mention France.
Re: Well done!!!

Volker said:
JamesRichards did not mention France.
Thanks for getting my back, forgot to check this thread.

Vergiss, I know full well where both nations are, if I wanted to rip on French military achievement I'd mention the Maginot line. Damn that was dumb, Nazi's must've been laughing all the way to Paris, up the stairs, and into those pretty French girl's beds.
Updated thread title from "Well done" to a more descript title.

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