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It was a "mistake" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been in power for more than two decades and during that time has carefully cultivated an image of himself as a tough, strongman leader, fighting for Russia’s interests and reinstating the country as a geopolitical and economic superpower.

With his decision to invade neighboring Ukraine, however, analysts say Putin has made the biggest mistake of his political career and has weakened Russia for years to come.
With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.

It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.

With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.

It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.
See 2b


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mis·take | \ mə-ˈstāk \
mistook\ mə-ˈstu̇k \; mistaken\ mə-ˈstā-kən \; mistaking

Definition of mistake​

(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
1: to blunder in the choice ofmistook her way in the dark
2a: to misunderstand the meaning or intention of : MISINTERPRETdon't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said
b: to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of “The army's leaders mistook the strength of the enemy.”
3: to identify wrongly : confuse with anotherI mistook him for his brother

from Merriam-Webster

If not a mistake, what do you characterize the move as?

With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.

It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.
I think you are misunderstanding the point. They aren't saying it was done accidentally.

Something that was planned and intentional can still be a mistake.

As in, "investing my life savings in a widget factory was the biggest mistake of my life".........it was planned, done on purpose, and yet "it was the biggest mistake of my life".

In this case "mistake" is more like "miscalculation"

With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.

It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.

I don't see what you are trying to say here.

It can be all of those things highlighted and STILL be a mistake.

What I find more striking is that they even use the term "mistake", that is usually reserved for the illegal crimes/wars the West engages in
BTW it might have been a worse mistake had he have sat on his hands
With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.
It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.

See 2b


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mis·take | \ mə-ˈstāk \
mistook\ mə-ˈstu̇k \; mistaken\ mə-ˈstā-kən \; mistaking

Definition of mistake​

(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
1: to blunder in the choice ofmistook her way in the dark
2a: to misunderstand the meaning or intention of : MISINTERPRETdon't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said
b: to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of “The army's leaders mistook the strength of the enemy.”
3: to identify wrongly : confuse with anotherI mistook him for his brother

from Merriam-Webster

If not a mistake, what do you characterize the move as?

CNBC reported it, he has to assume the worst and attack them based on it. That simple.
I don't see what you are trying to say here.

It can be all of those things highlighted and STILL be a mistake.

What I find more striking is that they even use the term "mistake", that is usually reserved for the illegal crimes/wars the West engages in

Read the article. You are misrepresenting it’s intent.
BTW it might have been a worse mistake had he have sat on his hands

How so? Please expand? He has basically ruined his economy. That would not have happened had he not invaded an independent country.
Again, read the article. You clearly have not done so yet.

You made the claim you supply the evidence that's how it works

With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.

It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.
I never believed Putin to be the 4-d chess master genius so many news publications and pundits were inexplicably breathless to laud him as (which he clearly is not) but I also never figured he'd be so unbelievably and astonishingly stupid as to actually invade the whole of Ukraine.
I never believed Putin to be the 4-d chess master genius so many news publications and pundits were inexplicably breathless to laud him as (which he clearly is not) but I also never figured he'd be so unbelievably and astonishingly stupid as to actually invade the whole of Ukraine.
That's what bothers me most about this. There MUST have been a reason for him to do this and I sincerely believe that he (as well as everyone else) figured that Zelensky would just fold. The REALLY big question is why everyone thought that.
With all due respect to the "analysts" and the author of the article, invading Ukraine was not a "mistake". It was planned. It was intentional. It's ongoing.
It IS NOT a mistake, political or otherwise.
Symantics. In some cases "mistake" suggests falling into a situation by accident. That was not the case here.

"Mistake" can also denote a miscalculation. That is clearly the case here.
That's what bothers me most about this. There MUST have been a reason for him to do this and I sincerely believe that he (as well as everyone else) figured that Zelensky would just fold. The REALLY big question is why everyone thought that.
Probably lots of factors. Surely one of them is the fact than when you surround yourself with sycophants who are afraid to challenge you, you end up in an information bubble.

It's a common problem among dictators and authoritarians.

But I have to say, most military experts I read or heard prior to the war predicted a very quick victory by the Russian military.
That's what bothers me most about this. There MUST have been a reason for him to do this and I sincerely believe that he (as well as everyone else) figured that Zelensky would just fold. The REALLY big question is why everyone thought that.

Putin and a couple of dozen oligarchs make all the decisions, more or less in an echo chamber environment.

Sounds like they talked themselves into thinking this was a cakewalk.
Probably lots of factors. Surely one of them is the fact than when you surround yourself with sycophants who are afraid to challenge you, you end up in an information bubble.

It's a common problem among dictators and authoritarians.

But I have to say, most military experts I read or heard prior to the war predicted a very quick victory by the Russian military.

Putin and a couple of dozen oligarchs make all the decisions, more or less in an echo chamber environment.

Sounds like they talked themselves into thinking this was a cakewalk.
I suspect that there was more to it than that. Biden's first offer to Zelensky was asylum so even this administration assumed that he'd fold.
That's what bothers me most about this. There MUST have been a reason for him to do this and I sincerely believe that he (as well as everyone else) figured that Zelensky would just fold. The REALLY big question is why everyone thought that.
Who was going to tell Putin the truth? If it’s true that the defense money was being pocketed who was gonna tell him this was a bad idea? Logistics and past military history, (the weather and the mud,) you would think someone would have said, “boss, we might should rethink this plan.”

They probably threw up their hands and said, “what’s the worst that could happen?”
I suspect that there was more to it than that. Biden's first offer to Zelensky was asylum so even this administration assumed that he'd fold.
As my post stated, "But I have to say, most military experts I read or heard prior to the war predicted a very quick victory by the Russian military."
Symantics. In some cases "mistake" suggests falling into a situation by accident. That was not the case here.

"Mistake" can also denote a miscalculation. That is clearly the case here.

Again, the article did not claim that the invasion, per se, was a mistake, but rather that his lack of understanding of the potential consequences were. His “mistake” was not understanding just how harshly the West would respond and thus, his mistake has set Russia back decades economically.
Up until this, he was doing fine: robbing billions from his various schemes and living like Midas wishes he could. The mistake was not the invasion, per se, but the lack of understanding of potential consequences. He invaded Ukraine ON PURPOSE. He made a long-term mistake by doing so.
Who was going to tell Putin the truth? If it’s true that the defense money was being pocketed who was gonna tell him this was a bad idea? Logistics and past military history, (the weather and the mud,) you would think someone would have said, “boss, we might should rethink this plan.”

They probably threw up their hands and said, “what’s the worst that could happen?”


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