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It must be bad and getting worse. (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
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May 5, 2019
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Biden's inability to take questions from the press. Especially when you consider most of the MSM is firmly in the Biden camp. He wouldn't take questions in his first appearance since the conventions, just read a teleprompter speech basically blaming Trump for virtually everything. Typical DNC propaganda.

Will he actually debate Trump?
September 29th is the first debate.
Biden's inability to take questions from the press. Especially when you consider most of the MSM is firmly in the Biden camp. He wouldn't take questions in his first appearance since the conventions, just read a teleprompter speech basically blaming Trump for virtually everything. Typical DNC propaganda.

Will he actually debate Trump?
The Biden campaign agreed to the debate sched long before Orangey did.
Biden's inability to take questions from the press. Especially when you consider most of the MSM is firmly in the Biden camp. He wouldn't take questions in his first appearance since the conventions, just read a teleprompter speech basically blaming Trump for virtually everything. Typical DNC propaganda.

Will he actually debate Trump?

Will trump debate Biden? If so, can you link to trump confirming he'll debate Biden?
Will trump debate Biden? If so, can you link to trump confirming he'll debate Biden?

I believe Trump made the suggestion of four debates, rather than three.

"President Trump has taken 555 more questions from reporters than presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden since mid-July as pressure mounts for the former vice president to face the media, according to a new study."

Study finds Trump took 700% more questions than Biden over month-long period | Fox News
Biden's inability to take questions from the press. Especially when you consider most of the MSM is firmly in the Biden camp. He wouldn't take questions in his first appearance since the conventions, just read a teleprompter speech basically blaming Trump for virtually everything. Typical DNC propaganda.

Will he actually debate Trump?
Yer a bit behind...

On Friday, Aug. 21, 2020, the day after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts conducted the first joint interviews with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris in Wilmington, Delaware. The interviews aired in a special edition of "20/20" called "The Ticket: The First Interview" on Sunday, Aug. 23.

TRANSCRIPT: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris''' first joint interview with ABC'''s Robin Roberts - ABC News
I believe Trump made the suggestion of four debates, rather than three.

"President Trump has taken 555 more questions from reporters than presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden since mid-July as pressure mounts for the former vice president to face the media, according to a new study."

Study finds Trump took 700% more questions than Biden over month-long period | Fox News

So you have no confirmation from Trump that he'll debate Biden. What you have is a..."suggestion."
I believe Trump made the suggestion of four debates, rather than three.
Uh, his campaign was making all sorts of weird demands...so that guys like you can claim Joe won't debate.

"President Trump has taken 555 more questions from reporters than presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden since mid-July
I hope so, he is supposed to be running the country and responding to the 4th estate.
So you have no confirmation from Trump that he'll debate Biden. What you have is a..."suggestion."

Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?
Yer a bit behind...

On Friday, Aug. 21, 2020, the day after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts conducted the first joint interviews with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris in Wilmington, Delaware. The interviews aired in a special edition of "20/20" called "The Ticket: The First Interview" on Sunday, Aug. 23.

TRANSCRIPT: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris''' first joint interview with ABC'''s Robin Roberts - ABC News

Canned. Edited. ABC news is notoriously liberal biased. I'm talking live. Joe has to actually respond correctly the first try.
Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?

I think Trump is incapable of a debate without an Audience. When he starts to flounder or get fact checked with no audience to applause or boo he is going to be sweating through his suit.
I think Trump is incapable of a debate without an Audience. When he starts to flounder or get fact checked with no audience to applause or boo he is going to be sweating through his suit.

He'll have an audience. The camera crew and most importantly, Joe.
Judging by his answers to the Ingraham interview, and a previous one some time back with Hannity, I'd think Trump's advisers are very nervous about the debates. Trump is liable to go full blown conspiracy theorist.
Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?

Yeah, we do. He'll try, but Joe can gaffe and all, and still beat that orange™ moron handily. It's why you're so desperately clinging to this made up narrative, because deep down, you know it too; hurts doesn't it? Good, I hope it does.
I believe Trump made the suggestion of four debates, rather than three.

"President Trump has taken 555 more questions from reporters than presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden since mid-July as pressure mounts for the former vice president to face the media, according to a new study."

Study finds Trump took 700% more questions than Biden over month-long period | Fox News

From an interview with President Trump saying Biden is controlled by people in "dark shadows"

"People that you’ve never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows” are pulling the strings of the former vice president."
"“There are people that are on the streets, there are people that are controlling the streets.”"

"We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend. And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that,” Trump said.

He added: “A lot of the people were on the plane to do big damage.”
Trump alleges Biden controlled by people in ‘dark shadows’ - POLITICO

And some are worried about Biden's mental status.:mrgreen:
Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?

I don't know that he has any intention of debating Biden because he won't confirm that he'll do so. Why is he afraid to confirm he'll debate Biden?
He'll have an audience. The camera crew and most importantly, Joe.

But he won't have his ego strokes for buffoonery like "kung flu"; he will be like a one legged man at an ass kicking contest. Not that he needs any disadvantage like that to get schooled.
From an interview with President Trump saying Biden is controlled by people in "dark shadows"

"People that you’ve never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows” are pulling the strings of the former vice president."
"“There are people that are on the streets, there are people that are controlling the streets.”"

"We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend. And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that,” Trump said.

He added: “A lot of the people were on the plane to do big damage.”
Trump alleges Biden controlled by people in ‘dark shadows’ - POLITICO

And some are worried about Biden's mental status.:mrgreen:

I guarantee most of Trump's drooling supporters actually believe that, too.

You know it's bad when Laura Ingraham, a confirmed Trump devotee, struggles with those words.
He'll have an audience. The camera crew and most importantly, Joe.

Not the type of Audience he needs. Clinton nailed Trump to the floor with facts and policy discussion in the debates. When he was flailing he resulted to one liner insults and attacks that got crowd responses. Without that he will be standing on a silent stage throwing insults.
Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?

LEts be completely honest. Trump has not learned a thing. He cannot answer policy questions. All he has, is his prejudices. And he cant even explain those well.
Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?

I do. Or rather, Trump is incapable of debating Joe without coming across as a completely inept clown. And due to the "anyone but Trump" vote this season, he has more to lose coming across as an inept clown than Joe does. Most Joe supporters would still vote for him even if he shot someone on 5th avenue just to be rid of Donald Trump.
Let's be completely honest here. Do you actually think Trump is incapable of debating Joe?

Would you want to defend his record?

Trump is sounding more unhinged by the day. I cant imagine ehat advsntage he would find in debating him, other than pray that Biden messes up. If you look at what his supporters say here, it seems like they recognize that that dips Trumo's only hope.
Not the type of Audience he needs. Clinton nailed Trump to the floor with facts and policy discussion in the debates. When he was flailing he resulted to one liner insults and attacks that got crowd responses. Without that he will be standing on a silent stage throwing insults.

If they mute him while Biden is talking, and vice versa, and they should, its all over.
I guarantee most of Trump's drooling supporters actually believe that, too.

You know it's bad when Laura Ingraham, a confirmed Trump devotee, struggles with those words.

I guarantee you, if Biden is actually elected, he WON"T be the one actually running things. Oh, he may think he is, but he won't.

"President Trump has taken 555 more questions from reporters than presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden since mid-July as pressure mounts for the former vice president to face the media, according to a new study."

Call me crazy, but that might have something to do with the fact that he's....THE PRESIDENT.

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