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It is time for the parties to go,,your vote does not count the party rules do (1 Viewer)


Feb 21, 2016
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here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

Cruz played by the rules. That Trump did not know the rules is not the parties fault, nor Cruz's fault.
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake. run don run

'The Party' decided diddly do in this. Rubio's delegates are free to go where they will once their candidate drops out. The rules have been inplace for awhile now, no surprises in this. How fair is it to force the delegates Rubio won to go to a candidate they detest???

I have to laugh at the Donald and his ego driven umbrage... He claims he can't give even a general opinion on 'gun' free zones until he reads the petition wanting open carry at the convention...

But he and his team somehow never bothered reading the rules on delegates???? His team was so busy bashing the 'party elite' he seemed to not connect the need to work with those who build the party platform with winning the nomination (a 'talent' he claims he had when building his casinos and such in democratic controlled eastern states... :confused: )

Face it this is more Whine Don Whine than anything else... :peace
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote


It's not like they changed the rules to benefit Cruz. Trump should've organized better to pick up the 5 unbound delegates that he should've known Louisiana had.
this is not about trump,although it is i guess,i find it quiet strange that voters are willing to turn their vote over to less then two hundred people,then why do we vote.
in an open primary i as an independent i can vote but if the state party wants to they can change the rules,and give the delegates to who they please. case in point ,what just happened in my state LOUISIANA.now the last time i checked we where still a constitutional republic.
then you have the closed primary where 23% of all reg voters (republicans) will choose who i will vote for, although i do not have a voice .now tell me how that is a representative government,i was not aware of these rules until i googled them and this looks like a scam to me and it has gone on long enough.

"It's not like they changed the rules" i looked in the constitution and i did not find any party rules listed,"not only is there a right to vote in the Constitution, but it’s the single right that appears most often in the Constitution’s text – five times in all. In fact, four separate Amendments – the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th – even use the same powerful language to protect it: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged " my vote is being denied ,both parties are in violation of the constitution,it is time for this to stop,party rules be damed.
Yes, There Is A Right To Vote In The Constitution | Constitutional Accountability Center

run don run

run don tun
i guess Louisiana giving cruz the most delegates when trump got the lion's share of the vote, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged .
the RNC and the DNC are both in violation of the constitution,this is nothing more then a scam ran by both parties , i was not aware of the rules and hopw easy either party can change them,this is a scam .
Yes, There Is A Right To Vote In The Constitution | Constitutional Accountability Center

run don run
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

yes, the party is a private organization and can do what it wants with the delegates.....you can't be denied the right to vote in a primary, but there's no obligation for the party to do anything past allowing you to vote.

you're free to dislike the way the party awards it's delegates.. but as it's an internal party matter, your opinion, and mine, is irrelevent
i guess Louisiana giving cruz the most delegates when trump got the lion's share of the vote, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged .
the RNC and the DNC are both in violation of the constitution,this is nothing more then a scam ran by both parties , i was not aware of the rules and hopw easy either party can change them,this is a scam .
Yes, There Is A Right To Vote In The Constitution | Constitutional Accountability Center

run don run

as long as they allowed people to vote, they have fulfilled their legal and constitutional obligation....the party is not obligated to abide by the voters whims or desires.
the government has no role in internal party policies.... the parties are private organizations.
Excuse me, but isn't this about La delegates?

here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

A better argument is, why are we paying for private parties (GOP and Dem) primaries with public funds?
If they're allowed to make their own rules, the should be required to pay their own way from donations and not tax dollars.
this is not about trump,although it is i guess,i find it quiet strange that voters are willing to turn their vote over to less then two hundred people,then why do we vote.
in an open primary i as an independent i can vote but if the state party wants to they can change the rules,and give the delegates to who they please. case in point ,what just happened in my state LOUISIANA.now the last time i checked we where still a constitutional republic.
then you have the closed primary where 23% of all reg voters (republicans) will choose who i will vote for, although i do not have a voice .now tell me how that is a representative government,i was not aware of these rules until i googled them and this looks like a scam to me and it has gone on long enough.

"It's not like they changed the rules" i looked in the constitution and i did not find any party rules listed,"not only is there a right to vote in the Constitution, but it’s the single right that appears most often in the Constitution’s text – five times in all. In fact, four separate Amendments – the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th – even use the same powerful language to protect it: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged " my vote is being denied ,both parties are in violation of the constitution,it is time for this to stop,party rules be damed.
Yes, There Is A Right To Vote In The Constitution | Constitutional Accountability Center

run don run

run don tun

Isn't it thought?

here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

Did Louisiana change how delegates would be assigned in their state's primaries OR did Trump simply not do enough to earn the delegate count outright? If other candidates were still on the primary ballot not because some mistake was made last minute (i.e., the Board of Registrars failed to remove his name from the ballot in time) but because he still qualified to be listed under the state's primary rules, then Trump just lost outright and the voters have nothing to complain about.

You may think that the primary voter's have been disenfranchised in some way, but if the rules were properly followed (and I'm sure they were), then there's no valid reason to be butt-hurt over this despite the perception of wrong doing. Just accept that your guy didn't do well and move on.

(Of course, I suspect there's an underlying reason Trump keeps calling foul every time he loses. It's because he wants those riots to happen and he's stirring the pot early and often hoping his supporters will be extremely pissed off by the time the Republican National Convention comes around.)
With the publicity this issue is getting - (and we have seen only a tiny drop compared to what will come out of Cleveland if they screw Trump) it will hopefully so alienate the Trump supporters from the GOP that they either go third party in November or simply stay home.

If they vote for Cruz or Ryan or whoever they put at the top of that ticket instead of Trump - his supporters would only be rewarding such shenanigans if they vote GOP. Not to even mention the utter laughter from the GOP elite knowing they shoved it to Trump and his supporters but good but they still voted their way just the same.

There is only one way to make them pay for this.
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

There are many reasons people join political parties and some of those reasons are important enough that people will overlook the treatment they receive from those parties. So don't think these parties are going to go away anytime soon. The useful idiots don't want that to happen and the party leaders are making too much money to let that happen.
A better argument is, why are we paying for private parties (GOP and Dem) primaries with public funds?
If they're allowed to make their own rules, the should be required to pay their own way from donations and not tax dollars.

I agree with your viewpoint, but it's off-topic to this thread.
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

The Trump campaign has been amateur hour - kids edition. The guy has not done what it takes to win the election, let alone win the nomination. He is ill-prepared as a candidate and scarily ill-prepared to be leader of the free world. Fortunately, it seems survival of the fittest is at work here as the "process" is cleansing itself of the weak in natural order.
here in Louisiana trump got the majority of the vote ,yet the party decided cruz should get the lion's share of the delegates .
so your vote does not count it is all about the party and what the party wants,the voters can eat cake.

run don run

Looks like you have a problem with the Republican Party specifically. Yet you titled your post that both parties had to go. Why no mention of democrats? I see you are a Trump supporter... That explains it.
The Trump campaign has been amateur hour - kids edition. The guy has not done what it takes to win the election, let alone win the nomination. He is ill-prepared as a candidate and scarily ill-prepared to be leader of the free world. Fortunately, it seems survival of the fittest is at work here as the "process" is cleansing itself of the weak in natural order.

no this is the establishment cutting their own throat,you might as well get over it man ,trump will win on the first ballot,and if it goes to a sec ballot the RNC will shatter .
as for trump being ill prepared ,compared to who ,gw bush or obama,you people are whistling past the graveyard,you believe your own bs,i find this funny,the rnc needs to take a powder and get ready for president donald trump.
you can bet the republican party has lost this voter and i vote ,the rnc is like the rest of the washington establishment out of touch with the real AMERICA,they had better get on board it is up to them they and win with trump or they will loose .
run don run

run don run
then...make your own. fact is the 'parties' were made by people, nothing stopping anyone from starting their own.

TRUMP 2016

let's burn this castle down.
no this is the establishment cutting their own throat,you might as well get over it man ,trump will win on the first ballot,and if it goes to a sec ballot the RNC will shatter .
as for trump being ill prepared ,compared to who ,gw bush or obama,you people are whistling past the graveyard,you believe your own bs,i find this funny,the rnc needs to take a powder and get ready for president donald trump.
you can bet the republican party has lost this voter and i vote ,the rnc is like the rest of the washington establishment out of touch with the real AMERICA,they had better get on board it is up to them they and win with trump or they will loose .
run don run

run don run

The Republican party is NOT going to win with or without Trump. In either case, its going to be pretty ugly.

I am sorry you don't see the obvious difference in preparation between Trump and previous candidates, including Bush and Obama. The latter two at least did their homework; they could speak coherently about the world issues and domestic policy. You might not agree with it, but it was thought out and offered up for debate. Trump has no clue about the world or economics. His whole campaign is based on personal impressions and conveyed as "trust me, I'll be great". Sorry, that is the closing speech of a used car salesman, which at end of the day is all Trump is.

Trump is a buffoon and he seems to have cornered the market of the less educated voter as his base. Many of them have no clue what the prerequisites are for President, or he won't have even the 40% of the Republican party support he has (which translates, btw, to less than 10% support of the electorate, as 40% of a 40% party multiplied by the 50% that actually participate in primaries is 8%). If he loses Wisconisin, and he will, it will be very, very difficult (to nearly impossible) to win on the 1st ballot.

Trump is flaming out and he may take the Republican party down with him. The party may survive, but it will have serious injuries.

The party should have either listened to its own autopsy and made changes OR it needs to run its wack-a-doo Conservatives, such as Cruz, get thumped at the polls and get that out of its system. The Conservative republican platform is not marketable at the POTUS level. One of these days they will learn that.
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i understant that man i am not brain dead although i am a trump voter,you make my point for me,as for the party the rnc is brain dead if they thank i will vote for their choice .
i guess the rnc would rather have bernie or hillary then trump,i wonder why,they are loosing their grip and we are seeing the death of the republican party as we know it and anyone that accepts this rules and the RNC's smoke and mirrors bs is still living in 1972.
again i looked for the rnc rules in the constitution and i found none,although i did find the right to vote,this whole party process is nothing but a scam,it has worked for a long time but that is over the party can forget my vote if they do this,and i sure am not alone.
so i ask you why would the rnc rather have hillary then trump,hillary will keep the status-quo with K STREET,AND THE WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT is why.
pox on both parties.
run don run
hellary will be indicted and bernie will loose big time,all this liberal hyperbole about trump is just so much wishful thanking on the left's part ,you might want to get that ticket to Canada,it will be president trump.

run don run
i looked and looked in the constitution and could find no mention of the RNC or the DNC rules,this party system is unconstitutional ,and will be the end of the parties as we know them and their rules.
i guess you thank it is ok for the RNC and the DNC to disenfranchise voters in the name of their party rules,are you kidding me,surly you jest.

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