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"It ends now" (NY subway mass shooting) (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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I suppose the point is to be very firm against mass shootings, but (I believe that) rhetoric after a highly emotional event doesn't usually end up getting the job started, and it surely doesn't get the job done. If you want to argue about the gun control aspect of this, this isn't the thread for that. Remind me if I forget. Or if it goes that way, a moderator could move this thread.
I suppose the point is to be very firm against mass shootings, but (I believe that) rhetoric after a highly emotional event doesn't usually end up getting the job started, and it surely doesn't get the job done. If you want to argue about the gun control aspect of this, this isn't the thread for that. Remind me if I forget. Or if it goes that way, a moderator could move this thread.
Did you watch the youtube video by the latest mass shooter who is still on the loose in Brooklyn?

How do you propose to stop people from becoming as full of anger, hatred and the urge for annihilation as he is?
Did you watch the youtube video by the latest mass shooter who is still on the loose in Brooklyn?

No, I'm listening to Democracy Now! discussing it.

How do you propose to stop people from becoming as full of anger, hatred and the urge for annihilation as he is?

Progressive principles. The US Green Party platform would be a good start.
No, I'm listening to Democracy Now! discussing it.

Progressive principles. The US Green Party platform would be a good start.
You should watch it.

What does "Progressive principles" mean? I'm not familiar with the Green Party platform, so educate me (in a nutshell, please).
Her rhetoric and its ultimate effectiveness?
I don't see any "her" mentioned in the OP? Are you talking about Amy Goodman from a show mentioned in a later post? What rhetoric, the three words in the thread title? Not sure that counts as rhetoric much or what its effect is supposed to be?
Did you watch the youtube video by the latest mass shooter who is still on the loose in Brooklyn?

How do you propose to stop people from becoming as full of anger, hatred and the urge for annihilation as he is?
We've been given the plan for that time and again for the past 15 years. The key is to get rid of white people, especially Christian, heterosexual males.
Talk is cheap...the ONLY way to stop violence is to change people's hearts...no gun control, no amount of laws punishing the criminal, can do that...
I suppose the point is to be very firm against mass shootings, but (I believe that) rhetoric after a highly emotional event doesn't usually end up getting the job started, and it surely doesn't get the job done. If you want to argue about the gun control aspect of this, this isn't the thread for that. Remind me if I forget. Or if it goes that way, a moderator could move this thread.
Some of us have no clue what you are talking about.
I don't see any "her" mentioned in the OP? Are you talking about Amy Goodman from a show mentioned in a later post? What rhetoric, the three words in the thread title? Not sure that counts as rhetoric much or what its effect is supposed to be?
New York governor Hochul sounded as if she took one too many valium before making her rant. Never try a Come to Jesus speech when you don't believe in Jesus. It was hollow. Tinny. Out of place. She spoke to no one.
Talk is cheap...the ONLY way to stop violence is to change people's hearts...no gun control, no amount of laws punishing the criminal, can do that...
Both, not one or the other. There's a lot of work to be done.
I suppose the point is to be very firm against mass shootings, but (I believe that) rhetoric after a highly emotional event doesn't usually end up getting the job started, and it surely doesn't get the job done. If you want to argue about the gun control aspect of this, this isn't the thread for that. Remind me if I forget. Or if it goes that way, a moderator could move this thread.
It's not going to end now. We'll see more radicalized black extremists/nationalist attacks. Go find the NYC (alleged) attacker's social media postings. He is radicalized by all things from Farrakhan to BLM and everything in between.
Talk is cheap...the ONLY way to stop violence is to change people's hearts...no gun control, no amount of laws punishing the criminal, can do that...
With no offense, changing people's hearts would leave a lot of violence happening, and both gun control and law enforcement can save a lot of lives.
It's not going to end now. We'll see more radicalized black extremists/nationalist attacks. Go find the NYC (alleged) attacker's social media postings. He is radicalized by all things from Farrakhan to BLM and everything in between.
And the reason for that, apparently, is endemic white supremacy stemming from a nation that was founded based on the intent to enslave people of color. The only way we can fix the problem is to get rid of white people.
Talk is cheap...the ONLY way to stop violence is to change people's hearts...no gun control, no amount of laws punishing the criminal, can do that...
Most people are non-violent most of the time, violence is an outlier. Until we start treating violent people for the underlying mental illness, nothing will change.

You can still jail someone for acts of violence, while recognizing it is an illness. Being mentally ill is not always the same as the legal burden of an insanity defense. Criminality in general is an outlier, most "normal" people don't go about being criminals.

We need to see things for what they are.
It's not going to end now. We'll see more radicalized black extremists/nationalist attacks. Go find the NYC (alleged) attacker's social media postings. He is radicalized by all things from Farrakhan to BLM and everything in between.
I only watched the first half, til he warned the second vid was going to be graphic. Is that where the Farrakhan and BLM stuff was? Tell me what he said except rave about gay social workers and his own self hate?
I suppose the point is to be very firm against mass shootings, but (I believe that) rhetoric after a highly emotional event doesn't usually end up getting the job started, and it surely doesn't get the job done. If you want to argue about the gun control aspect of this, this isn't the thread for that. Remind me if I forget. Or if it goes that way, a moderator could move this thread.
We've been given the plan for that time and again for the past 15 years. The key is to get rid of white people, especially Christian, heterosexual males.

"Wake up, White people!"
And the reason for that, apparently, is endemic white supremacy stemming from a nation that was founded based on the intent to enslave people of color. The only way we can fix the problem is to get rid of white people.

You're really trying to make this about race instead of violence, huh?
It's not going to end now. We'll see more radicalized black extremists/nationalist attacks. Go find the NYC (alleged) attacker's social media postings. He is radicalized by all things from Farrakhan to BLM and everything in between.

There is no solution.

In fact, the situation will only get worse in the coming decades.

So all this violence is something that people who live in American cities will have to get used to.

Actually, the violence and breakdown of American society in the coming decades will make today's unpleasantness look like child's play.

The only "solution" is to emigrate, which some Americans will be doing as this century progresses.

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