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It’s a cult. Proof here. (1 Viewer)


Sophisticated man-about-town
DP Veteran
Mar 31, 2013
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The city Fox News viewers are afraid to travel to
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The hallmarks of a cult have been there for a while. Kowtowing praise to Dear Leader, dismissal that many of his close associates are criminals who have been convicted or indicted, pretending Russian cooperation in the election wasn’t real, etc, etc.

But this poll tells the whole story.

Only 909 people died at Jonestown. 175k died so far from this. But apparently for the majority of Trumpers....thats OK.


Republicans see U.S. as better off now than 4 years ago ahead of convention — Battleground Tracker poll

This new poll must really upset the perpetually aggrieved, aka the butt hurt anti-Trump cultists.

Republicans see an America — to borrow Ronald Reagan's famous test — better off today than it was four years ago, mainly, they say, because of their confidence in President Trump.
For most Republicans, America is a nation where the economy is still fairly good, where the effort to handle the coronavirus is going at least somewhat well and the president is doing a very good job on it. For them, the virus elicits less concern in the first place. They believe the 170,000 fatalities is an overstated count and one which, for many, can so far be considered acceptable. And it is a nation where, for an overwhelming number of Republicans, there has been too much focus on racial discrimination of late.

Sad but true, most of the Covid-19 deaths came from blue states' crappy governance. But let's blame Trump and his supporters for telling the truth about this....
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The cultists think all the deaths happened in blue states. As every single person who lives in a blue state definitely voted Democrat, these losses are acceptable.
The cultists think all the deaths happened in blue states. As every single person who lives in a blue state definitely voted Democrat, these losses are acceptable.

Don't forget that it's acceptable to ignore natural disasters in blue states for as long as possible for the exact same reason.

Republicans see U.S. as better off now than 4 years ago ahead of convention — Battleground Tracker poll

This new poll must really upset the perpetually aggrieved, aka the butt hurt anti-Trump cultists.

Republicans see an America — to borrow Ronald Reagan's famous test — better off today than it was four years ago, mainly, they say, because of their confidence in President Trump.
For most Republicans, America is a nation where the economy is still fairly good, where the effort to handle the coronavirus is going at least somewhat well and the president is doing a very good job on it. For them, the virus elicits less concern in the first place. They believe the 170,000 fatalities is an overstated count and one which, for many, can so far be considered acceptable.

If Republicans actually think that, then they’re even more disconnected from reality that I thought.
Don't forget that it's acceptable to ignore natural disasters in blue states for as long as possible for the exact same reason.

...or Puerto Rico, which really was a disaster the DT Administration ignored.
Joe Biden said Democrats will not longer accept facts and his continues to be proven accurate about both.

The poll shows that most Republicans accept reality and 90% of Democrats don't.

Republicans see U.S. as better off now than 4 years ago ahead of convention — Battleground Tracker poll

This new poll must really upset the perpetually aggrieved, aka the butt hurt anti-Trump cultists.

How insane do you have to be to think we are better off now than we were four years ago?

Economy- trashed.

Pandemic- uncontrolled (unlike the rest of the developed world)

Unemployment- double digits

Foreign relations- at the bottom for all countries except maybe Russia, NK and Brazil.

Income inequality- record levels

Deficit and debt- higher than ever and getting worse
The hallmarks of a cult have been there for a while. Kowtowing praise to Dear Leader, dismissal that many of his close associates are criminals who have been convicted or indicted, pretending Russian cooperation in the election wasn’t real, etc, etc.

But this poll tells the whole story.

Only 909 people died at Jonestown. 175k died so far from this. But apparently for the majority of Trumpers....thats OK.


The sheep are the folks that think Trump killed all the kung flu victims. :lamo

Comparing the kung flu deaths to Jonestown?? You can't make this **** up! :lamo
Re: It’s a cult. Proof here.


1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.

2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.

3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.

4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.

5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.

7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.

8. Followers feel they can never be "good enough".

9. The group/leader is always right.

10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
Warning Signs

I mean, come on, outside of its mostly secular nature, the MAGA crap is straight up cult-like.
I suspect that for many of these folks there is no number where the death toll become unacceptable.

Except, perhaps, one.
How on Earth does this disprove the OP's point? It only confirms it.

The people who died from the kung flu didn't ****ing commit suicide and weren't murdered! That's what's wrong with the OP. That's the most idiotic comparison you people have come up with, certainly since the pandemic started and probably ever.
The hallmarks of a cult have been there for a while. Kowtowing praise to Dear Leader, dismissal that many of his close associates are criminals who have been convicted or indicted, pretending Russian cooperation in the election wasn’t real, etc, etc.

But this poll tells the whole story.

Only 909 people died at Jonestown. 175k died so far from this. But apparently for the majority of Trumpers....thats OK.


Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel took issue with the “unfair” poll in an interview on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “There is nobody in this country, starting with the president of the United States, who wants to see people pass away from this global pandemic,” she said. “Republicans do not want to see people suffering from this pandemic.”

Most Republicans say that 176,000 coronavirus deaths are ‘acceptable,’ new CBS poll shows - MarketWatch
How insane do you have to be to think we are better off now than we were four years ago?

Economy- trashed.

Pandemic- uncontrolled (unlike the rest of the developed world)

Unemployment- double digits

Foreign relations- at the bottom for all countries except maybe Russia, NK and Brazil.

Income inequality- record levels

Deficit and debt- higher than ever and getting worse

You need to live in the right wing alternate reality that enables and caters to the mental illness of Trump. Apparently that is a good number of people.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel took issue with the “unfair” poll in an interview on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “There is nobody in this country, starting with the president of the United States, who wants to see people pass away from this global pandemic,” she said. “Republicans do not want to see people suffering from this pandemic.”

Most Republicans say that 176,000 coronavirus deaths are ‘acceptable,’ new CBS poll shows - MarketWatch

Well I guess she wasn’t one of the 57%
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel took issue with the “unfair” poll in an interview on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “There is nobody in this country, starting with the president of the United States, who wants to see people pass away from this global pandemic,” she said. “Republicans do not want to see people suffering from this pandemic.”

Most Republicans say that 176,000 coronavirus deaths are ‘acceptable,’ new CBS poll shows - MarketWatch

“Ronna McDaniel said.......”

The people who died from the kung flu didn't ****ing commit suicide and weren't murdered! That's what's wrong with the OP. That's the most idiotic comparison you people have come up with, certainly since the pandemic started and probably ever.

Those 176,000 covid victims also didn't die in Guyana. That doesn't mean there aren't meaningful comparisons to be made. This whole situation is a test of how blindly loyal the Magats are to Dear Leader.
I suspect that for many of these folks there is no number where the death toll become unacceptable.

Except, perhaps, one.

Actually, for most of us, we know there's no controlling Mother Nature. :lamo

You people act like someone is going to snap! Make a decision and the virus will go away and not one will die from it anymore.

TDS is really a mental disorder...LMAO
The people who died from the kung flu didn't ****ing commit suicide and weren't murdered! That's what's wrong with the OP. That's the most idiotic comparison you people have come up with, certainly since the pandemic started and probably ever.

Not as idiotic as...,saying 175k COVID deaths are ‘acceptable’.

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