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ISW - Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 7 (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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ISW - Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 7

Key Takeaways
  • Western and Russian reports of fractures within the Kremlin are gaining traction within the Russian information space, undermining the appearance of stability of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin may have waited to announce that he had replaced Eastern Military District Commander Chaiko until he needed to use Chaiko as a scapegoat.
  • Ukrainian forces likely continued counteroffensive operations along the Kreminna-Svatove road in western Luhansk Oblast.
  • Russian forces continued to establish defensive positions in northern Kherson Oblast, and Ukrainian and Russian sources reported ongoing battles north and northwest of Kherson City.
  • Russian forces continued ground attacks in Donetsk Oblast.
  • Anecdotal reports of poor conditions for mobilized personnel in the Russian information space are continuing to fuel the accurate narrative of Kremlin and Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) incompetence.
  • Russian officials offered basic concessions for mobilized men and their families on October 7 but continue to rely on local governments and other non-federal institutions to provide support.
  • Russian occupation authorities in Donetsk Oblast are continuing to forcibly mobilize Ukrainian civilians, belying Russian claims that residents of newly-annexed territories will not be mobilized.
  • Ukrainian officials in newly liberated Kharkiv Oblast continue to uncover Russian torture chambers and other human rights abuses.
  • Russian occupation officials have likely failed to repair necessary civilian infrastructure in occupied and illegally-annexed parts of Ukraine in time for winter as temperatures drop.

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Ukrainian soldiers are defending the eastern industrial town of Bakhmut as Moscow-backed separatist forces in the war-battered Donetsk region advance after recapturing a series of villages nearby.

Russia said the blast set ablaze seven oil tankers by transported by train and collapsed two car lanes of the giant road and rail structure.

Lieutenant General Rustam Muradov had been appointed to lead the Eastern Military District replacing Colonel General Aleksandr Chaiko.

The Kyiv Post also tweeted that a mass grave was found in Lyman “where 180 bodies are buried”, including very young children.

Starlink apparently was not active by design in Russian occupied areas in the east.

Russia is using social media network Telegram to help it bypass telltale signs that would identify content as Moscow-backed propaganda.

In the short video, one can see tanker railroad cars afire on the elevated tracks and a portion of two vehicle lanes has separated from the roadway and is now partially laying in the Sea of Azov.

The registered owner of the truck that exploded on the bridge reportedly lives in the Krasnodar region of southwestern Russia.


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