Hagar searching for water is an scene re-enacted by all good Muslims during the time in Mecca, a journey every Muslim must complete once in their life time. Hagars frantic race between two mounds in the desert seeking water for herself and her son is experienced down to the pace one must travel between the mounds, to know what Hagar must have felt. This is when Gabriel appeared and founded the well that saved Hagar and her son who later went on to found the Muslim Faith. The well of water that saved Hagar and her son still flows today and is considered a most sacred place, one of the largest houses of worship was built in the valley between two mounds.
The link between these 2 religions is obvious, the only place sacred to both faiths is The Temple Of Abraham, here no fighting occurs, as the site is most holy. If this is not enough to fuel a land dispute biblically speaking what is? This is the reason for this war, the land of the Temple of the father to both religions.
The irony of the whole situation is that the Muslim faith built the temple that the Jewish faith deems it inheritance and birth right.
In reguards to where I first heard this story here is a link to those transcripts:
Here is the part I based this debate upon.
LEE WEBB: I think you could probably make the case that we're probably going to be a bit pro -- more pro-Israel than other media outlets.
LEE WEBB: Well, I think that by and large, the production staff and the editorial staff have here believes, from a Biblical point of view, that Israel has a right to the land.
TERENCE SMITH: So, well, that gets to the essence, doesn't it, that your beliefs on a given subject filter or affect the coverage?
LEE WEBB: Yeah. And I'm not sure -- I'm not going to apologize for that, either.
TERENCE SMITH: Sanford Ungar worries how that will affect news consumers.
SANFORD UNGAR: The practitioners of Christian journalism would like to influence people, would like to convince them of a reality as they see it and they seem to be fairly direct and candid about that. And it does concern me if we are attempting to have a public dialogue on matters of policy, on events in this country and in the world.
LEE WEBB: We are grateful for the opportunity to be here today and report the news.
TERENCE SMITH: Meanwhile, Christian news organizations are reaching more and more people, and though they may be preaching to the choir, it is a choir that is growing larger every day.