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Israeli Elections (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 25, 2005
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New Haven, CT
Political Leaning
So, Israel is having an election tomorrow, and I thought I'd start a thread about it. Some very interesting developments have occured politically.

A new centrist political party, Kadima, will probably win. Whereas there were previously 2 major parties and lots of little ones, there are now 3 major parties. From what I hear, the debate has been far less partisan and nasty as usual.

I think that the 3 parties won't last for long. Kadima is likely to replace likud as the second party, and labor might be replaced as well.

I think its interesting that Sharon's illness and the election of Hamas has not changed Israeli's minds in terms of who to vote for. I'm optumistic about the direction in which this is going.
So you were right with your optimism, weren't you? At least most votes went to the more moderate parties. With Likud being number 5 it is not actually one of the big 3 anymore.

I don't know about the future of Kadima, but Labor looks stable to me at the moment.
For Shimon Peres to leave the party was not bad for them, they were winning some profile.
Volker said:
So you were right with your optimism, weren't you? At least most votes went to the more moderate parties. With Likud being number 5 it is not actually one of the big 3 anymore.

I don't know about the future of Kadima, but Labor looks stable to me at the moment.
For Shimon Peres to leave the party was not bad for them, they were winning some profile.

Indeed ,its great to see Likud lose all those seats after everything theve done to the Palestinan people. From what ive heard Kadima and Labour are likely to treat the palestinans in a much more progressive way. Ild imagine social policy would improve as well due to the fact that Labour and the Pensioners party will probably be part of the new government. If theres any Israelis out there ild be intrested to hear who they voted for and why as israeli politics is something i need to learn more about.
Yes, this would be the logical results of this election. Pensioner party as part of the coalition would bring a more stable government. So with decisions to be made in the next years, there should be a safe majority in the government coalition, so ministers or deputies, who go to opposition during legislative period would not lead to new elections.
superskippy said:
Because we can repel those who try to detroy us.
"F***in'-A, man."

:lol: Dude, that's the second 'Aliens' quote you've set me up for in as many days!
Likud, all the way, Jobys official prediction is.

Was it "aliens" that sigourneys *** hangs out at the end, or was that "alien"?Seriouisly, I've never seen those movies before 1 AM, and they all kinda blend together in my mind.
:lol: Depends on what you count as a reasonable display of arse. At the end of the first one she strips down to get into the spacesuit, at the end of the second it's before hopping into the cryosleep chamber thing.

(Well check this out, 'arse' the British word passes the censor software, while the American '***' does not.)
I am at a loss myself, this is scary!:shock:
superskippy said:
What are you talking about?
Check the thread Chechen extremist group BORZ2 took responsibility for murdering US cops in the 'War on Terror' forum. Second time I've had the opportunity to quote a line from the movie 'Aliens', both after a post from you. :smile:
JamesRichards said:
:lol: Depends on what you count as a reasonable display of arse. At the end of the first one she strips down to get into the spacesuit, at the end of the second it's before hopping into the cryosleep chamber thing.

(Well check this out, 'arse' the British word passes the censor software, while the American '***' does not.)

First one then. I must have never seen the end of the 2nd, but I did see the third and resurrection (though i was very, very high at the time)

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