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Israeli company supports Arab Port deal..... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

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Israeli company endorses port deal

Thursday, March 2, 2006; Posted: 3:35 p.m. EST (20:35 GMT)

The Port of New Orleans is one of six facilities that would be affected by DP World's takeover deal. WATCH Browse/Search

Israeli company endorses port deal
CEO pens pro-deal letter to Sen. Clinton; UK court OKs merger

Thursday, March 2, 2006; Posted: 3:35 p.m. EST (20:35 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The chairman of Israel's largest shipping firm has strongly backed a deal that would give a Dubai-based shipping company control of several U.S. port terminals.

The revelation comes as Britain's Royal Court of Justice tentatively approved the $6.8 billion merger between DP World and Britain's P&O, the current operator of terminals at six key U.S. ports.

But pending an appeal by U.S.-based cargo handler Eller & Co., the judge has stayed that approval until 3 p.m. Friday. And DP World has agreed not to assume control of P&O's port operations until a 45-day security review can take place.

In a letter to Sen. Hillary Clinton, obtained exclusively by CNN, Israel's Zim Integrated Shipping Services CEO, Idon Ofer, called DP World a strong business partner, despite the United Arab Emirates' boycott of Israel. (Read the letter -- PDF)

"During our long association with DP World, we have not experienced a single security issue in these ports or in any of the terminals operated by DP World," Ofer said in a letter written February 22. "We are proud to be associated with DP World and look forward to working with them into the future."

Ofer said his company sends its ships into Dubai's ports with other countries' flags to skirt the boycott with Dubai and other Arab countries that do not have formal diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. Jordan and Egypt are the only Arab countries with diplomatic ties to Israel. (Watch Anti-Defamation League offer an opposing view -- 1:57)

Clinton is a leading opponent of the proposed deal and has joined other senators, including Sen. Charles Schumer, another New York Democrat, in introducing legislation to ban companies owned by foreign governments from controlling U.S. port operations.

Ofer told CNN he plans to send a letter

Manage Alerts | What Is This? WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The chairman of Israel's largest shipping firm has strongly backed a deal that would give a Dubai-based shipping company control of several U.S. port terminals.

The revelation comes as Britain's Royal Court of Justice tentatively approved the $6.8 billion merger between DP World and Britain's P&O, the current operator of terminals at six key U.S. ports.

But pending an appeal by U.S.-based cargo handler Eller & Co., the judge has stayed that approval until 3 p.m. Friday. And DP World has agreed not to assume control of P&O's port operations until a 45-day security review can take place.

In a letter to Sen. Hillary Clinton, obtained exclusively by CNN, Israel's Zim Integrated Shipping Services CEO, Idon Ofer, called DP World a strong business partner, despite the United Arab Emirates' boycott of Israel. (Read the letter -- PDF)

"During our long association with DP World, we have not experienced a single security issue in these ports or in any of the terminals operated by DP World," Ofer said in a letter written February 22. "We are proud to be associated with DP World and look forward to working with them into the future."

Ofer said his company sends its ships into Dubai's ports with other countries' flags to skirt the boycott with Dubai and other Arab countries that do not have formal diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. Jordan and Egypt are the only Arab countries with diplomatic ties to Israel. (Watch Anti-Defamation League offer an opposing view -- 1:57)

Clinton is a leading opponent of the proposed deal and has joined other senators, including Sen. Charles Schumer, another New York Democrat, in introducing legislation to ban companies owned by foreign governments from controlling U.S. port operations.

Ofer told CNN he plans to send a letter
I wonder if this company plans on buying a US port too?I do not care that Israel is one of our allies.Ports hould be ran,owned and operated by America and only America.

I do not care that no-one complained when a British company was running the ports.Most people proably were not even aware of who ran,operated and or owned the ports.

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