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Israel 'ready' to strike Iran (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

Israel has conducted military exercises for a pre-emptive strike against several of Iran's nuclear power facilities and is ready to attack if Russia supplies Iran with rods for enriching uranium, Israeli officials told reporters.

An Israeli defense source in Tel Aviv told the London Sunday Times, which first published the story, that "Israel will on no account permit Iranian reactors – especially the one being built in Bushehr with Russian help – to go critical."

The source was also quoted as saying that any strike on Iran's reactors would probably be carried out by long-range F-15I jets, flying over Turkey, with simultaneous operations by commandos on the ground.
I have to say... if Israel attacks Iran you can kiss any thought of stability in the region good bye. (Not that it's all that stable now)
When Isreal attacks Iran it is going to be then end of some Jihad Towel Head wearing SOBS.


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Isreal should sit down and shut up and if there is some real evidence to any of this Nuke talk... Then let the US bomb those sites and be done with it. The fact this has not already occured leads me to belive the whole thing is a push for way to invade the country. IF Americans set foot in Iran the whole region will meltdown completey. Its just insane.
I'd like to ask a question about this topic .... Why is everyone against Iran in this issue while Israel has its own nuclear agenda ... Iran said that their goal is nuclear energy while Israel is developing nuclear warheads ... not that I'm with Iran's nuclear agenda , but I would like to see your take on this point .....:2wave:
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If anyone has a right to :nukeum: I think Israel would have more sayso in it than anyone else. They ought to get first dibs. Israel is some bad :shoot 's.

I wonder if the US will nuke Iran first. Being as the Vice President asked the JCoS to come up with a Plan of Action on how to execute the nuking of 450+ targets in Iran.

Good news is I guess no draft right? :rofl
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
If anyone has a right to :nukeum: I think Israel would have more sayso in it than anyone else. They ought to get first dibs. Israel is some bad :shoot 's.

I wonder if the US will nuke Iran first. Being as the Vice President asked the JCoS to come up with a Plan of Action on how to execute the nuking of 450+ targets in Iran.

Good news is I guess no draft right? :rofl

Well what do you mean by U.S nuking Iran ? If you mean with nuclear warheads , then that's really outragous ... but I don't think the U.S government is stupid to do such thing
I like it.............Go get them Israel!!!!!
Oh yeah, Israel bombing Iran...that's really gonna solve things in the Mid East. That would absolutely be the stupidest thing Israel or the U.S. could do. The only result of such an action would be to garner support for terrorism world-wide.
Well, Israel took out Iraq's reactor in 1981 and the world didn't come to an end.
mustafa said:
not worth replying ...


In International relations this attitude goes nowhere
AliG said:

In International relations this attitude goes nowhere
Did you read his post ?
what about his attitude huh ?

Spare me will ya
mustafa said:
I'd like to ask a question about this topic .... Why is everyone against Iran in this issue while Israel has its own nuclear agenda ... Iran said that their goal is nuclear energy while Israel is developing nuclear warheads ... not that I'm with Iran's nuclear agenda , but I would like to see your take on this point .....:2wave:
:2wave: :2wave:
If it were necessary, I say nuke Iran... I mean we have all these nuclear warheads that we don't plan on using anytime soon... so why not use them just in case they might expire.
KevinWan said:
If it were necessary, I say nuke Iran... I mean we have all these nuclear warheads that we don't plan on using anytime soon... so why not use them just in case they might expire.
:eek: You're obviosely ignorant of the whole issue and the consequences of such act .... what a narrow minded post!!!
can I ask u something ? are you high
mustafa said:
I'd like to ask a question about this topic .... Why is everyone against Iran in this issue while Israel has its own nuclear agenda ... Iran said that their goal is nuclear energy while Israel is developing nuclear warheads ... not that I'm with Iran's nuclear agenda , but I would like to see your take on this point .....:2wave:

Could it be that Iran supports, encourages and finances every terrorist group that wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth?
CSA_TX said:
When Isreal attacks Iran it is going to be then end of some Jihad Towel Head wearing SOBS.

Right because you know, just because they've got a piece of cloth around their head (commonly known as "Turbin") they deserve to die.

Let's point and laugh because they are different!! /end sarcasm
MiamiFlorida said:
Could it be that Iran supports, encourages and finances every terrorist group that wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth?
you still didn't answer me bro .... IF Iran is supporting terrorists that want to blow Israel like you claimed , what does it have to do with the nuclear agenda of both countries ... Israel has nuclear warheads and Iranians are saying they want nuclear power only for energy .. then why are you people against Iran and supporting Israel ???
mustafa said:
you still didn't answer me bro .... IF Iran is supporting terrorists that want to blow Israel like you claimed , what does it have to do with the nuclear agenda of both countries ... Israel has nuclear warheads and Iranians are saying they want nuclear power only for energy .. then why are you people against Iran and supporting Israel ???

I think my answer was loud and clear.

And it has A LOT to do with Iran's nuclear agenda.

If your neighbor spent the better part of 25 years telling the whole world he's going to blow up your house, and all of a sudden he purchases a ton of dynamite for a flower garden...it would make you uneasy, wouldn't it?

And with all the oil that Iran has......at a cost of something like 2 cents a gallon.....don't you wonder why the nuclear plant? I do....and so does the rest of the world.
MiamiFlorida said:
I think my answer was loud and clear.

And it has A LOT to do with Iran's nuclear agenda.

If your neighbor spent the better part of 25 years telling the whole world he's going to blow up your house, and all of a sudden he purchases a ton of dynamite for a flower garden...it would make you uneasy, wouldn't it?

And with all the oil that Iran has......at a cost of something like 2 cents a gallon.....don't you wonder why the nuclear plant? I do....and so does the rest of the world.

Alas you lack sources for your rambles. I haven't heard a single statement of Iran wanting to blow a hole in Isreal, nor have I heard they're able to buy Gasoline for 2 Cents a Gallon... Too bad they don't use either units (Cents and Gallons)
Arch Enemy said:
Alas you lack sources for your rambles. I haven't heard a single statement of Iran wanting to blow a hole in Isreal, nor have I heard they're able to buy Gasoline for 2 Cents a Gallon... Too bad they don't use either units (Cents and Gallons)

You haven't heard a single statement?...... I see...that's enough to qualify as a ramble?

Don't you have to go to the barbershop again?





Abu Nidal organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
‘Asbat al-Ansar
Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG)
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Hizballah (Party of God)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) (Army of Mohammed)
Al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
This is the "today's news" forum, but this article is from 2004...

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