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Islamic resources (1 Viewer)

Feb 9, 2006
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you call my god false; i call your god false.
you deny the quran; i deny the gospel

will this actually get us anywhere?
Pastor Deacon Fred

Most members of this congregation have never seen a Mooslim in person. You've seen them on the news, blowing up buildings, and in movies, stealing babies and killing Christians. I've seen a few of these so-called "people," up close when I've visited the Holy Land. You don't want to get too close, because they don't use deodorant and they sweat garlic. It's not pleasant. They smell as bad as Injuns. And they're just plain mean to everyone. <snip>


what fire? do you think some random redneck making a speech about something he has no idea about is going to make a muslim feel bad, or have any reason to respond at all?

think again.
clone said:
what fire? do you think some random redneck making a speech about something he has no idea about is going to make a muslim feel bad, or have any reason to respond at all?

think again.
Well... I'm relieved to know that you are more level-headed/mature enough to see him for that what he is, as I do agree.
Amazing how a thread about religious resources gets hijacked and turned into a "muslims are evil people" or a "Muslims worship a false God"thread.
Apostle13 said:
Islam is a typical works salvation religion centered around a false god.

It's just as likely that Christianity is following a false god.

Apostle13 said:
Its fundamental tenets deny the heart of the Christian Gospel, revealing its demonic origin... Author: Dave Reagan... "The Truth About Islam"

And, you can also argue that the Christian Gospel denies the teachings of Islam, revealing that it comes from Shaitan.

Like it or not, Islam is just as valid as Christianity. Any arguement that you want to make about it being invalid by using the teachings of Christianity can be easily turned around to show that Christianity is invalid because it goes against the teachings of Islam.
jamesrage said:
Amazing how a thread about religious resources gets hijacked and turned into a "muslims are evil people" or a "Muslims worship a false God"thread.

Yeah, because it's not as if you didn't start it. :doh

Jamesrage, Prophetxxx and Apostle13, all of you - shut the holy hell up. From a fundamentalist Jewish point of view, you all follow false prophets and worship a blasphemous god, so fighting over who's more false is kind of futile. :lol:

However, from a logical point of view, it's all the bloody same. Whether you call him G-d, Jesus or Allah, it's about as logical as saying ballet and salsa aren't both "real". Same God, different method - it's just a pity you're taking his name in vain by pretending to talk for him.
vergiss said:
Yeah, because it's not as if you didn't start it. :doh

Jamesrage, Prophetxxx and Apostle13, all of you - shut the holy hell up. From a fundamentalist Jewish point of view, you all follow false prophets and worship a blasphemous god, so fighting over who's more false is kind of futile. :lol:

However, from a logical point of view, it's all the bloody same. Whether you call him G-d, Jesus or Allah, it's about as logical as saying ballet and salsa aren't both "real". Same God, different method - it's just a pity you're taking his name in vain by pretending to talk for him.

****! Shut the **** up!Trying to go in here and shart ****,WTF?
jamesrage said:
****! Shut the **** up!Trying to go in here and shart ****,WTF?

Um. Okay...
that came outa nowhere...
jamesrage said:
****! Shut the **** up!Trying to go in here and shart ****,WTF?

Is this the basement?:confused:
jamesrage said:
****! Shut the **** up!Trying to go in here and shart ****,WTF?

Moderator's Warning:

Uh, james, want to make a comment on vergiss' post...or not? Otherwise take your feelings to the basement.
MrFungus420 said:
It's just as likely that Christianity is following a false god.
And, you can also argue that the Christian Gospel denies the teachings of Islam, revealing that it comes from Shaitan.
No... You can. I know better. Islam is of a demonic origin.
Like it or not, Islam is just as valid as Christianity. Any arguement that you want to make about it being invalid by using the teachings of Christianity can be easily turned around to show that Christianity is invalid because it goes against the teachings of Islam.
Yes it is valid as are all religions to whatever degree. Like it or not it is religion that will lead be the ultimate demise of mankind... Specifically Islam vs. Christianity.
Dear Apostle13,
Why do you hate in the name of God? Do you really think that saying another religion is demonic is gods way? I would think that God would want us to respect every religion. Hey Apostle13, did you know that the muslim God is the exact same as your god? Maybe if you weren't a fundamentalist nutcase you could realise that just because someone doesn't worship God the way you think they should doesn't mean you can say against them. I bet $1,000,000 you'll only respond with a more ignorant and hateful comment. How about you prevent me from getting $1,000,000 and stop replying on this thread. And how about this forum catagory. And maybe you should just leave the site forever because I just joined and I don't want to have to deal with your stupidity.
Sir_Alec said:
Dear Apostle13,
Why do you hate in the name of God? Do you really think that saying another religion is demonic is gods way? I would think that God would want us to respect every religion. Hey Apostle13, did you know that the muslim God is the exact same as your god? Maybe if you weren't a fundamentalist nutcase you could realise that just because someone doesn't worship God the way you think they should doesn't mean you can say against them. I bet $1,000,000 you'll only respond with a more ignorant and hateful comment. How about you prevent me from getting $1,000,000 and stop replying on this thread. And how about this forum catagory. And maybe you should just leave the site forever because I just joined and I don't want to have to deal with your stupidity.

You're the one who is ignorant. You showed your ignorance when you said Allah and Yahweh are the same god, well sorry buddy, they're as different as night and day. Yahweh's name is mentioned 6,868 times in the Hebrew Bible, Allah's name isn't mentioned once. Their scriptures are completely opposite. In pre-Islamic times, Allah was the name of a moon deity, a rock idol. Infact the charactar of Allah is similair to the Biblical Lucifer.
Prophetxxx said:
You're the one who is ignorant. You showed your ignorance when you said Allah and Yahweh are the same god, well sorry buddy, they're as different as night and day. Yahweh's name is mentioned 6,868 times in the Hebrew Bible, Allah's name isn't mentioned once. Their scriptures are completely opposite. In pre-Islamic times, Allah was the name of a moon deity, a rock idol. Infact the charactar of Allah is similair to the Biblical Lucifer.

Prophetxxx said:
You're the one who is ignorant. You showed your ignorance when you said Allah and Yahweh are the same god, well sorry buddy, they're as different as night and day. Yahweh's name is mentioned 6,868 times in the Hebrew Bible, Allah's name isn't mentioned once. Their scriptures are completely opposite. In pre-Islamic times, Allah was the name of a moon deity, a rock idol. Infact the charactar of Allah is similair to the Biblical Lucifer.


For one who claims to have read the Qur'an, you know absoloutely nothing about Islam. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians inthe Middle East also call God "Allah". I suppose they're worshipping a false deity too, huh? :lol:
vergiss said:

For one who claims to have read the Qur'an, you know absoloutely nothing about Islam. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians inthe Middle East also call God "Allah". I suppose they're worshipping a false deity too, huh? :lol:
Uh... Same word yes... Same God no.
Sir_Alec said:
Dear Apostle13,
Why do you hate in the name of God? Do you really think that saying another religion is demonic is gods way? I would think that God would want us to respect every religion. Hey Apostle13, did you know that the muslim God is the exact same as your god? Maybe if you weren't a fundamentalist nutcase you could realise that just because someone doesn't worship God the way you think they should doesn't mean you can say against them. I bet $1,000,000 you'll only respond with a more ignorant and hateful comment. How about you prevent me from getting $1,000,000 and stop replying on this thread. And how about this forum catagory. And maybe you should just leave the site forever because I just joined and I don't want to have to deal with your stupidity.
I'll take your "million" and raise you a swift kick in the groin.
Apostle13 said:
Uh... Same word yes... Same God no.

Care to explain what proof you have that the Muslim god isn't the same as the Jewish and Christian god?

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