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Islam (1 Viewer)


Feb 26, 2006
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HAHAHAHAHA, I could tell you, but i'm not.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Hello, i'm new here. I noticed there are no threads on Islam, so i decided to make one. But before i say anything about it, i'd like to know what you'll think about Islam.
Prophetxxx said:
Hello, i'm new here. I noticed there are no threads on Islam, so i decided to make one. But before i say anything about it, i'd like to know what you'll think about Islam.

Welcome to DP...

Any Religion is ok until it gets to the part
about killing those who wont convert
or killing in the name of god
cherokee said:
Welcome to DP...

Any Religion is ok until it gets to the part
about killing those who wont convert
or killing in the name of god

I see me and you are on the same page. It's nice to know the're people who aren't blinded by political correctness.
Islam... I've never been a fan. It is too strict for me.
Well i've been studying Islam for a while now, and what i've discovered is not pretty. I'm sure i'm not the only one who knows how evil this doctrine is. I simply can't understand how people can claim that Islam is peaceful and noble with such evidence that leads to the contrary.
Prophetxxx said:
Well i've been studying Islam for a while now, and what i've discovered is not pretty. I'm sure i'm not the only one who knows how evil this doctrine is. I simply can't understand how people can claim that Islam is peaceful and noble with such evidence that leads to the contrary.

Because they are liberal ******s who would aim to please even Hitler if he were around. I would just gun him down.
People throughout history have done some pretty violent nasty things in the name of God or religion. Most organized religions have the potential to be as harmful as they are good.
talloulou said:
People throughout history have done some pretty violent nasty things in the name of God or religion. Most organized religions have the potential to be as harmful as they are good.

You got that chit right.

I could care less who or what people worship. I for one don’t really believe in God but I do believe in the two greatest documents ever written. (In my eyes anyways)

The Constitution of the United States of America and
The Bill Of Rights
I don't think of Islam as 'evil' so much 'over-zealous.' They're very radical about their ideals. Some, unfortuantely, a little too radical (Osama.)

Honestly, calling a world religion "evil" is a bit of a stretch. To me, the Islamic world wants what every other religion does; a pure, sacred, peaceful world. It's sad that the media focuses more on the suicidal radicals, rather than the general religion itself. I'm sure a lot of Muslims disagree with Osama.
Prophet: i gotta question: Is it true that Muslims beilve in the writing of Abraham, other Old Testament writers. And does your faith use the eye for an eye Mosaic method of responding to violence?

just asking...
Prophetxxx said:
I wish the media would expose Islam and condemn it for what it really is. Until then, our ignorance of Islam will be our demise.
It's all about being Political Correct with the media... And now they circumvent negatives about Islam for fear of reprisals.
Here is a classic example of media/self induced ignorance:
Seeker said:
I don't think of Islam as 'evil' so much 'over-zealous.' They're very radical about their ideals. Some, unfortunately, a little too radical (Osama.)
Honestly, calling a world religion "evil" is a bit of a stretch. To me, the Islamic world wants what every other religion does; a pure, sacred, peaceful world. It's sad that the media focuses more on the suicidal radicals, rather than the general religion itself. I'm sure a lot of Muslims disagree with Osama.
The truth about Islam is stunning and stark in contrast to most other religions. Its driving force is spiritually evil, and thus cannot be accurately equated/discerned by them that are not spiritually good.
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i believe in tranquility said:
Prophet: i gotta question: Is it true that Muslims beilve in the writing of Abraham, other Old Testament writers. And does your faith use the eye for an eye Mosaic method of responding to violence?

just asking...

Nope. But i don't see what relevance this has to the topic.
there isnt any. I just found this to be a time to ask, thats all.

What does your faith say about responding to violence?
i believe in tranquility said:
there isnt any. I just found this to be a time to ask, thats all.

What does your faith say about responding to violence?

My faith says to turn the other cheek and to pray for those who persecute you(although that can be very difficult to do).
Prophetxxx said:
Well i've been studying Islam for a while now, and what i've discovered is not pretty. I'm sure i'm not the only one who knows how evil this doctrine is. I simply can't understand how people can claim that Islam is peaceful and noble with such evidence that leads to the contrary.

After everything that has happened in the last 5 or so years I was very curious about Islam as a religion and maybe to understand more about Muslims and what they believe in. My mom has a Koran (spelling?) and I picked it up and started to read some of it. It was interesting but some of the issues I couldn't agree with are the treatment of women and the intolerance of any other religion.
O i thought you are muslim. What you mentioned is obvious is christian teachings.
kk, i just though that because of name...lol. Thx for fixing the misunderstanding.
i believe in tranquility said:
kk, i just though that because of name...lol. Thx for fixing the misunderstanding.

No problem. But I'm amazed that I haven't had anyone say something like''you hypocrite'' ''you racist'' ''you're just reading them out of context.'' I suppose i should be grateful.
Prophetxxx said:
Hello, i'm new here. I noticed there are no threads on Islam, so i decided to make one. But before i say anything about it, i'd like to know what you'll think about Islam.

I don't know a lot and the little I do know is second hand .It is said their believe in God is good and God is all ,the beginning of ever thing .Sounds similar to Christianity except their don't speak English so I don't understand what their are saying, LOL. I have decided to believe it to be a parallel religion based on the believe by both religions as well as the other major religions ,that there is only one God and one sources of humanity ,therefore they talk about the same God in different languages as told by different writers of each es " Bible ".

Many people say no to that ,but when God tells me no to that I will believe it like a M. F. ,LOL.

I know nothing about the religion itself other than it has been hijacked by scourge of the worst kind and the followers don't do too much complaining about it.

But the same thing has happened to the GOP so who are we to judge?
Captain America said:
I know nothing about the religion itself other than it has been hijacked by scourge of the worst kind and the followers don't do too much complaining about it.

But the same thing has happened to the GOP so who are we to judge?

Um...actually those people who supposedly hijacked Islam, are actually being good muslims and following what Allah commands. As for the GOP, yeah you're right, but they are straying from their original views. The terrorists are following what their scriptures command of them.
Prophetxxx said:
Um...actually those people who supposedly hijacked Islam, are actually being good muslims and following what Allah commands.

Well, if that's true, Allah can kiss my ***. :3oops:

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