I make it my business to know these things.
But if you want something to read,
If you Google "Target Refuses" you will get a few dozen articles.
It all comes down to money. Freedom-of-religious-expression and forced-violation-of-the-morals-claws lawsuits resulting from mandating the M.A.P. have outwayed the financial wight of lawsuits resulting from women who Target redirects to another pharmacy.
Target phones in the perscription and makes all arrangements, short of transpertation, to a pharmacy that will fill a perscription for the M.A.P.
Thus the issue is not
rather a woman is going to get her perscription or not, it's just a matter of
where it will be filled; which is a petty thing to squabble about.
A privet pharmacy, unlike a public hospitole, has the right to refuse any perscription/customer with or without reason.