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Is V for Vendetta a Terrorist Fantasy Film? (1 Viewer)

Is V for Vendetta a promotion/glorification of terrorism

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • Don't care--never heard of it....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Need more options.....

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters
Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Among the White US Terrorists
Political Leaning
Just saw V for Vendetta and can tell you it's a terrorist fantasy film. This film has sayings such as, "Sometimes blowing up a building can change the world" and "Violence can be used for Good." But all in all, we Americans who see this aren't terrorists and therefore it comes at a time when we need a good cathartic effect for what many see in Bush as a freedom taking administration. What this nation really needs is a new president who can lead this nation to freedom and not separation but assimilation of everyone, one religion, one race, one world govt, come next election, vote for what will bind us and not what separates us. As for Alan Moore, the fruitcake admitted he wrote the story in the early 80's in fear of the Thatcher administration turning progressively Fascist. That didn't happen. No fears needed--Just a vote of Love for the next Administration after Bush, a President of Love.

book SCIENCE FACT (1977) pg.156 by F. George & C. Rose: "Apart from dominating the industrial world's supply of information, television also functions as a surrogate for "real" experience in a restricted and overcrowded urban society. Since the passing of the era of exploration, colonialism....people's opportunity to indulge adventure and excitement has been curtailed, and the tendency to conquer and dominate is turned increasingly inward. Although a filling TV diet of crime and war is often cited as a cause of alleged proliferation of aggressive behavior, the connection is far from proven. One alternative hypothesis (Feshbach and Singer: TELEVISION AGGRESSION, 1971) for which there is a certain amount of support is the notion that TV violence might actually be cathartic in effect. In other words, it provides the viewer with the opportunity to entertain violent fantasies in a harmless way, thereby reducing the incidence of actual antisocial aggression. If this theory is ever justified to general satisfaction then, in the cause of peace and harmony, we might expect TV and other media to become increasingly violent, repulsive fully totalizing psycho discoveries about fears and emotional responses to spin a web of.... The idea was alluded to in NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR, where Orwell describes the use of a daily TV program called TEN MINUTES HATE, which functioned as a politically stabilizing release for the population's pent up aggression."

Links to the catharsis effect: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=catharsis+effect+and+singer

Other interesting notes: When American soldiers were taken prisoner by N.Korea and escaped; American psychologists questioned them why they escaped, and did it such in a manner that they were guilty of escaping. That it should've went against the way they were programmed.

A leading renown psychologist was very interested and obsessed in why Timothy McVeigh actually did the OKC bombing as many people read the Turner Diaries and other hate inspired literature and have no motivation to do what he did. When he questioned McVeigh it was as like he was asking him questions on how he failed to control this behavior.
One of the key ideas from the movies is vaugely familiar:

'A government shoud fear its people rather than the people fearing their government'

I wonder how many of the left-wing fanatics that will glom on to this movie ever considered this idea before the Bush administraton...?

See, we pro-gun people have been making that argument for over 200 years...
Hell yes it glorifies the act of terrorism. Didn't you hear the majestic music and see the fireworks involved with the explosions?

It was awesome. It followed the theme of the Comic books, but it involved a more current issue. I enjoyed it. Of course, there will be plenty of idiots on this thread looking to define our future based on this movie.

by the way that quote, "Violence can be used for Good," is a good quote. Violence in the hands of the good with focus of vision will always be a necessary event.
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It depends on what you mean by "terrorism".
An excerpt from an article I wrote:
If terrorism means violence against the State then hell yeah it glorifies it. In fact, I think it may even encourage it.

Not that I consider that a bad thing. . in fact I'm absolutely glowing about this film.(To CIA AGENTS LOOKING AT THIS THREAD:not that I would ever advocate anything like that of coursE)It seems to say everything that I've wanted to say and it sends out a message to people which I think desperately needs to be heard.

I find a film here that gives me more hope not only in humanity as a whole but in the movie industry. Hollywood has actually financed a movie which challenges people to think about the times they live in. . .It is a reflection of our times and only an extremely foolish person would be unable to see the connection this has to the real world (political pundits on tv. . .authoritarian presidents. . .governments that advocate torture).

One of my favorite quotes from the film is, "Artists use lies to tell the truth. Politicians due exactly the opposite." It is very difficult, being a writer myself, to have patience with people who say that writing or art or anything like that is "irrelevant" or "just for fun". Sometimes art is used as cautionary tales or as messages against certain regimes etc. Sometimes they are an appeal to freedom as this one is. All in all, I find that if you walk out of this movie without considering the themes or messages that it has put out, then you really would've been better off spending your money on something a bit more fitting for you like 'A Shaggy dog' which was playing in the next room.
It was awesome. It followed the theme of the Comic books, but it involved a more current issue. I enjoyed it. Of course, there will be plenty of idiots on this thread looking to define our future based on this movie.

The graphic novel actually was a protest against Margret Thatcher's regime. It was one of the single greatest comic books I've ever read and I think, if you enjoyed the movie, you shouldn't definatly pick up that or any of Alan Moore's books. He's an amazing writer.
FinnMacCool said:
The graphic novel actually was a protest against Margret Thatcher's regime. It was one of the single greatest comic books I've ever read and I think, if you enjoyed the movie, you shouldn't definatly pick up that or any of Alan Moore's books. He's an amazing writer.

I've read a couple comic books one of my Marines had a few years back. I liked it.
I'm going to see it tomorrow, natalie portman is smoking....
RightatNYU said:
I'm going to see it tomorrow, natalie portman is smoking....
....... Natalie Portman....... good point.
Portman was actually really good in the movie I was surpirsed. In fact, this was probably her best performance yet. She is a lil cheesy in some parts but she's not exactly a first rate actor so I say its pretty good for her.
I saw the movie yesterday.

I did not think it glorified terrorism becasue of the fact the guy was getting back
at the people who ****ed him up.These people used him as a lab rat, ****ed him up and murdered a **** load of their own citizens and he was getting his revenge against these people.

How ever I did notice that there was a negative portrayal of the US,christians and conservatives, there was also this homosexauls are real monirieties too horseshit.So the movie was proably written be a rat liberal.
Goobieman said:
One of the key ideas from the movies is vaugely familiar:

'A government shoud fear its people rather than the people fearing their government'

I wonder how many of the left-wing fanatics that will glom on to this movie ever considered this idea before the Bush administraton...?

See, we pro-gun people have been making that argument for over 200 years...

Excellent point.
jamesrage said:
How ever I did notice that there was a negative portrayal of the US,christians and conservatives, there was also this homosexauls are real monirieties too horseshit.So the movie was proably written be a rat liberal.
US is now run by a bunch of bible totting evangelical conservatives that claim to never err even when they do err and have introduced the patriot act, defended torture, unilaterally invaded a country unjustly, and finally claim wiretaps to be thier legal right. - translation: totalitarianism.
A movie that is revenging against a totalitarianist regime, is it any wonder why it protrays the US negativly?
jfuh said:
US is now run by a bunch of bible totting evangelical conservatives that claim to never err even when they do err and have introduced the patriot act, defended torture, unilaterally invaded a country unjustly, and finally claim wiretaps to be thier legal right. - translation: totalitarianism.
Your hyperbole, rooted in partisan bigotry, negates any legitimacy your post may have had.
Rightist or Leftist, both sides have their films, remember the movie Red Dawn? Nato collapses, communism spread to Mexico and S.America, and we get invaded by them and cuba-Russia. A bunch of HS kids play guerrilla warfare against the invading commies... US wins. A awesome plug/justification for the Ronnie Raygun administration.

here's the plot for those who haven't seen the movie:

I wont see the movie until it hits hbo or some chit like that.

In your post you said

What this nation really needs is a new president who can lead this nation to freedom and not separation but assimilation of everyone, one religion, one race, one world govt, come next election, vote for what will bind us and not what separates us

care to expand on this for me?
separation but assimilation of everyone, one religion, one race, one world govt, come next election, vote for what will bind us and not what separates us

Yes. It's not going to come in the form of a Dem or of the GOP. From whom? From us all, at all levels of Govt., we shall elect our own, whose one purpose is one thing: for us to get along, not seperate us through economic/social/racial classes of segregation and seperation. We as individuals are lazy when we have become disciples of Secular Material Humanism. We find excuses not to Love what is closest to us; were in competition, we are in comparison and contrast--we were born into that culture. But we are motivated to get money, a man-made item which costs 5cents for the Federal Reserve to create for any denomination amount. We put money before Love. Law before Love. War above Love. Pride before Love. Booze/drugs over Love. TV over Love. The list goes on. You have a sister or brother, mother and father, family, then that's your concern; yes you have to work but what are you working for? But prices are high, yes, you have made them high; you are the accomplice to the cabal monopoly you have help create, you have made your own cage. Love will free everyone the welds in the cage will turn to butter and the bars will fall off--your going to have to do it; yes, it's going to be a uphill battle at first, people will ask you what have you been smoking, what's wrong; you will have people hating you for why you love. Once the World can all Love each other, then boundaries of race/religion/seperation politics will be as one.
jfuh said:
US is now run by a bunch of bible totting evangelical conservatives

I wish it was ran by a bunch of bible totting evangelical conservatives.

that claim to never err even when they do err and have introduced the patriot act, defended torture, unilaterally invaded a country unjustly, and finally claim wiretaps to be thier legal right. - translation: totalitarianism.

THere is a huge ****in difference between a police action and fighting a war.Obviously you are under the impression that if we just detain these people and talk peaceful to them and give them a ****in hug that everything will be fine.
A movie that is revenging against a totalitarianist regime,

The movie is about one man's vengeance against the people who ****ed him up.

is it any wonder why it protrays the US negativly?

The author could be a rat america-hating liberal.
If you are not going to root for the home team then why not leave live if you think so low of the US?Perhaps there can be some exchange program where we can exchange all our rat america-hating liberals for people who want to come here and appreciat being americans.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Yes. It's not going to come in the form of a Dem or of the GOP. From whom? From us all, at all levels of Govt., we shall elect our own, whose one purpose is one thing: for us to get along, not seperate us through economic/social/racial classes of segregation and seperation.

I don't agree with everything you said but I do think you have an excellent point regarding the dems vs reps. Sometimes I think the government wants the dems and reps fighting so we are delluded into believing we have choices when we really don't. I've said it before and I'll say it again the last presidential election was skull n bones vs skull n bones and the fact that people reacted so emotionally in regards to an election where there was no choice is fascinating to me. I think everyone should register as independent and we should start ignoring the dems and reps politicians entirely! It would be fascinating if an independent won a presidential election. However there is so much fear that a vote for an independent is a vote for the other side or a vote thrown away.
The graphic novel it was based on was definitely anarchist propaganda. Alan Moore, the writer, had his name withdrawn from the credits of the movie because he felt that its political punch had been removed; it was originally about the evils of all government.

It was written largely in protest to Thatcher.

The movie is still incredibly powerful, and its message of opposition to tyranny comes through loud and clear. It's also not nearly as "anti-American" or "anti-Bush" as some people seem to think-- America's only mentioned once or twice and isn't really blamed for the government in the movie.
Korimyr the Rat said:
The graphic novel it was based on was definitely anarchist propaganda. Alan Moore, the writer, had his name withdrawn from the credits of the movie because he felt that its political punch had been removed; it was originally about the evils of all government.

It was written largely in protest to Thatcher.

The movie is still incredibly powerful, and its message of opposition to tyranny comes through loud and clear. It's also not nearly as "anti-American" or "anti-Bush" as some people seem to think-- America's only mentioned once or twice and isn't really blamed for the government in the movie.
WEll I think the movie is obviously anti Bush.

One thing you should note though is that the graphic novel isn't exactly anarchist propaganda. If it was, V would've been a handomse beautiful man, whose actions are totally justifiable in all cases. Obviously thats not the case, in a lot of the things he does. Alan Moore never lets you forget that the anarchist movement is run by a semi-crazy guy.
Goobieman said:
Your hyperbole, rooted in partisan bigotry, negates any legitimacy your post may have had.
The "truthiness" of my claims not debated.
jamesrage said:
I wish it was ran by a bunch of bible totting evangelical conservatives.
Bush isn't?

jamesrage said:
THere is a huge ****in difference between a police action and fighting a war.Obviously you are under the impression that if we just detain these people and talk peaceful to them and give them a ****in hug that everything will be fine.
So what are you saying, we're not fighting a war but merely executing a police action?
Haven't you learnt by now never to assume? I was pro-invade iraq up to the point that I learnt everything in support of the war was a lie.

jamesrage said:
The movie is about one man's vengeance against the people who ****ed him up.
That's not revenge? Those the f'd him up were not totalitarian?

jamesrage said:
The author could be a rat america-hating liberal.
He was british and in protest against Margrette Thatcher.

jamesrage said:
If you are not going to root for the home team then why not leave live if you think so low of the US?Perhaps there can be some exchange program where we can exchange all our rat america-hating liberals for people who want to come here and appreciat being americans.
Ahh I have a better idea, why not just kill off everyone that ever disagrees, afterall, those that disagree with administrative policy are America Haters. Hmmm so I guess that must mean that you loved the Clinton years too, otherwise, by the same rational you're an America Hater.
jfuh said:
Bush isn't?

Saying a few prays and other few things as a pr stunt does not qualify one to be a "bible totting evangelical conservatives".

So what are you saying, we're not fighting a war but merely executing a police action?

The way the Iraq situation is being treated it might as well be a police action.They should be making examples out of the terrorist.

Haven't you learnt by now never to assume? I was pro-invade iraq up to the point that I learnt everything in support of the war was a lie.

When 99.99999999% when liberals hold true to the america hating rhetoric is very hard not to asume.
That's not revenge?

Would would you call systematically killing each person who wronged you?

Those the f'd him up were not totalitarian?

If you shot the person who stabed you and that person was a racist homosexual, would that mean that you were fighting homosexaulity and racism when you shot that person or would you be just getting payback?

He was british and in protest against Margrette Thatcher.

WHo wrrote the screenplay for the movie?Alot of times in comics they do whats called retroactive continuity,they do the same thing in movies when adapting comicbooks for movies.
Ahh I have a better idea, why not just kill off everyone that ever disagrees, afterall, those that disagree with administrative policy are America Haters. Hmmm so I guess that must mean that you loved the Clinton years too, otherwise, by the same rational you're an America Hater.

I disagreed with a few things that clinton did.But I never jumped on every bash Clinton band wagon,nor have I bashed America or saw America as some evil country that you libs do.I even enlisted in the army when Clinton was president.
jfuh said:
US is now run by a bunch of bible totting evangelical conservatives that claim to never err even when they do err and have introduced the patriot act

What's wrong with the patriot act?

jfuh said:
defended torture

Torture is an extremely ambiguous word. Last I heard, Bush was on board with McCain's anti-torture bill.

jfuh said:
unilaterally invaded a country

Tell that to British forces. Tell that to Australia. Tell that to nearly every country in Eastern Europe. Tell that to any of the 30-some nations that contributed to the coalition.

jfuh said:

Your opinion.

jfuh said:
and finally claim wiretaps to be thier legal right.

So it's illegal? Hmm... how's that impeachment coming anyway?

jfuh said:
translation: totalitarianism.

Ahahahahahahaha. Your delusions baffle me. Last I checked, Americans regularly organize anti-Bush protests and rallies and he's trashed on a daily basis in the media. Congress threw a monkey wrench into SS privatazation, the UAE ports deal and numerous other Bush proposals. I wasn't aware these actions were praticed in totalitarian regimes.
Did Hollywood allow this film for the Catharsis effect? It would be an excellent timed event for such a thing....
......it provides the viewer with the opportunity to entertain violent fantasies in a harmless way, thereby reducing the incidence of actual antisocial aggression. If this theory is ever justified to general satisfaction then, in the cause of peace and harmony, we might expect TV and other media to become increasingly violent, repulsive fully totalizing psycho discoveries about fears and emotional responses to spin a web of.... The idea was alluded to in NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR, where Orwell describes the use of a daily TV program called TEN MINUTES HATE, which functioned as a politically stabilizing release for the population's pent up aggression."

Here's some posts quotes I would like to see:

Yes, I was anti-war and against this Bush administration, and once I saw it; I was relieved, it was like urinating after a long hold--actually I'm not bothered at the war or Bush anymore, just medicating myself in the film, saw it four times already and cannot wait to get the DVD. This movie will burn any anti-war sentiment out of me.

I was pro-war and really didn't understand why people were anti-war until I went to this movie, my Dad a ex-hippie and now CEO for a Halliburton subsidiary said this is just leftist propaganda and then lit up a fatty.

Actually this movie is just what Orwell talked about when he gave his Ten Minutes of Hate program. Good job Hollywood, you support the war, and why do you do, cause of Jewish ownership of the Hollywood and Jews don't like Muslims,,,

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