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Is Trump still the outsider? (1 Viewer)

Is Trump still the outsider?

  • Yes, Trump is the outsider

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No, after 4 years, he's the insider

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Trump won in 2016 because he was the outsider. He claimed he had never even slept in Washington DC. He wasn't a lawyer or a politician. Only he could clean up the swamp.

Is Trump still the outsider?
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The D.C. swamp is totally Trump's Swamp.

He's removed all oversight and installed loyalist sycophants at all levers of power.
"Trump admits he lies to his supporters and that he's always been an Establishment Insider"

If Trump has lost his "outsider" persona, he's not going to win.

A lot of people voted for Trump because he was the outsider. He'd shake thinks up. He's an insider now, the last thing Trump wants to do is shake things up.
The D.C. swamp is totally Trump's Swamp.

He's removed all oversight and installed loyalist sycophants at all levers of power.

All past administration did that....are you surprised that Trump did too?
Trump won in 2016 because he was the outsider. He claimed he had never even slept in Washington DC. He wasn't a lawyer or a politician. Only he could clean up the swamp.

Is Trump still the outsider?

he replaced the swamp with a cesspool.
He was always an insider. He was supposed to drain the swamp. Now the swamp is overflowing and woefully putrid.
Trump won in 2016 because he was the outsider. He claimed he had never even slept in Washington DC. He wasn't a lawyer or a politician. Only he could clean up the swamp.

Is Trump still the outsider?

He's most of the time outside this planet. Totally clueless.
Trump won in 2016 because he was the outsider. He claimed he had never even slept in Washington DC. He wasn't a lawyer or a politician. Only he could clean up the swamp.

So he appointed billionaires, family, friends, Wall Streeters, many lobbyists, Fox News talking heads, CEOs and soon to be felons.

In truth, no one really knows precisely what Trump meant when he said: "Drain the Swamp". Trump doesn't know either! If he does, he's never stated it publicly.

Here are the ethics and reforms Trump promised in 2016:

"First: I am going to re-institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for 5 years after they leave government service. I am going to ask Congress to pass this ban into law so that it cannot be lifted by executive order.

Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.

Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.

Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

And Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections."

A delusional narcissistic sociopath can never be on the inside of anything beyond the voices in his/her head.
Trump was never an outsider. People are just stupid.

I don't know about that. Trump seemed to fit very well with all those outsiders at Jeffrey Epstiens orgy/parties.
Nope. Trump is the epitome of the swamp.
Trump won in 2016 because he was the outsider. He claimed he had never even slept in Washington DC. He wasn't a lawyer or a politician. Only he could clean up the swamp.

Is Trump still the outsider?

Retarded poll question. Trump was never an outsider. Outsiders don't donate lots of money to liberal democrats and RINO republicans.Nor do outsiders invite former presidents and first ladys to his wedding and hang out with them on several occasions.

Trump and clintons friends - Google Search
Oh, yes!

He is more of an outsider than ever.

When he was elected, the real insiders thought that they could tame him and make him one of them.

But he refused to play the game.

That is why the insiders have been furious with him for the last four years.

The insiders have a very comfortable life in D.C., and they plan to return to that nice existence on November 3.
Trump won in 2016 because he was the outsider. He claimed he had never even slept in Washington DC. He wasn't a lawyer or a politician. Only he could clean up the swamp.

Is Trump still the outsider?

Voted, "Yes, Trump is the outsider". It is a close call given that he has been in office for 4 years, but his political positions, style of government and rhetoric are far removed from the "establishment" in Washington even if he is in charge of it. The Republicans in Congress have gone along with this not really out of conviction, but because it's electoral suicide to speak out against the Donald due to the fervour of his base. But if Trump wins in 2020, he'll be the insider because he will have remade America's institutions in his own image by the time his term ends in 2024. He hasn't done that yet, but he's certainly left a mark that is going to be hard to erase even if Biden wins.

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