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Is Trump mentally ill? (1 Viewer)

TDS keeps on amazing me. First you couldn't let go of Russiagate, no matter what. Then Ukraine. And now Trump is a mass murderer who devised a deadly virus that is decimating the entire world. An evil idiotic genius!

And I bet you anything they are one hundred percent Democrats.

Trump will let go. I can guarantee that. The TDS myth that he won't go is based on nothing at all.

Desperate Democrats. Almost all mental health professionals are Democrats.

Most teachers are Democrats.


Of all the pathetically failed cheerleading efforts I've seen, this thread is up there. How could anyone think this kind of hamfisted pidgeonholing will succeed in gaslighting anyone into thinking their reasons for disliking Trump are not their real reasons for disliking Trump?

Beyond stupid....
the OP holds her doctorate in psychology
despite that she believes psychiatry is a voodoo 'science'

I never said psychiatry is voodoo science. I said they don't understand mental illness very well. That is true, and even psychiatrists will admit it, if they are honest.

I have a doctorate in experimental psychology, which has nothing to do with mental health.

I think psychiatric drugs are harmful, especially if used longterm. And I think most psychotherapy is mostly BS. It's profitable because most people like to talk about their problems, and friends run out of patience.

I am skeptical about certain diagnoses. Just because something goes into the book, doesn't necessarily mean it's real.

There are valid reasons for disliking Trump. I don't like him, and I disagree with a lot of his policies. But it's TDS when it's exaggerated and intensely filled with rage. When he is accused of causing the pandemic and of being a mass murderer, then I know the accuser has TDS.

No one blames him for the virus but there is plenty of blame for his response to it. Do you think we can just forget how he downplayed it and hampered our medical professionals response? We had a chance to nip it in the bud and Trump was a failure at that mostly because he refused to listen to the warnings he received. That is on him. Here's something to refresh your poor memory.

The US coronavirus response: A failure of foreign policy | TheHill
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Thread with titles like this are tiresome lies.

Yeah, as if you can diagnose mental illness from your TV screen, Dr. Freud...

Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder a Mental Illness? | The Recovery Village

"It’s important not to confuse self-confidence or self-love with narcissistic personality disorder. Having high self-esteem isn’t the same thing as being diagnosed with a mental condition. There is such a thing as a healthy narcissism, as long as someone realizes that their high regard for themselves is a result of their hard work and is based on real achievements."

That 60K number seems bogus to me. I checked their website and I didnt see a list of people who supposedly signed their petition. If you got a link so that we can see the actual names, then by all means please provide it.

He is being used as a textbook example of narcissism in classrooms all over the world.

Yeah, like the Dutch are such experts on American politicians... :roll:
Its not so hard to tell who is more mentally ill - Trump or the deranged witless and pitiful creatures who constantly obsess and act out over Trump. I believe Trump is narcissistic - a lot people are. But the Anti-Trump histrionic brigade who act out on Internet forums, twitter, FB etc are simply bat**** crazy. This is smaller universe than those who are narcissistic.

So, who is really more mentally ill?

Exactly. Lots of examples of mental illness in this forum- just look at the ones who keep creating anti-Trump threads every single day.

It is not a fair criticism. Most world leaders were uncertain at the beginning.

More important question is who is running the country where it matters?
What does that mean "running the country"? No one single person runs the country. Despite liberal gnashing, we live under a federalist government. Big Daddy government is not going to solve all or your problems, nor should it even try. The silly thing is, the left *believes* we live in a Statist society and this is where a lot of their histrionics and backward **** conclusions come from. They are deluded.

More important question is who is running the country where it matters?

So you don’t think the mental health and soundness of mind of the President of the United States makes any difference?
It is not a fair criticism. Most world leaders were uncertain at the beginning.

So that is what we are reduced to then? Just another 3rd world country like Brazil? We have the most admired and competent medical professionals in the world and we just ask that they be allowed to do their jobs. Is that too much to ask?
So that is what we are reduced to then? Just another 3rd world country like Brazil? We have the most admired and competent medical professionals in the world and we just ask that they be allowed to do their jobs. Is that too much to ask?

The 3rd world countries have lower rates of infection and death -- partly because of less testing, partly because of less incoming travel.

France, Spain, Italy, UK, Belgium, Sweden, all had high rates. Are they third world?

You hate Trump so much you can't see straight.


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Korea and China contained the virus and it had much reduced economic effect there. We are closer to Brazil and they expect 70% of their population will contract Covid 19. They
will be digging mass graves for months. It can be contained but not with Trump as President. He has doomed us to 100's of 1000's of preventable deaths.

China And South Korea Models Seem Like Only Way To Contain COVID-19
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Nonsensical blind hatred. Not that I like Trump, but blaming him for the pandemic is mindless. It was worse in European countries than here.

Maybe some totalitarian dictatorships did better. I guess that's what you think we should have here. As long as the dictator is a Democrat.

Read this slowly:

Now, give me your best argument on why that paragraph is not 100% accurate.
Read this slowly:

Now, give me your best argument on why that paragraph is not 100% accurate.

He was not any more of a failure than the leaders of most other advanced free countries. So obviously his "failure" is not because of his personal inabilities. Unless all those other leaders have the same inabilities.

Try to think.

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