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Is this for real? Trump calling for drug tests before debate (1 Viewer)


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Mar 31, 2013
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Trump calls for drug tests before Biden debate

President Trump says he will call for drug tests for both former Vice President Joe Biden and himself before the first candidates' debate on Sept. 29. In an Oval Office interview Wednesday, the president expressed suspicion at what he said was a sudden, marked improvement in Biden's debate performance during the Democratic primary season and suggested that he believes the improvement was the result of drugs. The president offered no evidence to support his speculation.

I’m a little suspect it’s a prank with a time stamp of 4:20.

This is bonkers.

Biden should specify that adderall be on the list (Trump has been suspected of amphetamine abuse for years) and also counter with a ‘weigh in’.
Trump calls for drug tests before Biden debate

I’m a little suspect it’s a prank with a time stamp of 4:20.

This is bonkers.

Biden should specify that adderall be on the list (Trump has been suspected of amphetamine abuse for years) and also counter with a ‘weigh in’.

I like the weigh in idea, but can we skip the sleazy robes and shorts? They're both past the age when we want to see their legs.
With Trump only one thing is as certain as death and taxes.

Tomorrow will be worse and more bizarre.

Strap in, it’s only down hill from here.
There's literally nothing he can accuse another person of that doesn't call massive, glaring attention to his own defects. Biden has never been accused of using controlled substances, whereas it's well known that Trump is addicted to adderall.

I'd love for trump to surprise the hell out of me one day by accusing somebody of something that doesn't describe himself.
It is a technique of asserting dominance. He did the same thing with Obama. I MADEEEEEEEEE Obama cough up his birth cert. I am a hero. He is making Biden APPLY to him.

And, draw attention to what he thought was so bad that it needed drugs. It is crass, and not likely to help trump.
LOL, drug testing Joe. That's actually funny. I do think he should take the senility test on live TV, verified live by some neutral party. Don't know who that would be. Maybe the Pope. :mrgreen:
If Joe refuses a drug test, should Trump refuse to debate him? Wouldn't that be convenient...
LOL, drug testing Joe. That's actually funny. I do think he should take the senility test on live TV, verified live by some neutral party. Don't know who that would be. Maybe the Pope. :mrgreen:
Why do TrumpQins enjoy him destroying the USA?
Trump makes all kinds of threats, promises, and offers he has no intention of keeping. This is no different.

He'll volunteer his tax records before he shares results of a drug test.
Trump calls for drug tests before Biden debate

I’m a little suspect it’s a prank with a time stamp of 4:20.

This is bonkers.

Biden should specify that adderall be on the list (Trump has been suspected of amphetamine abuse for years) and also counter with a ‘weigh in’.
Of course it's a prank. Biden would be amiss, if he responds. I wouldn't give Trump the time-of-day.
If Trump actually said this, it’s not a prank.

But you’re probably right. No need to respond- except maybe with a laugh.
I meant it's a 'Trump' prank. I assumed it was from his account, though I didn't examine it.
If Trump actually did say this (apparently in an interview) it really just confirms that he’s the most bat**** crazy President ever.

I think Biden should go for it. In fact, Biden should propose that both of them have a physical exam as well and require the results to be made public.
I think Biden should go for it. In fact, Biden should propose that both of them have a physical exam as well and require the results to be made public.

Make like a pro fighting weigh in. Each wearing boxing trunks getting weighed before a live video feed
see if Trump will agree to a "RANDOM" drug test.

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