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Is there prejudice against gay marrige? (1 Viewer)

discrimination against gay marrige?

  • No discrimination occurs

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • discrimination occasionally occurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • discrimination often occurs

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • almost always discriminated agains

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Apr 8, 2005
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I am looking for your opinion on this.
Prejudice is defined as an adverse judgment or opinion formed formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. or a preconceived preference or idea; bias.
So as I have seen on many different areas on the net that there is not adequate information regarding homosexuality or the statistics regarding it.
1. So how are people basing their opinion?
2. When was the 1st time you realized there were gay people in the world and how did you for your opinions about them?
3. How do you think it will affect the world/nation/family?
4. Does this debate forum help any one understand homosexuality any more and or question their own beliefs?

Please be honest and share. I love to hear peoples opinions on this subject. You would be amazed how people learn to act or interact with things that are not the norm.
1. So how are people basing their opinion?

I do not see marrage as a "right".

2. When was the 1st time you realized there were gay people in the world and how did you for your opinions about them?

When I was raped in the ~5th grade by a good friends older brother. I was not suprized by his 'coming out' several years later. I kept my mouth shut about the whole thing for over 20 years - first telling my brain doc about it, then later in this forum. It took many years before I realized that it was a sicko individual that did this to me and not a lifestyle. This fear still drives me in issues of Boy Scout masters being gay for instance. I am not saying gay Boy Scout masters will molest young boys, but it does indeed remind me of my past.

3. How do you think it will affect the world/nation/family?

I believe in the slippery slope theory. Both the male and the female contribute specific things to a marriage and family that are more that just private parts. Each are essential to a well formed family structure. If the core family values and structure is redefined, then the nation as a whole becomes redefined. I do not see it as a good thing.

My wife is a Junior High teacher. It should be interesting to note that homosexuality is becoming a fashion statement. Many youngsters that barely know where their own parts are believe that they are gay. Some state they are gay just to become popular. Many councelors have kids come up to them wondering why they are NOT gay. It has become a badge of honor. The snowball is heading downhill fast and getting bigger. It will not be long before there are straight bashing from gay gangs in school, IMO.

4. Does this debate forum help any one understand homosexuality any more and or question their own beliefs?

Yes, I have come more to respect that lifestyle. I try not to judge, but it can be difficult. There have been some very excellent posts that have made me rethink. I do however find it odd that when I state my case I am considered a hate monger or gay basher. But, as in my past I had issues with gay folks and instantly judged. Maybe the opposite is being done to me because of my past and I deserve it.

Also, I have come more to accept the states choice rather than an amendment. Unfortunatly, I think the only way to combat the slippery slope is to have an admendment. If a couple gets married in Mass for instance and Texas does not condone gay marriage - it will not be long before a gay couple sue the state of Texas for some ungodly amount of money and our states position will be forced to change.
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Thank you for your honest response.

Just 1 question though. If marriage is at a state level. If a straight couple moves they do not have to consider their marriage being valid or not. Why should homosexuals?
It's not as cut and dry as you would make it seem.

What about age?

For instance, in New Hampshire, girls as young as 13 can get married (with permission). In Texas, that is a no-no - must be 14 even with permission.

In this case, Texas would not have to recognize the marraige because it does not fall under their laws for a proper marriage. Same applies for "first cousin" marriages in other states. Some condone first cousins and others do not. They are not valid in other states, but nothing is ever done of them.


Why should gay marriage validity be any different that these unique scenerios?

Not valid in X state so therefore it does not have to be recognized.
Not discrimination, it's the states law.
dontbanurse said:
1. So how are people basing their opinion?

My own opinion is based on the fact that I respect the right of everybody to fall in love with and share their life with whichever consenting adult they choose. If straight couples can have the advantage of public recognition, tax breaks etc. it seems to me to be a straight case of inequality and discrimination to deny this to gay couples.

dontbanurse said:
2. When was the 1st time you realized there were gay people in the world and how did you for your opinions about them?.

At around the age of 9 or 10. For a few years my view of gay people was that they were a figure of fun (due to images in the media at the time) and sick (due to indoctrination from a catholic educatiion). As a teenager I came to realise that these views were erroneous, and I came to view individuals for who they are, fully respecting everybody's right to form relationships and have sex with whoever. From about the age of 15 or 16 I viewed gay people as no different to anybody else, who should be afforded the same rights and respect as anybody else. In 25 years that view hasn't altered.
dontbanurse said:
3. How do you think it will affect the world/nation/family?.

I assume you mean gay marriage?
I believe it will make any nation and the world richer for the fact it will represent equal rights and an end to discriminatory practice.
Family? Well it amazes me that so many on the religious right believe that their traditional family is such an unnattractive proposition that we need to legislate and discriminate in order to protect it, but then looking at most of the religious right, who wouldn't be turned off? Some people will always want to live like the Brady Bunch, and many others, gay, bi or straight, won't. Gay marriage won't affect that, in fact I'd view any gay couple as a 'family' in their own right.

dontbanurse said:
4. Does this debate forum help any one understand homosexuality any more and or question their own beliefs?


I like to think I'm not prejudiced. I think I understand homosexuality fairly well, and it probably helps that I've had a couple of experiences with other women myself (I suppose that makes me "bi"), but I've valued reading the opinions of openly gay people like the very clever and highly intelligent Naughty Nurse and Fried Rice, who've opened my eyes even more to their perspective.
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vauge said:
Many councelors have kids come up to them wondering why they are NOT gay. It has become a badge of honor. The snowball is heading downhill fast and getting bigger. It will not be long before there are straight bashing from gay gangs in school, IMO.


This is total tripe.

Vauge, I understand you are traumatized by your experience. However, you say you've come to understand it was an individual and not a lifestyle which raped you, but you clearly haven't.
I was once attacked by two black guys. I understand that it was two individuals and not a race which attacked me, and despite whatever racist feelings that attack may have provoked from within me at the time, I was intelligent enough to very quickly rationalise that I shouldn't judge all black people on the actions of two. I'm now in a relationship with a black guy. I don't for one second hold that up as a trophy, simply to illustrate that it is posssible to overcome negative feelings.
Vauge, this is clearly a very personal matter, but I strongly advise you to launch a prosecution against this guy - even after all these years. I understand that that would be highly traumatic, but even if unsuccessful, you will send the message to this creep that what he did is not acceptable.
I am unsure if you realized the point I am trying to make.

Yes, it is now popular to be gay in Jr. High. We are a bit older, so it is hard for us to imagine. My point is pier sexual encouragment is not good at this age. Even worse that it is homosexuality (IMO).

The only thing that could possibly come from this is further confusion on behalf of the children.

Any 13 year olds care to chime in and let us know about this in your school?
vauge said:
I am unsure if you realized the point I am trying to make.

Yes, and I think you are overstating both it's prevalence and it's significance.

It was cool to be Buddhist when I was young, but I think very few, if any, of my peers have adopted Buddhism as a long-term lifestyle.

And if kids experiment with their sexuality, that's normal, and it's good. Rather than confuse them, it would rather help them find their true selves, so you hopefully won't end up with gays stuck in sham marriages making all concerned unhappy. Your "gays will take over the world" fears are really nothing more than hysteria. Let's face it: when you finally fall in love - you know it, and surely it's better that we can all feel that that choice is OK whether it's with somebody of the opposite or the same sex.
Urethra Franklin said:
My own opinion is based on the fact that I respect the right of everybody to fall in love with and share their life with whichever consenting adult they choose. If straight couples can have the advantage of public recognition, tax breaks etc. it seems to me to be a straight case of inequality and discrimination to deny this to gay couples.

Explain this to me- a man grows up. Attracted to women all his life. He goes to college and finds the woman of his dreams. They are married for 11 years and have 3 children. Then one day the man leaves his wife and kids to be with someone else, a man. This man was not gay at all during high school or college, but why now? This is by choice not by born with it.

At around the age of 9 or 10. For a few years my view of gay people was that they were a figure of fun (due to images in the media at the time) and sick (due to indoctrination from a catholic educatiion). As a teenager I came to realise that these views were erroneous, and I came to view individuals for who they are, fully respecting everybody's right to form relationships and have sex with whoever. From about the age of 15 or 16 I viewed gay people as no different to anybody else, who should be afforded the same rights and respect as anybody else. In 25 years that view hasn't altered.

I realized about gay people when I was about 10 when I read that it was a sin in the bible.

I like to think I'm not prejudiced. I think I understand homosexuality fairly well, and it probably helps that I've had a couple of experiences with other women myself (I suppose that makes me "bi"), but I've valued reading the opinions of openly gay people like the very clever and highly intelligent Naughty Nurse and Fried Rice, who've opened my eyes even more to their perspective.

Their perspective of choice and sin? I'd rather not choose that perspective.
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Ahh sin... That's probably an easy way out for you.

You know... in the Old Testament, Homosexuals were stoned to death.

Is that something you would support. Or have we grown out of that?

I like to think we have.

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