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Is the wall really just a fight between republicans? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Two years they could have funded the wall, they didn't. Now the republicans want to blame democrats for the government shutdown because they won't do exactly the same thing the republicans wouldn't do...fund the wall.

So is this wall thing just a fight amongst republicans?
It does appear that Congressional Republicans rejected Trump's wall, but rather than take the heat for that, they have allowed the can to be kicked to Dems controlling the House, and immediately withdrew Mitch from the public eye/fight, to allow just that. The appearance that it's Democrats vs Trump.

They don't want the wall either. Trump didn't either to be honest, it was just like everything he says, just for effect. He was ready to sign it and told Pence to signal that he would. It was right wing nutters like Coulter/Rush apparently, who scared Trump into flip-flopping at the last minute before the holiday break.
I think it's Trump's knee-jerk reaction to Ann Coulter saying that he was 'dead in the water' if he didn't get the wall built, followed by a Republican hope that Democrats would take political flak for the shutdown.

*Edit: What Mach said.
It does appear that Congressional Republicans rejected Trump's wall, but rather than take the heat for that, they have allowed the can to be kicked to Dems controlling the House, and immediately withdrew Mitch from the public eye/fight, to allow just that. The appearance that it's Democrats vs Trump.

They don't want the wall either. Trump didn't either to be honest, it was just like everything he says, just for effect. He was ready to sign it and told Pence to signal that he would. It was right wing nutters like Coulter/Rush apparently, who scared Trump into flip-flopping at the last minute before the holiday break.

You are 100 percent right, Mach.
What also didn't help is Trump presented his vision of a wall as one that stretches from coast to coast without really vetting the cost and logistics of that kind of project. Had he proposed something like what's being proposed now, it would have likely gotten GOP support and been easier to pass while they had control of Congress.

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