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Is the U.S really a free country (1 Viewer)

Is the United States really a free country

  • Freebird

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Folsom Prison

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Torn Between Two Lovers

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New England
Political Leaning
Is the U.S really a free country, or is it just another corupted nation. There is so much choas going on then one has to really consider that maybe the U.S really what the founders wanted. Wheres it heading? And what is going to be like for our children and grandchildren down the road.
Yes I like to know how many think it is, and then explain why?
kmhowe72 said:
Yes I like to know how many think it is, and then explain why?

Why are there no poll options?
it suppose to be free ,and it can be said that it is the most free nations on earth.

but I submit that for these reasons and these reasons alone it is not free

1) there is an evil that has persisted in controling America(most other countries to)that evil has a plan andmake no mistake about it has been in america a long time

2)some of the population is not free to do things that others in the populace can IE: black in america can never be allowed to be president (due to above reasoning 1)

3) your govt. system is not Based on referendums.

4) electronic voting stations can, AND I suspect has been jerry rigged.
5) Americans are too busy to get involved and apathey is the norm

As you can see all of America's freedom problems stems from number 1 the root of the problem.

losing a few freedoms now and then in the name of betterment providing they are put a referendum does not reduce freedom .
if I for git any please feel free to ad lib
:doh No Poll!
It's as free as they come, and as we have learned the hard way, maybe too much freedom. When an enemy can waltz in to our country, learn to fly a plane in our schools, and then fly that plane in to one of our tallest buildings, killing 3,000 people, we might want to rethink a few things.
Here we have a guy from one of the most screwed up countries in the world telling us what is wrong with our country.........

Me thinks he shoule worry about getting his country straightened out before he worries about ours......
"2)some of the population is not free to do things that others in the populace can IE: black in america can never be allowed to be president (due to above reasoning 1)"

Race baiting at it's most moronic :roll:
SixStringHero said:
"2)some of the population is not free to do things that others in the populace can IE: black in america can never be allowed to be president (due to above reasoning 1)"

Race baiting at it's most moronic :roll:

This thread is bating...........
Blacks can be president... In fact, I hope we get one soon. It's just that they let groups like the KKK scare them into thinking that if they're elected they will be assassinated. I say that KKK be put to death for their retardedness, even Sen. Robert "Sheets" Byrd (who has almost every public building in West Virginia named after him). And if you don't believe that Senator Byrd is a member of the KKK (Grand Kleagal in fact; which is a recruiter), then look up his name in wikipedia. That's where I got my info on him.
America isn't truely free. I can't go around with a shotgun and gun down random people.

BTW that was a joke so don't go crazy on me.
Wish this were a poll but anyway... A free country? Ha. No, it's not really free:

-You can't choose what to put in your body even if it doesn't harm others.
-You can't get married to someone if they have the same thing you do in your pants.
-Hell, you can't even buy liquor on Sundays in many places. Yeah that's free.
-Don't even think about running for office if you're not Christian, especially if you're a black gay atheist.
-"Free Speech Zones" (Both democrats and republicans are guilty of this)

Not to mention the past of this "free nation":

-Laws against what you can do in your bedroom.
-Interracial marriage ban.
-Unequal civil rights for blacks.
-Women's right to vote
-Being Japanese post WWII (they weren't white like Germans)
-Treatment of Communists in the 50's (even though it was legal to be a member)
-Atheists and other non-believers that have been treated poorly for their views
-Child Labor laws (or lack thereof)
-Outlawing the teaching of Evolution

I've only just scratched the surface. Just as if you were able to ask Americans then as now most would definitely answer "Yes, this is a free country" if not the freest. Land of the free? What a joke.

P.S. Put up a poll please!
Even if we legalized everything that didn't harm other people. we still wouldn't be a completely free country. Hey if we wanted a completely free country, overthrow the government and tell people to do what they want. Then we'll have looting and killing galore.
Canuck said:
it suppose to be free ,and it can be said that it is the most free nations on earth.

but I submit that for these reasons and these reasons alone it is not free

1) there is an evil that has persisted in controling America(most other countries to)that evil has a plan andmake no mistake about it has been in america a long time

2)some of the population is not free to do things that others in the populace can IE: black in america can never be allowed to be president (due to above reasoning 1)

3) your govt. system is not Based on referendums.

4) electronic voting stations can, AND I suspect has been jerry rigged.
5) Americans are too busy to get involved and apathey is the norm

As you can see all of America's freedom problems stems from number 1 the root of the problem.

losing a few freedoms now and then in the name of betterment providing they are put a referendum does not reduce freedom .
if I for git any please feel free to ad lib

I would love to know where you get your wealth of *coughs* knowledge *coughs*
have you traveled america and met the majority of the everyday american, or is all your vast knowledge of us from the Canadian vehemently anti american PRESS you have up there?
would really appreciate an answer

While we are not completely free, and have our fair share of corruption, I have yet to see any evidence that any other nation has gotten it better.
One can never be truly free, that is a delusion
one can never be truly free of corruption either, it is human nature.

And you just watch, in our lifetime, i submit for your consideration, all these socialist nations, with lofty ideas of cradle to grave entitlements and wealth redistribution, will bankrupt themselves, unless they undergo serious changes
Their economies pale in comparison to the US
It aint perfect here, but show one other place that is
FinnMacCool said:
Even if we legalized everything that didn't harm other people. we still wouldn't be a completely free country. Hey if we wanted a completely free country, overthrow the government and tell people to do what they want. Then we'll have looting and killing galore.

Of course, I don't mean anarchy. Even so, it is sad that we have to catch up to a CATHOLIC country such as Spain in treating our citizens equally.
Columbusite said:
Of course, I don't mean anarchy. Even so, it is sad that we have to catch up to a CATHOLIC country such as Spain in treating our citizens equally.

catholicism is falling off rapidly in most of Europe.
its future is currently in the 3rd world
and do you happen to have something i could review showing how well spain treats its citizens. never heard of such a thing
DeeJayH said:
catholicism is falling off rapidly in most of Europe.
its future is currently in the 3rd world
and do you happen to have something i could review showing how well spain treats its citizens. never heard of such a thing

Same-sex marriage. We should have been the 1st, but we won't even be the 2nd or 3rd.
Columbusite said:
Same-sex marriage. We should have been the 1st, but we won't even be the 2nd or 3rd.

every marriage is a same sex marriage
once your married it is the same sex over and over again

vehemently opposed to same sex marriage
civil unions so they get the same rights and priviliges
but no marriage
Columbusite said:
Same-sex marriage. We should have been the 1st, but we won't even be the 2nd or 3rd.

Same-sex marriage? It can't be possible because every single starting culture that I know defines marriage as being between 1 man and 1 woman. THe most gays/lesbians could have is same-sex unions, which pretty much is the same thing as marriage; except it's not marriage. Damn, I'm confusing myself........ wait....... hold on...... ah yes, I've also heard that in one of the NE states, some lesbian couple wants to have birth certificates changed. I do believe that I heard this on Fox News. Instead of the certificate saying "Mother & Father", they want it to say "Parent A and Parent B". I don't think that this will work out too well. Cuz I don't care what anyone says, it takes at least one man and one woman to make a child.

But if they get their way you'll have birth certificates that say "Parent A: Katherine Snotz; Parent B: Susan Kellog" [That was just an example]. But it should still say "Mother: Katherine Snotz; Father: Tim Finnigan (Sperm Donar)" [Another Example]. So that when the kid grows up, he can go meet his father. Fancy that...
[Moderator Mode]

Poll added...

[/Moderator Mode]

One of these days, a simple "Yes/No/Maybe" might come out of me...doubt it....:cool:
Columbusite said:
No, it's not really free:

-You can't choose what to put in your body even if it doesn't harm others.
-You can't get married to someone if they have the same thing you do in your pants.
-Hell, you can't even buy liquor on Sundays in many places. Yeah that's free.
-Don't even think about running for office if you're not Christian, especially if you're a black gay atheist.
-"Free Speech Zones" (Both democrats and republicans are guilty of this)

Not to mention the past of this "free nation":

-Laws against what you can do in your bedroom.
-Interracial marriage ban.
-Unequal civil rights for blacks.
-Women's right to vote
-Being Japanese post WWII (they weren't white like Germans)
-Treatment of Communists in the 50's (even though it was legal to be a member)
-Atheists and other non-believers that have been treated poorly for their views
-Child Labor laws (or lack thereof)
-Outlawing the teaching of Evolution

-Right, because people who do crystal meth always do so after careful, unshakable reasoning and never hurt anyone.
-I would vote for gay marraige, but if it doesn't get passed it's semantic so nobody cares anyway, not even you.
-Local laws banning booze on one day of the week. Yeah that's a Soviet police state.
-Wow, you really hate democracy, duder. But you're right, people have no right to vote for someone they don't dislike.
-You're right, "protest zones" are unconstitutional. Too bad nobody's actually been convicted for violating them. Prime example of judicial check and balance of executive power.

And the "past infrigments" are just that and only serve two points. One, that the United States is a nation of advance. More suited, by it's very nature, then any other country to constantly revise itself into a greater balance and a higher standard. Two that you're reaching and conversely, are just depressed and unactualized like alot of the predictable America-bashers of the world.
The US is the totalitarian state of Oceania that he wrote about in his book 1984.

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