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Is the Scourge of AIDS About to End (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
This is incredible news. Scientists believe they have found a pill that prevents AIDS, and are about to start drug trials with it in groups of healthy high-risk individuals. If the trials are successful, AIDS will have been defeated.

Article is here.
Oh joy! - be still my heart! Now divert the trainloads of research money back to the REAL big killers: heart disease and cancer.
I'll believe it when it hits the market and ends AIDS. Until then, I remain skeptical.
alphamale said:
Oh joy! - be still my heart! Now divert the trainloads of research money back to the REAL big killers: heart disease and cancer.

In some areas of Africa, AIDS kills more people than heart disease and cancer combined.
alphamale said:
Oh joy! - be still my heart! Now divert the trainloads of research money back to the REAL big killers: heart disease and cancer.
AIDS is a serious national security issue. Large segments of generations are being lost in some countries. This increases instability in fairly unstable parts of the world. A failed state is a magnet and breeding ground for international criminal activity and terrorism.

NIE 99-17D, January 2000
Of the seven biggest killers worldwide, TB, malaria, hepatitis, and, in particular, HIV/AIDS continue to surge, with HIV/AIDS and TB likely to account for the overwhelming majority of deaths from infectious diseases in developing countries by 2020.

The infectious disease burden will weaken the military capabilities of some countries--as well as international peacekeeping efforts--as their armies and recruitment pools experience HIV infection rates ranging from 10 to 60 percent. The cost will be highest among officers and the more modernized militaries in Sub-Saharan Africa and increasingly among FSU states and possibly some rogue states.

HIV/AIDS probably will cause more deaths than any other single infectious disease worldwide by 2020 and may account for up to one-half or more of infectious disease deaths in the developing world alone.

I once heard that President Bush has allocated more money to the AIDS epidemic than any president before him. Anyone know about this or seen it in writing?

I did find this:

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KCConservative said:
I once heard that President Bush has allocated more money to the AIDS epidemic than any president before him. Anyone know about this or seen it in writing?

I did find this:


Oh great, next you are going to claim that President Bush personally eradicated AIDS.

Just you all watch people! :cool:
KidRocks said:
Oh great, next you are going to claim that President Bush personally eradicated AIDS.

Just you all watch people! :cool:
Yes, everyone, just watch and see if I say such a thing. :roll: Do comments like this ever make you feel silly, kid?
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This is amazing if it really does work!!

I have also heard Bush has given tons of money to help the stop of AIDS. It is a serious matter and I'm glad it's finally getting some treatment.
This is more a conspiracy theory but I heard that some countries use AIDS as population control. Thats pretty sick if it's true.
americanwoman said:
This is amazing if it really does work!!

I have also heard Bush has given tons of money to help the stop of AIDS. It is a serious matter and I'm glad it's finally getting some treatment.
This is more a conspiracy theory but I heard that some countries use AIDS as population control. Thats pretty sick if it's true.
Yup, that is just conspiracy theory. According to an article in Scientific American several years ago, the most credible theory is that, in Africa, in order to reduce costs, US drug companies, along with the UN, made polio vaccines from monkeys instead of sheep, causing the Simian Immunodeficiency virus to mutate into HIV. Of couse, at the time, there was no way to know that SIV would mutate, so it is really nobody's fault. It just happened.
It would be magnificent if it did or does. Great news.

Quite frankly I could not care less who takes the credit. You know all the
politicians will be patting themselves on the back while the scientists
funding for the next great scourge gets scaled back. Good deeds never
go unpunished.

Sorry to sound so negative.
danarhea said:
Yup, that is just conspiracy theory. According to an article in Scientific American several years ago, the most credible theory is that, in Africa, in order to reduce costs, US drug companies, along with the UN, made polio vaccines from monkeys instead of sheep, causing the Simian Immunodeficiency virus to mutate into HIV. Of couse, at the time, there was no way to know that SIV would mutate, so it is really nobody's fault. It just happened.

Is this really where AIDS originated? If not, does anybody know where it did or did it just show up one day?

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