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Is the Republican Party America's natural governing party? (1 Viewer)



The Liberal Party is often referred to as "Canada's natural governing party". Well FDR four election victories aside, the United States Republican Party has been pretty damn successfull when it comes to winning elections. Since 1861, a Republican has won 23 of the last 37 presidential elections. Also 18 of the 27 US Presidents since 1861 have been Republicans. So is the Republican Party America's natural governing party?
Calvin said:
The Liberal Party is often referred to as "Canada's natural governing party". Well FDR four election victories aside, the United States Republican Party has been pretty damn successfull when it comes to winning elections. Since 1861, a Republican has won 23 of the last 37 presidential elections. Also 18 of the 27 US Presidents since 1861 have been Republicans. So is the Republican Party America's natural governing party?
Not at all...

IIRC, The Democratic Party once held Congress for over 40 straight years...

The thing about Presidents is that they are...or should be...more foreign policy driven...

Only Congress has the authority to tax and spend, so they are...or should be...more domestic policy driven...

Perception in America is that the Republicans are more for National Security than Democrats, and since National Security falls under the Executive Branch and not the Legislative, then it could be said that the Republican Party is America's natural foreign policy party, but as for "governing"?...

I wouldn't say so...
It wasn't until recently that Congress became under Republican control. And the supreme court has only been conservatively controlled very recently.

The other branches of government can not be ignored, in theory they are suppose to be just as important.

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