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Is the president trying to work with democrats or demonize them into submission? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
Is the president trying to work with democrats or demonize them into submission?

Is the president only catering to his base or do you think he is being president for all the people?
Is the president trying to work with democrats or demonize them into submission?

Is the president only catering to his base or do you think he is being president for all the people?

Clearly the President is uninterested in working toward anything with anyone unless they give him the wall/fence/slats/wall/fence/barrier he demands and knows he will beat no on into submission as has been proven so he will probably do the national security emergency, tied up in court thingy in order to save face and feed his minions. As long as he keeps the Government open....who cares anyway.
The President is using the Dems as a bogeyman foil, in order to rally his base and distract them from his ineptitude & ineffectuallity.
Is the president trying to work with democrats or demonize them into submission?

Is the president only catering to his base or do you think he is being president for all the people?

He's only interested in himself......not the country as a whole.

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