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Is the Obama administration doing a good job in protecting us from terrorism? (1 Viewer)

Is the Obama administration doing a good job in protecting us from terrorism?

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Am certain this will end up as the typical hyperpartisan troll thread but how much freedom is one willing to give up to be safe?

It would certainly make things easier for law enforcement if we all had 7 PM curfews and none of us traveled overseas.

How safe do you want to be? There are far more traffic fatalities that deaths by terrorists in the USA but I don't see anybody lobbying for mandatory helmets for all auto passengers.
Not surprising that some lower the bar when there's an incompetent administration in the White House.

Al Qaeda underwear bomber who was able to ignite the fuse but the kicker charge failed to set off the main charge.

AL Qaeda attack at Fort Hood. (13 killed, 32 wounded.)

Al Qaeda attack on a military recruiting station in Little Rock, AK. (1 killed, 1 wounded.)

Al Qaeda attack on American consulate, Benghazi, libya. (4 Americans killed. POTUS refuses to do #### and goes up stairs and prepares to fly to Vegas to claim Al Qaeda is on the run and is being decimated and also blame it on a Youtube video.)

Muslim terrorist bombings in Boston, Mas. (3 killed, 264 wounded.)

Liberal attack on the Washington Navy Yard. (12 killed)
Not surprising that some lower the bar when there's an incompetent administration in the White House.

Al Qaeda underwear bomber who was able to ignite the fuse but the kicker charge failed to set off the main charge.

AL Qaeda attack at Fort Hood. (13 killed, 32 wounded.)

Al Qaeda attack on a military recruiting station in Little Rock, AK. (1 killed, 1 wounded.)

Al Qaeda attack on American consulate, Benghazi, libya. (4 Americans killed. POTUS refuses to do #### and goes up stairs and prepares to fly to Vegas to claim Al Qaeda is on the run and is being decimated and also blame it on a Youtube video.)

Muslim terrorist bombings in Boston, Mas. (3 killed, 264 wounded.)

Liberal attack on the Washington Navy Yard. (12 killed)
I want to be kept as safe as we were under the Bush Administration where we had zero attacks after 9/11.
Am certain this will end up as the typical hyper-partisan troll thread but how much freedom is one willing to give up to be safe?

It would certainly make things easier for law enforcement if we all had 7 PM curfews and none of us traveled overseas.

How safe do you want to be? There are far more traffic fatalities that deaths by terrorists in the USA but I don't see anybody lobbying for mandatory helmets for all auto passengers.

Smart Talk
As I gather ...helmets help NOT.
We need much better driver training and much better highways.
I think that there are cases where the safety/security is excessive...
I just don't think terrorism is a real threat any longer. Not to the United states anyway. They had their hit and it was 12 years ago. The terrorists woke a sleeping giant and were crushed because of it.
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Nope, but I think the best way to protect us from the terrorists is to stop pissing the terrorists off and he's not done that. So long as we keep sticking our nose into the affairs of the Middle East, we'll be a target for terrorists.
I want to be kept as safe as we were under the Bush Administration where we had zero attacks after 9/11.

You can see the No True Scotsman coming a mile away, but what the hell, I'll take the bait.

The anthrax attacks happened two days later. After 9/11. Wanna try again?
Not surprising that some lower the bar when there's an incompetent administration in the White House.

Al Qaeda underwear bomber who was able to ignite the fuse but the kicker charge failed to set off the main charge.

AL Qaeda attack at Fort Hood. (13 killed, 32 wounded.)

Al Qaeda attack on a military recruiting station in Little Rock, AK. (1 killed, 1 wounded.)

Al Qaeda attack on American consulate, Benghazi, libya. (4 Americans killed. POTUS refuses to do #### and goes up stairs and prepares to fly to Vegas to claim Al Qaeda is on the run and is being decimated and also blame it on a Youtube video.)

Muslim terrorist bombings in Boston, Mas. (3 killed, 264 wounded.)

Liberal attack on the Washington Navy Yard. (12 killed)

All of this is a major reason why the people chose to elect President Mitt Romney.
All of this is a major reason why the people chose to elect President Mitt Romney.

Actually 52 % of the voters were either uninformed or just misinformed. Some just believe what they are told on MSNBC or get their news from the Comedy Channel. Some after four years of being lied to by Obama and his White House continued to believe the lies.

While the other 48 % didn't buy Janet (Big Siss) Napolitano's explanation for the Obama administration that "everything worked out as planned." Even though an Al Qaeda terrorist who was on the watch list was allowed to board the plane. Was able to light the fuse but the only reason the plane didn't blow up was because the kicker charge failed to set off the main charge.

48 % of us didn't buy that the Fort Hood terrorist attack was just "violence in the work place" when the shooter is yelling "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!" and was also exchanging e-mails with Al Qaeda in Yemen.

48 % of us didn't buy Obama's lies that Al Qaeda was "on the run and is being decimated" and then blames the Al Qaeda attack on the consulate in Benghazi on a You Tube video because we are smarter and know that demonstrators don't bring heavy anti aircraft machine guns and mortars to a demonstration that over a You Tube video.
I just don't think terrorism is a real threat any longer. Not to the United states anyway. They had their hit and it was 12 years ago. The terrorists woke a sleeping giant and were crushed because of it.
I wish
Hatred takes years, hundreds of years to diminish, we have the same problem in our nation as do the Islamic nations.
I want to be kept as safe as we were under the Bush Administration where we had zero attacks after 9/11.

Zero, except for the attacks that did happen. Hint: zero is wrong.
Nope, but I think the best way to protect us from the terrorists is to stop pissing the terrorists off and he's not done that. So long as we keep sticking our nose into the affairs of the Middle East, we'll be a target for terrorists.

We should not let fear of terrorists affect our foreign policy.
what are your thoughts?

I did not blame 9/11(or the other terrorist attacks on US soil under him) on Bush, and for much the same reason I don't blame Obama for the attacks under him. The actual nuts and bolts of detection and prevention is mostly handled by career civil servants who do better than we give them credit for. Much like 9/11, where when looking back at it the evidence of the attack is clear, but when looking forward before 9/11, not so clear, detecting and preventing attacks is an incredibly difficult job. If there is one area we should not be playing petty partisan politics, it is something like this.
I did not blame 9/11(or the other terrorist attacks on US soil under him) on Bush, and for much the same reason I don't blame Obama for the attacks under him. The actual nuts and bolts of detection and prevention is mostly handled by career civil servants who do better than we give them credit for. Much like 9/11, where when looking back at it the evidence of the attack is clear, but when looking forward before 9/11, not so clear, detecting and preventing attacks is an incredibly difficult job. If there is one area we should not be playing petty partisan politics, it is something like this.

President G.W. Bush looked at it the same way. Bush didn't spend eight years blaming Clinton's failed terrorist policies for 9/11.

Any Bill, Dick or Janet could have made the mistake of declaring that Al Qaeda wasn't a national security issue but a law enforcement issue.

Janet Reno's "wall" sure didn't help matters either.
You can see the No True Scotsman coming a mile away, but what the hell, I'll take the bait.

The anthrax attacks happened two days later. After 9/11. Wanna try again?

List of terrorist incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That must have taken quite some time.

United States United States, May: Luke Helder injures 6 by placing pipebombs in mailboxes in the Midwest. Motivation to protest government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana and promotion of astral projection
United States, July 4: An Egyptian gunman opens fire at an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles International Airport, killing two Israelis before being killed himself.
United States United States, October: John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.

United States United States, October 1: Joel Henry Hinrichs III detonated a bomb near the packed football stadium at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma killing himself in the process.[5]

United States: An Afghani Muslim hit 19 pedestrians, killing one, with his SUV in the San Francisco Bay area.

That's just what's reported.
United States: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drives an SUV onto a crowded part of campus, injuring nine.
Heya OC. :2wave: Did you mean just within the Physical US?
Actually 52 % of the voters were either uninformed or just misinformed. Some just believe what they are told on MSNBC or get their news from the Comedy Channel. Some after four years of being lied to by Obama and his White House continued to believe the lies.

While the other 48 % didn't buy Janet (Big Siss) Napolitano's explanation for the Obama administration that "everything worked out as planned." Even though an Al Qaeda terrorist who was on the watch list was allowed to board the plane. Was able to light the fuse but the only reason the plane didn't blow up was because the kicker charge failed to set off the main charge.

48 % of us didn't buy that the Fort Hood terrorist attack was just "violence in the work place" when the shooter is yelling "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!" and was also exchanging e-mails with Al Qaeda in Yemen.

48 % of us didn't buy Obama's lies that Al Qaeda was "on the run and is being decimated" and then blames the Al Qaeda attack on the consulate in Benghazi on a You Tube video because we are smarter and know that demonstrators don't bring heavy anti aircraft machine guns and mortars to a demonstration that over a You Tube video.

Your words hold no power. You will have to deal with Obama for another 3.5 years. Sorry!
List of terrorist incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That must have taken quite some time.

United States United States, May: Luke Helder injures 6 by placing pipebombs in mailboxes in the Midwest. Motivation to protest government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana and promotion of astral projection
United States, July 4: An Egyptian gunman opens fire at an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles International Airport, killing two Israelis before being killed himself.
United States United States, October: John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.

United States United States, October 1: Joel Henry Hinrichs III detonated a bomb near the packed football stadium at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma killing himself in the process.[5]

United States: An Afghani Muslim hit 19 pedestrians, killing one, with his SUV in the San Francisco Bay area.

That's just what's reported.
United States: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drives an SUV onto a crowded part of campus, injuring nine.


2007 October 26: A pair of improvised explosive devices were thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder, and detonated by fuses, causing very minor damage. Police were investigating the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New York in 2005.[47]

2008 February: In the first reported incident of animal-rights extremists physically assaulting the family members of animal researchers, six masked activists attempted to force their way into the home of a University of California, Santa Cruz, researcher and injured the researcher's husband.[48][49]

2008 March 3: Four multimillion-dollar show homes place in Woodinville, Washington, are torched. The Earth Liberation Front is suspected.[50]

2008 March 6: A homemade bomb damaged a Recruiting Office in Times Square.[51] In June 2013 The FBI and New York City police offered a $65,000 reward for information in the case and revealed that ammunition used for the bomb is the same as is used in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones.[52]

2008 May 4: Multiple pipe bombs exploded at 1:40 am at the Edward J. Schwartz United States Courthouse in San Diego causing "considerable damage" to the entrance and lobby and sending shrapnel two blocks away, but causing no injuries. The F.B.I. is investigating links between this attack and an April 25 explosion at the FedEx building also in San Diego.[53]

2008 August 2, August 3 University of California-Santa Cruz molecular biologist David Feldheim's home was firebombed. A car belonging to another researcher from that university was destroyed by a firebomb in what is presumed to be related. FBI is investigating incidents as domestic terrorism related to animal rights groups.[54][55]

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