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Is The Media Biased? (1 Viewer)


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Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
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From the Media Research Center (Quote): "If we're worried about too many conservatives in the White House press briefing room, this is a discussion that's not...gonna resonate with the American public," Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard suggested to Chris Matthews on Friday's Hardball after Matthews raised the "Jeff Gannon" case. Matthews expressed astonishment: "You think it's mostly packed with liberals?" When Hayes affirmed, "yes, of course," Matthews remained astonished: "Really?" Matthews insisted "there are a lot of straight reporters in that room" and Time veteran Margaret Carlson agreed: "I think they're mostly straight reporters." Carlson insisted that though "Elisabeth Bumiller reports for the New York Times, which has a liberal editorial page," she "plays it straight down the middle." Carlson, who was unable to see any bias in the mainstream media, found it on cable news as she ridiculed FNC's slogan by mangling it: "Cable is, 'We don't report, you decide.' It's, it's all, it seems to me, skewed." (End Quote)

You can't find a liberal television host much more liberal than Chris Mathews of MSNBC's "Hardball". Many liberals try to paint the media as balanced or even leaning conservative because of successes such as Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Those successes don't rely on whether you like them or their views or presentation or not; those successes are told in the ratings and the number of stations that carry their programs. No matter what the mass media tells you about the Fox News Channel, they beat the pants off EVERY other news outlet in number of viewers for a reason. You will hear both sides and whether it's fair and balanced, you still hear both sides.

Back in 1996 (you may not have noticed), Mario Cuomo, the darling of the Democrats and former Governor of New York State had his own syndicated talk show. Alan Dershowitz, liberally oriented lawyer and a good one, had his own talk show. Neither one lasted more than a few months. Why? No ratings. The callers had better arguements than the hosts. Embarassing? Hardly anyone wanted to listen to the liberal line. Sponsors saw the ratings and left. These shows collapsed of their own content. When a caller asked Mario what he paid into the Social Security system he said he didn't know. Problem was he was in the middle of a diatribe against the Republicans for not doing enough for Social Security. Know your arguement comes to mind.

Now we have Al Gore and his backing of the Liberal Talk Network with their star, Al Franken! I've watched Al Franken doing his television talk show on The Sundance Channel. To be honest, I don't know whether it's the content or the presentation that makes it SO BORING but it sure is; at least to me. It is my personal belief that as the population of our country ages it becomes naturally more conservative. If that is really happening and a President of the moderate at best quality of George W. Bush can be elected - Democrats, or at least their power and ideas - will become extinct in the winning column :duel ~~~
gordontravels said:
" No matter what the mass media tells you about the Fox News Channel, they beat the pants off EVERY other news outlet in number of viewers for a reason. You will hear both sides and whether it's fair and balanced, you still hear both sides."

" I've watched Al Franken doing his television talk show on The Sundance Channel. To be honest, I don't know whether it's the content or the presentation that makes it SO BORING but it sure is; at least to me."

Fox is popular because, while they may present both sides, they do so by presenting one positively and one negatively. So, they end up telling conservatives exactly what they want to hear.

I watched Franken's show on Sundance twice. Fell asleep the second and final time.
I've been a member of the media and I think Fox News Channel is popular because they are different from everyone else. You can't take a John Gibson or a Shephard Smith and think of them as not right of center but they do allow a guest from the other side when many cable or straight news outlets don't. MSNBC is famous for having one comentator when a story is presented just as their Today Show hosts Couric and Lauer will do. Also, look for a liberal to receive the softball questions while a conservative receives the blade. For instance:

During the last election cycle Today Show hostess Katie Couric had two interviews, one with the daughter of the Kerry's the other with the daughter of the Cheney's. Kerry's daughter was asked if she was proud of her father (that was the question). Cheney's daughter was asked if she thought her father's and the President's decision to go into Iraq, in view of our mounting casualties, was the right thing to do.

The Washington Post and New York Times refer to the Democrats and the conservatives. I have yet to see the mainstream media say Liberal Senator Teddy Kennedy while they are always willing to say Conservative Senator Bill Frist.

Media Bias? Alive and well :duel ~~~
gordontravels said:
I've been a member of the media and I think Fox News Channel is popular because they are different from everyone else. You can't take a John Gibson or a Shephard Smith and think of them as not right of center but they do allow a guest from the other side when many cable or straight news outlets don't. MSNBC is famous for having one comentator when a story is presented just as their Today Show hosts Couric and Lauer will do. Also, look for a liberal to receive the softball questions while a conservative receives the blade. For instance:

During the last election cycle Today Show hostess Katie Couric had two interviews, one with the daughter of the Kerry's the other with the daughter of the Cheney's. Kerry's daughter was asked if she was proud of her father (that was the question). Cheney's daughter was asked if she thought her father's and the President's decision to go into Iraq, in view of our mounting casualties, was the right thing to do.

The Washington Post and New York Times refer to the Democrats and the conservatives. I have yet to see the mainstream media say Liberal Senator Teddy Kennedy while they are always willing to say Conservative Senator Bill Frist.

Media Bias? Alive and well :duel ~~~
Well, I agree with you on one thing- Fox is different alright. So is the Jerry Springer Show.
Then you miss or refuse to see my point. Maybe you simply have your own. At any rate, we don't agree. Evidence of media bias is in every news outlet that has the power to reach you but the idea that 90% are left leaning while less than 10% are right leaning (pundit driven not news driven) is on the money :duel !
gordontravels said:
Evidence of media bias is in every news outlet that has the power to reach you but the idea that 90% are left leaning while less than 10% are right leaning (pundit driven not news driven) is on the money

Absolute hogwash.
You have no way of proving that statement...why?
Because it isn't true...you're simply another victim of right wing spin.

Conservatives love to moan and cry about the dreaded liberal media. It's the same old republican tactic...tell a lie, repeat the lie...keep repeating the lie until people believe there actually is an overwhelming liberal media bias.

Here's a study that was done on media coverage in the 2000 election by the Pew Charitable Trusts Project for Excellence in Journalism. They studied whether media stories were favorable or not to Bush and Gore.

Positive Stories..........Gore 13% Bush 24%
Neutral stories...........Gore 31% Bush 27%
Negative Stories.........Gore 56% Bush 49%
Total..............................100% 100%

Where's the liberal media bias in this study?

Where was the liberal bias when Clinton was president? Even the NY Times called for Clinton's impeachment...even Chris Matthews derided the Gore camp for wanting a recount in the Florida voting debacle of 2000.

I'm reminded of a friend of mine who spoke highly of the honesty of a conservative talk show host. He thought the host was honest because he criticized Bush's lack of immigration policy with the Mexican border.

He even said.."Look...the guy criticized Bush! So he must be telling the truth about all the other stories!"

So because a talk show host criticized Bush on immigration, which..let's face it...4/5's of the country couldn't really care less, because they do not live anywhere near the Mexican border, my friend was willing to believe all other BS that came out of that host's mouth.

If anything...there is a distinct conservative bias in the media.
Hoot said:
So because a talk show host criticized Bush on immigration, which..let's face it...4/5's of the country couldn't really care less, because they do not live anywhere near the Mexican border, my friend was willing to believe all other BS that came out of that host's mouth.

Interesting to say the very least.
Republicans cannot stand Bush's stance on immigration. Nice :spin:

Would you mind linking to your source for the numbers above?
vauge said:
Interesting to say the very least.
Republicans cannot stand Bush's stance on immigration. Nice :spin:

Would you mind linking to your source for the numbers above?

You want to dispute that...well, it is in Al Franken's book (Lies and The Lying Liars who Tell Them-page 39...and we go to the endnote...(nice change from reading coulter...) http://www.journalism.org/resources/research/reports/campaign2000/lastlap/default.asp)

There you go man, and that is from the Pew Research Center-respected by all!

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