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Is the letter "Z" Putin's new swastika? (1 Viewer)

I knew all that but I am still wondering whether we will be seeing that symbol on the uniforms of his stormtroopers? Sieg Putin!
We must all unite in hating the letter Z in all its evil forms.

Anyone who has this vile letter in their name is monster.
We must all unite in hating the letter Z in all its evil forms.

Anyone who has this vile letter in their name is monster.

Context matters. Otherwise-innocuous and anodyne symbols have often been used by evil regimes and atrocity-laden movements. The color red. Eagles. Crosses. Hammers. Stars. If Russian nationalists and Putin regime apologists use the "Z" symbol, it is a symbol of support for the violent conquest of Ukraine.
Za pobedu (for victory)

There are more than 'Z's. The is 'V' and 'O' and more.

It certainly appears to be to me. The equipment used the invasion is all marked with z's and not other ID.
I read it was supposed to make them look like a peace keeping force rather than an invading army.
The obsession with trying to turn it into a swastika is almost as pathetic as those who tried to turn the Scout Sniper flag into the SS emblem.
Context matters. Otherwise-innocuous and anodyne symbols have often been used by evil regimes and atrocity-laden movements. The color red. Eagles. Crosses. Hammers. Stars. If Russian nationalists and Putin regime apologists use the "Z" symbol, it is a symbol of support for the violent conquest of Ukraine.

If only people were rational enough to stop there. They'll be seeing the evil symbols in their cornflakes and claiming Trump is flashing the Z with his fingers. Then come the gifs and giant meme photos. It's going to get stupid quick.
I knew all that but I am still wondering whether we will be seeing that symbol on the uniforms of his stormtroopers? Sieg Putin!
I suspect so, if this drags on.
The obsession with trying to turn it into a swastika is almost as pathetic as those who tried to turn the Scout Sniper flag into the SS emblem.
It is already the Russian Swastika so....
It certainly appears to be to me. The equipment used the invasion is all marked with z's and not other ID.
As long as he ends up with a gun in his mouth or a missile flown up his ass, I don't care.
As long as he ends up with a gun in his mouth or a missile flown up his ass, I don't care.

The odds of that happening are somewhere between “literally zero” and “absolutely none”.
The odds of that happening are somewhere between “literally zero” and “absolutely none”.
Putin's days are numbered. You need to come to grips with that. He will not survive this.
Putin's days are numbered. You need to come to grips with that. He will not survive this.

Unfortunately for you, the evidence to support that premise.....doesn’t exist.
if it is some Americans will start using it.
Still the dilemma persists: the madman that threatens the entire world must be taken out, and we've been here before...

Still the reality is that nobody is going to fire a missile at Vladimir Putin or invade Russia, and therefore your fantasies flat out don’t work.

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