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Is the Kenosha Police Chief okay with the shooting? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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I watched a video of the Kenosha police chief talking about the shooting by the 17 year old the other night. He seemed to suggest that the shooting was the protesters fault and not the 17 year old as the protesters were out after curfew. My first thought was so was the 17 year old. And he was violating the law as to open carry you have to be 18. All of this after seeing the cops giving water to the shooter before the shooting and allowing the shooter to leave the scene even with people chasing the shooter and yelling to cops that the shooter had killed someone. So now the Chief seems to be making excuses for the shooter that do not really make sense. And though in custody, the shooter remains in Illinois waiting an extradition hearing. Who knows how that will go. THe shooter could remain outside of the hands of Wisconsin law enforcement. SO I believe that although the Chief may not approve of the shooting, he seems to think there was an excuse for it and thus okay with him.
I watched a video of the Kenosha police chief talking about the shooting by the 17 year old the other night. He seemed to suggest that the shooting was the protesters fault and not the 17 year old as the protesters were out after curfew. My first thought was so was the 17 year old. And he was violating the law as to open carry you have to be 18. All of this after seeing the cops giving water to the shooter before the shooting and allowing the shooter to leave the scene even with people chasing the shooter and yelling to cops that the shooter had killed someone. So now the Chief seems to be making excuses for the shooter that do not really make sense. And though in custody, the shooter remains in Illinois waiting an extradition hearing. Who knows how that will go. THe shooter could remain outside of the hands of Wisconsin law enforcement. SO I believe that although the Chief may not approve of the shooting, he seems to think there was an excuse for it and thus okay with him.

He probably is. The cops right now are in full "reelect Trump no matter what " mode roght now
I watched a video of the Kenosha police chief talking about the shooting by the 17 year old the other night. He seemed to suggest that the shooting was the protesters fault and not the 17 year old as the protesters were out after curfew. My first thought was so was the 17 year old. And he was violating the law as to open carry you have to be 18. All of this after seeing the cops giving water to the shooter before the shooting and allowing the shooter to leave the scene even with people chasing the shooter and yelling to cops that the shooter had killed someone. So now the Chief seems to be making excuses for the shooter that do not really make sense. And though in custody, the shooter remains in Illinois waiting an extradition hearing. Who knows how that will go. THe shooter could remain outside of the hands of Wisconsin law enforcement. SO I believe that although the Chief may not approve of the shooting, he seems to think there was an excuse for it and thus okay with him.

From what I just read, a New York Times article, it appears the kid was in fact legitimately defending himself. He had spoken to the police and was on friendly terms with them.

There are still some grey areas about certain details, but the kid fired his rifle after someone else across the street fired a hand gun while he was being chased. He turned and fired 4 shots, including at the man/kid who was chasing him and lunged toward him.

Tracking Kyle Rittenhouse in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings - The New York Times

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