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Is The GOP a Cult Now? (1 Viewer)

Aunt Antifa

Aug 19, 2020
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Political Leaning
I was having an exchange with another poster and this subject came up. I was curious and looked up the signs you’re in a cult:

Warning Signs

1 - Duh? Trump voters insist that a) TRump has the right to do whateveer he wants and b) all attempts at accounability are met with resistance - even when declaring he’s 100% innocent. I’ve had folks on here that Trump *needed* to obstruct Mueller *because* he was innocent, in example.

2 - HAHAHAHAH “Hoax!” “Fake news!” “Deep State!” Good luck trying to get a Republican to sincerely and in good faith answer a single question about Trump orthodoxy.

3 - This one is filed with #2.

4 - We need look no further than their take on immigration. It started with “illegal” immigration, then it became all immigration. Evil conspiracies and prosecutions? Consider: the president of the united states each day declares *he* is the victim, and his base agrees with him. The most powerful man in the world who has let us know he has more money than anyone else, crying. And they eat it up.

5 - “NeverTrumpers!”

6 - Like...there’s about a billion books out right now detailing this one.

7 - We call this one “videos of Trump talking”

8 - One common trait among gun obsessed conversvative males: low self-esteem. We know Trump was raised by an abusive father who let him know what a loser he was, thus his obsession with the word and labeling others with it.

9 - I mean...ask a Trump person what they don’t like and you’ll get “He should stop tweeting.” Ask a Democrat, virtually *any* Democrat what we don’t like about Joe Biden, do you think you’ll get just ONE answer? Ask any sports team fan - do you think you’d get the kind of blind obedience Trump enjoys? There are Yankee fans who **** on their team more than Trump people.

10 - He has told his base do not trust any sources other than him, they repeat his words without any cynicism. THis one could ba book all by itself.

So. yeah, I think all plug in the “cult” tag generally, but in this case when you look into it...woof. They’re a friggin’ cult. Full stop.
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I was having an exchange with another poster and this subject came up. I was curious and looked up the signs you’re in a cult:

View attachment 67294186

1 - Duh? Trump voters insist that a) TRump has the right to do whateveer he wants and b) all attempts at accounability are met with resistance - even when declaring he’s 100% innocent. I’ve had folks on here that Trump *needed* to obstruct Mueller *because* he was innocent, in example.

2 - HAHAHAHAH “Hoax!” “Fake news!” “Deep State!” Good luck trying to get a Republican to sincerely and in good faith answer a single question about Trump orthodoxy.

3 - This one is filed with #2.

4 - We need look no further than their take on immigration. It started with “illegal” immigration, then it became all immigration. Evil conspiracies and prosecutions? Consider: the president of the united states each day declares *he* is the victim, and his base agrees with him. The most powerful man in the world who has let us know he has more money than anyone else, crying. And they eat it up.

5 - “NeverTrumpers!”

6 - Like...there’s about a billion books out right now detailing this one.

7 - We call this one “videos of Trump talking”

8 - One common trait among gun obsessed conversvative males: low self-esteem. We know Trump was raised by an abusive father who let him know what a loser he was, thus his obsession with the word and labeling others with it.

9 - I mean...ask a Trump person what they don’t like and you’ll get “He should stop tweeting.” Ask a Democrat, virtually *any* Democrat what we don’t like about Joe Biden, do you think you’ll get just ONE answer? Ask any sports team fan - do you think you’d get the kind of blind obedience Trump enjoys? There are Yankee fans who **** on their team more than Trump people.

10 - He has told his base do not trust any sources other than him, they repeat his words without any cynicism. THis one could ba book all by itself.

So. yeah, I think all plug in the “cult” tag generally, but in this case when you look into it...woof. They’re a friggin’ cult. Full stop.

Personally, I think both major parties members are cultish. as both follow their leaders like mindless robots. Individual thought and free thinking isn't allowed in either. One must pass litmus tests to belong. So yeah, both major parties are more or less cults.
Personally, I think both major parties members are cultish. as both follow their leaders like mindless robots. Individual thought and free thinking isn't allowed in either. One must pass litmus tests to belong. So yeah, both major parties are more or less cults.

The GOP is way more of a cult. Democrats can’t agree on any 2 items for longer than 5 minutes.

Both sides arguments are dismissed outright by me. If you believe it, go with god. I think it’s just something folks say without really putting much effort into the opinion.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I was having an exchange with another poster and this subject came up. I was curious and looked up the signs you’re in a cult:

View attachment 67294186

1 - Duh? Trump voters insist that a) TRump has the right to do whateveer he wants and b) all attempts at accounability are met with resistance - even when declaring he’s 100% innocent. I’ve had folks on here that Trump *needed* to obstruct Mueller *because* he was innocent, in example.

2 - HAHAHAHAH “Hoax!” “Fake news!” “Deep State!” Good luck trying to get a Republican to sincerely and in good faith answer a single question about Trump orthodoxy.

3 - This one is filed with #2.

4 - We need look no further than their take on immigration. It started with “illegal” immigration, then it became all immigration. Evil conspiracies and prosecutions? Consider: the president of the united states each day declares *he* is the victim, and his base agrees with him. The most powerful man in the world who has let us know he has more money than anyone else, crying. And they eat it up.

5 - “NeverTrumpers!”

6 - Like...there’s about a billion books out right now detailing this one.

7 - We call this one “videos of Trump talking”

8 - One common trait among gun obsessed conversvative males: low self-esteem. We know Trump was raised by an abusive father who let him know what a loser he was, thus his obsession with the word and labeling others with it.

9 - I mean...ask a Trump person what they don’t like and you’ll get “He should stop tweeting.” Ask a Democrat, virtually *any* Democrat what we don’t like about Joe Biden, do you think you’ll get just ONE answer? Ask any sports team fan - do you think you’d get the kind of blind obedience Trump enjoys? There are Yankee fans who **** on their team more than Trump people.

10 - He has told his base do not trust any sources other than him, they repeat his words without any cynicism. THis one could ba book all by itself.

So. yeah, I think all plug in the “cult” tag generally, but in this case when you look into it...woof. They’re a friggin’ cult. Full stop.

You're definitely a cultist if you believe this crap.
More cult nonsense.... :lamo This is what happens when your nominee for the presidential election
is in a serious mental decline. Everyone knows that Biden has major problems. He probably won't be able to
finish his 1st term if he is elected. We all know Trump has moved higher in the recent polls so there is
panic in the democratic rants.

There is no excitement for Biden... Sanders supporters could care less about him. So right now all they can do is call others
a cult member..... :doh

The GOP is way more of a cult. Democrats can’t agree on any 2 items for longer than 5 minutes.

Both sides arguments are dismissed outright by me. If you believe it, go with god. I think it’s just something folks say without really putting much effort into the opinion.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Perhaps, you do have a lot of Republicans who worship at the feet of Trump. But you also had a lot of Democrats who worshiped at the feet of Obama. It shows up more now among Republicans since Trump is president. But during the Obama reign, it showed big time among Democrats.

The biggest difference is that Obama knew how to act presidential, he had tact, was honorable, for the most part treated opponents with respect, from my perspective he was a good and likable man whether one agreed or disagreed with his politics. None of the above applies to Trump.

But when folks of either party follow their leader or leaders, today the leaders of the Democrats are Pelosi and Schumer without question and doing their every bidding, that also qualifies as a cult. Which bring one last thought that popped into my head. For the most part, the democrats are a well mannered cult, since Trump, the Republicans aren't.
More cult nonsense.... :lamo This is what happens when your nominee for the presidential election
is in a serious mental decline. Everyone knows that Biden has major problems. He probably won't be able to
finish his 1st term if he is elected. We all know Trump has moved higher in the recent polls so there is
panic in the democratic rants.

There is no excitement for Biden... Sanders supporters could care less about him. So right now all they can do is call others
a cult member..... :doh


Trump was rushed to the hospital this year
Perhaps, you do have a lot of Republicans who worship at the feet of Trump. But you also had a lot of Democrats who worshiped at the feet of Obama. It shows up more now among Republicans since Trump is president. But during the Obama reign, it showed big time among Democrats.

The biggest difference is that Obama knew how to act presidential, he had tact, was honorable, for the most part treated opponents with respect, from my perspective he was a good and likable man whether one agreed or disagreed with his politics. None of the above applies to Trump.

But when folks of either party follow their leader or leaders, today the leaders of the Democrats are Pelosi and Schumer without question and doing their every bidding, that also qualifies as a cult. Which bring one last thought that popped into my head. For the most part, the democrats are a well mannered cult, since Trump, the Republicans aren't.

You are conflating political caucuses with a cult.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Perhaps, you do have a lot of Republicans who worship at the feet of Trump. But you also had a lot of Democrats who worshiped at the feet of Obama. It shows up more now among Republicans since Trump is president. But during the Obama reign, it showed big time among Democrats.

The biggest difference is that Obama knew how to act presidential, he had tact, was honorable, for the most part treated opponents with respect, from my perspective he was a good and likable man whether one agreed or disagreed with his politics. None of the above applies to Trump.

But when folks of either party follow their leader or leaders, today the leaders of the Democrats are Pelosi and Schumer without question and doing their every bidding, that also qualifies as a cult. Which bring one last thought that popped into my head. For the most part, the democrats are a well mannered cult, since Trump, the Republicans aren't.

Naw, not buying it. A good example is Al Franken. No GOP guy woulda been pushed out over that, and none of the GOP voters would take issue. Roy Moore, child mollester? Still better than any democrat! It may be true at the top, when ya get to preidents, but at lower levels, there is a very clear and definite different sttandard.

A Dem in a scandal, dems call for their head, or their resignation; a GOP member though, unless it's likely to spill over, everyone closes ranks. Makes dams more ethical, but it makes Republicans stronger.

I also dunno where you get the idea that Schumer or Pelosi are wildly popular with the Democrat base. Right wing media reports it that way, but really the only time I know of Dems excited about Pelosi is on the rare occasion she's tough. Schumer is a chump and not worth a crap.
More cult nonsense.... :lamo This is what happens when your nominee for the presidential election
is in a serious mental decline. Everyone knows that Biden has major problems. He probably won't be able to
finish his 1st term if he is elected. We all know Trump has moved higher in the recent polls so there is
panic in the democratic rants.

There is no excitement for Biden... Sanders supporters could care less about him. So right now all they can do is call others
a cult member..... :doh


Ah yes, the predictable "everyone knows" argument from a supporter of a geriatric, semi-literate ignoramus who can barely string a sentence together that makes sense to nobody but him. As for Trump's 'approval' ratings, I'm afraid it isn't quite as rosy as you claim...

How Popular Is Donald Trump? | FiveThirtyEight

40% average over his term so far isn't exactly a predictor of storming to victory, as I'm sure you would agree.
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Perhaps, you do have a lot of Republicans who worship at the feet of Trump. But you also had a lot of Democrats who worshiped at the feet of Obama. It shows up more now among Republicans since Trump is president. But during the Obama reign, it showed big time among Democrats.

The biggest difference is that Obama knew how to act presidential, he had tact, was honorable, for the most part treated opponents with respect, from my perspective he was a good and likable man whether one agreed or disagreed with his politics. None of the above applies to Trump.

But when folks of either party follow their leader or leaders, today the leaders of the Democrats are Pelosi and Schumer without question and doing their every bidding, that also qualifies as a cult. Which bring one last thought that popped into my head. For the most part, the democrats are a well mannered cult, since Trump, the Republicans aren't.

During the bill clinton presidency I left the democratic party. Why? Because he signed NAFTA and I'm against free trade and all for fair trade. So please don't tell me I'm a cult member. Trump craps on everything he touches and his base sucks it up. That's a cult.
Thread title: Is The GOP a Cult Now?

It certainly is less of a Political Party than it ever was and really is fitting the bill of a Cult of Personality.

You can't literally put out documents that proclaim that all you are is whatever Donald Trump says you are and then not have to wear the Cult of Personality definition.
Rush and Sean used what we learned in church to promote the Republican Party and paint the Democratic Party as Satan.

It's a religious dedication.
As long as we are blindly voting a 2 party system, neither side has room to point fingers.
As long as we are blindly voting a 2 party system, neither side has room to point fingers.

Unfortunately for your argument, what the DEMs may or may not be does not match a Cult of Personality, a one man show. The GOP is not even making any bones about being a one man show. They have become the proponents in America of Russian and Chinese and Turkish, Hungarian, Boleros and even NK style autocracy. The virtual only form of governance worse than autocracy in this world is Monarchy which is simply autocracy by heredity.

The GOP is treading a very dangerous path here and if enough people shake themselves from their coma, the GOP is done not just as an organization able to field a Presidential candidate but as an American Political Party of any sort. Big bets being made on the result of this year's election.
I was having an exchange with another poster and this subject came up. I was curious and looked up the signs you’re in a cult:

View attachment 67294186

1 - Duh? Trump voters insist that a) TRump has the right to do whateveer he wants and b) all attempts at accounability are met with resistance - even when declaring he’s 100% innocent. I’ve had folks on here that Trump *needed* to obstruct Mueller *because* he was innocent, in example.

2 - HAHAHAHAH “Hoax!” “Fake news!” “Deep State!” Good luck trying to get a Republican to sincerely and in good faith answer a single question about Trump orthodoxy.

3 - This one is filed with #2.

4 - We need look no further than their take on immigration. It started with “illegal” immigration, then it became all immigration. Evil conspiracies and prosecutions? Consider: the president of the united states each day declares *he* is the victim, and his base agrees with him. The most powerful man in the world who has let us know he has more money than anyone else, crying. And they eat it up.

5 - “NeverTrumpers!”

6 - Like...there’s about a billion books out right now detailing this one.

7 - We call this one “videos of Trump talking”

8 - One common trait among gun obsessed conversvative males: low self-esteem. We know Trump was raised by an abusive father who let him know what a loser he was, thus his obsession with the word and labeling others with it.

9 - I mean...ask a Trump person what they don’t like and you’ll get “He should stop tweeting.” Ask a Democrat, virtually *any* Democrat what we don’t like about Joe Biden, do you think you’ll get just ONE answer? Ask any sports team fan - do you think you’d get the kind of blind obedience Trump enjoys? There are Yankee fans who **** on their team more than Trump people.

10 - He has told his base do not trust any sources other than him, they repeat his words without any cynicism. THis one could ba book all by itself.

So. yeah, I think all plug in the “cult” tag generally, but in this case when you look into it...woof. They’re a friggin’ cult. Full stop.

If Republicans are a cult, does that make Democrats nihilists?
Personally, I think both major parties members are cultish.

And I think you are in a 'centrist cult', a fanatic about false equivalency, along with Republicans. There is no comparison between the parties on it.
As long as we are blindly voting a 2 party system, neither side has room to point fingers.

So, you can't tell the difference between voting and blindly voting. There is plenty of room to point fingers.
40% average over his term so far isn't exactly a predictor of storming to victory, as I'm sure you would agree.

Why are you sure he would agree? They tend not to.
it has been for years.

Well at least the GOP used to put up a good front through the 50's and all the way up through the 80's. They had characteristics of an American Political Party. Make no mistake, they have allowed Donald to rip that all apart in the most bare faced power grab in American history.

While Donald defenders are in some cases reluctant to simply admit what Donald and the GOP are doing, Donald is quite plain about it and the GOP in its sycophantic allegiance to him are supporting this power grab. They are trying to take minority rule to an extreme at least for this country. When you are down to the wishes of one man, you have even taken minority rule to an extreme.

The Courts and oddly enough American business and industry are the only things saving us from this nonsensical and quite dangerous bid by the GOP. The Courts because in spite of the rather quant and totally wrongheaded assumption that once you give Judges life tenure you can thus control them or even guarantee their votes are striking Donald down at every turn now. They have turned him into a Joe Palooka punching bag.

American business and industry while glad to have taken the GOP's laughably absurd Corp tax break never made any bones about what they would do with it. "Gonna give us this much money, we are going to buy back our stock", utterly blowing to smithereens the argument that American business and industry would use it to seed investment. It has been decades since business and industry in this country uses its own money too seed investment. It was beyond naive to believe they would and business and industry came right out and told us they would not use it to seed investment before the Corp tax cut was passed making the GOP look as stupid, inept and unscrupulous as it gets. Notice if you will that as many of us predicted, business and industry HAVE NOT complied with Donnie's payroll tax holiday quite openly telling Donnie to shove that where the sun don't shine as well. In addition business and industry on its own steam has been moving away from fossil fuels toward renewables which has got to be driving Donnie wild if he is astute enough to see it. I just don't know if he is. Donnie missed COVID by a country mile and may be missing the way American business and industry is moving away from fossil fuels right under his nose.
Well at least the GOP used to put up a good front through the 50's and all the way up through the 80's. They had characteristics of an American Political Party. Make no mistake, they have allowed Donald to rip that all apart in the most bare faced power grab in American history.

While Donald defenders are in some cases reluctant to simply admit what Donald and the GOP are doing, Donald is quite plain about it and the GOP in its sycophantic allegiance to him are supporting this power grab. They are trying to take minority rule to an extreme at least for this country. When you are down to the wishes of one man, you have even taken minority rule to an extreme.

The Courts and oddly enough American business and industry are the only things saving us from this nonsensical and quite dangerous bid by the GOP. The Courts because in spite of the rather quant and totally wrongheaded assumption that once you give Judges life tenure you can thus control them or even guarantee their votes are striking Donald down at every turn now. They have turned him into a Joe Palooka punching bag.

American business and industry while glad to have taken the GOP's laughably absurd Corp tax break never made any bones about what they would do with it. "Gonna give us this much money, we are going to buy back our stock", utterly blowing to smithereens the argument that American business and industry would use it to seed investment. It has been decades since business and industry in this country uses its own money too seed investment. It was beyond naive to believe they would and business and industry came right out and told us they would not use it to seed investment before the Corp tax cut was passed making the GOP look as stupid, inept and unscrupulous as it gets. Notice if you will that as many of us predicted, business and industry HAVE NOT complied with Donnie's payroll tax holiday quite openly telling Donnie to shove that where the sun don't shine as well. In addition business and industry on its own steam has been moving away from fossil fuels toward renewables which has got to be driving Donnie wild if he is astute enough to see it. I just don't know if he is. Donnie missed COVID by a country mile and may be missing the way American business and industry is moving away from fossil fuels right under his nose.

the problem is that the inertia of normal will only carry us so far, and it has already slowed way down. if Republicans remain in power, the cult will become the new normal even more than it has already. corporations will play along more than they already have, as they adapt to the status quo to thrive. i really worry about a potential Tweety second term and what that would mean.

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