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Is the Bush Administration Negotiating with Terrorists? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
From Karl Rove:
"Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."

From the National Review:
A new pall of gloom has settled over the Iraq war. There is no doubt that the insurgency has increased its lethality in recent months, and that can’t be spun away. But neither is it cause for existential despair. [...] While applying military pressure, we will have to talk to the insurgency’s more reasonable fringes. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has confirmed that these kinds of conversations are taking place, prompting ritual denunciations from some conservatives for “negotiating with terrorists.”
But then again:
Gen. George Casey, the commander of the American forces in Iraq, denied holding talks with armed groups noting that this might happen soon. This, however, is in clear contradiction with the recognition made by the US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld of convening these talks and describing them as ongoing.
More evidence of the talks:
The talks between US officials and some resistance groups revealed in the past few days probably does not mean very much for the moment. The fanatical Islamic and militant former Baathists and nationalists who make up the cutting edge of insurgency are not in the mood to compromise. They are also very fragmented. But the talks may indicate a growing sense among US military and civilian officials that they cannot win this war.
U.S. has met with Iraqi insurgents: Rumsfeld
While suicide bombers continued their deadly attacks, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld confirmed reports that American military officials have met with insurgent leaders in Iraq.

Rumsfeld insisted, however, the talks didn't include negotiations with al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

"It isn't a matter of negotiating with terrorists. There's no one negotiating with Zarqawi or the people that are out chopping peoples' heads off," he said Sunday on NBC's Meet The Press.

Rumsfeld also warned it could take up to 12 years to defeat the insurgency.

Yes, but we are negotiating with people who are doing the carbombings which is still considered a terrorist activity. Who's soft on terrorism now?
shuamort said:
From Karl Rove:

From the National Review:

But then again:
More evidence of the talks:

U.S. has met with Iraqi insurgents: Rumsfeld

Yes, but we are negotiating with people who are doing the carbombings which is still considered a terrorist activity. Who's soft on terrorism now?

Maybe they're trying to understand the mind set of the terrorist. Oh wait no that's bad, sorry I forgot.

Makes about as much sense as the VP claiming the terrorist are in their last throws. Then the next day the Sec Def says it going to be a very long task.
If we actually take each sentence and break it down we could probably prove that the terrorists are paying Rove, old Rummy. I think the secret talks are about the big pay off when they finally get their greedy little hands on all that oil. Selfish, capitalist, pigs!
Squawker said:
If we actually take each sentence and break it down we could probably prove that the terrorists are paying Rove, old Rummy. I think the secret talks are about the big pay off when they finally get their greedy little hands on all that oil. Selfish, capitalist, pigs!

seriously so greedy :doh
whats funny is there isnt one quote you posted that suggests we're making negotiations with anyone. we should be in contact with our enemy, thats true for every war. theres a few pissed off GOP'ers who jump to conclusions and think that Rummy's getting soft on the insurgents and now everyone has spun this into negotiation talks with terrorists. the insurgents have been trying to make contact with us for a while now. most of them represent minorities in Iraq and demand a seat in the new Iraqi government, or else they'll carry on with the attacks.

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