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Is School Choice a reasonable alternative for kids and parents in America? (1 Viewer)

Is School Choice a reasonable alternative for kids and parents in America?

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DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2018
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Political Leaning
Should kids and parents be allowed to choose what school they want to attend, including private schools, and have the government tax dollars provided by the citizens go to those schools even if private?
Should kids and parents be allowed to choose what school they want to attend, including private schools, and have the government tax dollars provided by the citizens go to those schools even if private?
the way you state it here
There have been many studies on the effectiveness of such voucher programs and there is no statistically significant improvement in academic performance of kids who availed themselves of it. So what’s the point? If anything, you do a grave disservice to kids by placing them in an academic environment that is too advanced for them.
Should kids and parents be allowed to choose what school they want to attend, including private schools, and have the government tax dollars provided by the citizens go to those schools even if private?

"School choice" is a euphemism for "defund the public schools."

If only "Defund the schools" was as politically toxic as "defund the police," we'd have a healthier, more educated society. But that soshalizm, and we can't have that. :rolleyes:
So everybody is pro-choice, until it comes to a question of where your child goes to school, whether they go to government schools, and whether the tax monies intended for their education go where the kid goes.

Not at all hypocritical... :)
So everybody is pro-choice, until it comes to a question of where your child goes to school, whether they go to government schools, and whether the tax monies intended for their education go where the kid goes.

Not at all hypocritical... :)
correct its not ;)
School choice is the only "solution."

Forcing your children to go to school in your neighborhood may often be considered a form of child abuse.

Many students who are forced to attend such hellholes will simply cut class.

Private schools (especially in the cities) is the only way many children can get a good and safe education.

Poor parents may be forced to resort to home schooling in order to save their children's lives.

But no doubt the woke governments of the future may outlaw home schooling and even private schools.

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