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Is Russia key to white survival? (1 Viewer)

Simon W. Moon said:
Not US Politics

Oh come on
This needs to be in the basement...:mrgreen:
I'll give you $1 to move it...lol
Those are not racist sites, they are racialist. I still don't like it though.
Axismaster said:
Those are not racist sites, they are racialist. I still don't like it though.

No - Stormfront is absolutely rascist.
danarhea said:
No - Stormfront is absolutely rascist.


Send this puppy down..
Will a $5 bribe work?..:mrgreen:
Axismaster said:
Those are not racist sites, they are racialist. I still don't like it though.

David Duke is racist.Duh

Storm front is a raicst site it is not a meteorological site.That cross with a circlle in the upper left hand corner of the page says White Pride World Wide and somewhere on that page says White Nationalist Community(thats code for white supreamacy).

Natioanl vangaurd is a racist site.look at the advertisers on the left side of the screen.

The other two sites I did not take the time to look.
jamesrage said:
David Duke is racist.Duh

Storm front is a raicst site it is not a meteorological site.That cross with a circlle in the upper left hand corner of the page says White Pride World Wide and somewhere on that page says White Nationalist Community(thats code for white supreamacy).

Natioanl vangaurd is a racist site.look at the advertisers on the left side of the screen.

The other two sites I did not take the time to look.

I am not racist. I dont know much about David Duke but I am not a big fan of his. How do you know he is racist though? What actions have of his made you arrive to this conclusion? Having pride in your race is not racist. I suppose its only racist for whites and blacks screaming black power is acceptable? Do you see the hypocrisy? Secondly why dont you ask questions at stormfront if you at least want to learn about their beliefs and what makes them that way. I dont even think you have to register. Even blacks go and ask questions and ironically many of them see the points that stormfront makes. I like asking questions for communists, nazis etc. If I didnt I would be a pro bush brainwashed republican. Going to liberal forums made me non republican. It helps find balance in viewpoints. As Thomas Jefferson said the American people will always make the right decision if they are given all the facts. Also for white supremacists they just feel that whites have made the biggest contribution to the world which is undeniable. Being a white supremacist doesn necessarily mean that you "hate" other races. I believe that all men are created equal but you are open to be judged down the line. Btw I have more respect for a genuine black person who is a good person then a rich white guy who screwed people to make his fortune and I really mean that.
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Nation of Islam, and black supremicists are just as racists as white power groups.

I may be white, and pasty in skin colour, but that is only because my melanin producing cells produce a lot less melanin than someone with darker skin.

My eyes are blue, and my hair is red due to genetic mutations, not due to some Nordic race theory, that dictates that white people should rule the world.

If anything my genetic makeup dictates that I wear a truckload of sunscreen all year round here in Australia.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
I am not racist..

And Bill Gates is going to leave me all his money when he dies.
I dont know much about David Duke but I am not a big fan of his. How do you know he is racist though? What actions have of his made you arrive to this conclusion? Having pride in your race is not racist.

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is a former Louisiana State Representative and former leader of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in the United States. He has run for the Louisiana State Senate, Governor of Louisiana and twice for President of the United States.
I suppose its only racist for whites and blacks screaming black power is acceptable
Racism by any group is unacceptable.Racism seperates people instead of bringing them together.

Secondly why dont you ask questions at stormfront if you at least want to learn about their beliefs and what makes them that way. I dont even think you have to register.

What are your views on Martin Luther King Jr?
jamesrage said:
And Bill Gates is going to leave me all his money when he dies.

Did I tell you you're my New best friend?.....lol.....
jamesrage said:
And Bill Gates is going to leave me all his money when he dies.


David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is a former Louisiana State Representative and former leader of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in the United States. He has run for the Louisiana State Senate, Governor of Louisiana and twice for President of the United States.

Dont liberals say to not judge anybody? Do you know David Duke? What racist remarks has he made that you would like to bring to my attention? If he said the N word then your argument would be granted but if not I dont really feel that you have an argument. I will give you a lesson in history. Not everyone in the KKK is racist as the left would lead you to believe. Sure you have your racists in the KKK, no doubt about it. But a lot of people just want to preserve their race from invasion. Do you know that the KKK had 4 million members in one point in time? It was almost mandatory to join the KKK if you wanted to get into politics at a national level; that is how big they were. I find it hard to believe that all 4 million people were just mean racists then. Many of them were your average people. The reason why the left hates the KKK so much is because they tell the truth and represent the old right wing (traditional America) that is why they have launced a huge campaign to discredit the KKK and they have accomplished this goal. They fed on a few extremists who killed a few blacks to discredit the whole organization. I can assure you that more hate crimes from blacks are commited against whites in one year then the whole duration of the KKK altogether. Also keep in mind these were official members the people who agreed with their viewpoints were much higher.

Racism by any group is unacceptable.Racism seperates people instead of bringing them together.


As for Martin Luther King he was undoubtedley a communist. www.martinlutherking.org -If you can please watch the video on the lower left hand screen I would appreciate it. It is all factual verifiable information and if there is something inaccurate please bring it to my attention and we can discuss it. Its a great video I highly recommend it.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
Dont liberals say to not judge anybody?

I am not a liberal.Besides fake chrisitan use that horseshit excuse to excuse or live in denial about their sins

Do you know David Duke? What racist remarks has he made that you would like to bring to my attention?.

Is anyone home?The man was leader of the KKK.Does the KKK put everyone's name on a piece of paper and have a drawing to see who is going to be leader?

I will give you a lesson in history. Not everyone in the KKK is racist as the left would lead you to believe.

So that burning crossing on the lawns of people,calling certian whites race traitors,lynchings, and terrorizing black people is all made up?

As for Martin Luther King he was undoubtedley a communist. www.martinlutherking.org -If you can please watch the video on the lower left hand screen I would appreciate it. It is all factual verifiable information and if there is something inaccurate please bring it to my attention and we can discuss it. Its a great video I highly recommend it.

Grabbing something from Zig-hi.org,inbreed-racist.com,or sister-****inracist.org does not make the information true.
jamesrage said:
So that burning crossing on the lawns of people,calling certian whites race traitors,lynchings, and terrorizing black people is all made up?

I didnt deny that. I just said that the whole KKK doesnt do that. You dont think that the black panthers terrorize whites?

Grabbing something from Zig-hi.org,inbreed-racist.com,or sister-****inracist.org does not make the information true.

The information is true and can be verified by left wing news sources. Please watch the video if you want my viewpoint and why I think the way I do. If it is inaccurate please show me what is false and I will take it into account.
I hate to say it, but looking at his record, DD and the KKK are not racist, rather racialist.
Axismaster said:
I hate to say it, but looking at his record, DD and the KKK are not racist, rather racialist.

What the hell are you talkin about? The KKK is entirely racist, the only way they get members is be saying lets hang the ******, lets lynch the catholic, lets murder the jew. And what is the difference between a racist and a "racialist"? What is even a "racialist"? A softer name for racists?
Axismaster said:
I hate to say it, but looking at his record, DD and the KKK are not racist, rather racialist.

What next are you going to say thge Nazis were not racist too?The KKK is a white supreamacy group.I do not ever remember them advertising that they were racial equality group.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
I didnt deny that. I just said that the whole KKK doesnt do that. You dont think that the black panthers terrorize whites?

The Black Panthers are a dead organisation, the KKK is not. Also though the Black Panthers were racist towards "whites", they did not exhibit the same violence the KKK exhibited towards "blacks". The KKK is an organisation for just plain racism, the Black Panthers did more, because they were also committed to "blacks" who were impovershed, the KKK doesn't do anything of the sorts. And the Black Panthers were not as committed to violence as was the KKK.
jamesrage said:
What next are you going to say thge Nazis were not racist too?The KKK is a white supreamacy group.I do not ever remember them advertising that they were racial equality group.

Preserving your culture is not racist. Do you have to believe in racial equality to not be racist? That is more racialist. Acknowleding differences and changing our policies accordingly is not racist to me especially if the policies were changed by Jewish Marxists. Secondly many stormfront members agree with racial equality when races are seperated. You guys seem to have pre concevied notions of people. You should both go down to stormfront and ask questions and see what its like. I encourage everyone to wether they are black, mexican, etc.

Comrade Brian said:
What the hell are you talkin about? The KKK is entirely racist, the only way they get members is be saying lets hang the ******, lets lynch the catholic, lets murder the jew. And what is the difference between a racist and a "racialist"? What is even a "racialist"? A softer name for racists?

No they dont. Please do me a favor and stop generalizing groups. Do you even talk to KKK members, racists, and racialists? Please you can do it annoymously online. Go to www.stormfront.org and actually get to know people before you start talking about them. There is none of what you said there. You seem to buy too much into what you hear from the movies. Interesting how liberals tell conservatives not to stereotype yet they do the same exact thing. Sure you have your racists in the KKK but not every member is specifically racist. That would be like me saying because there are a few radical communists who vote democrat the whole democratic party is communist. The media only chooses to focus on the small amount of extremists to discredit the whole group.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
Preserving your culture is not racist. Do you have to believe in racial equality to not be racist? That is more racialist. Acknowleding differences and changing our policies accordingly is not racist to me especially if the policies were changed by Jewish Marxists. Secondly many stormfront members agree with racial equality when races are seperated. You guys seem to have pre concevied notions of people. You should both go down to stormfront and ask questions and see what its like. I encourage everyone to wether they are black, mexican, etc.

First of all we are Americans reguardless of skin color.We should stop the African American,white American,native American and other lables of formor nationality attached to American citizenship.The only culture you should give a **** about preserving is American culture,**** Mexican culture you are not in Mexico,**** british culture you are not a Britian,**** German culture you are not in Germany,and **** African Culture you are not in Africa.Our forefathers,ancestors,relatives did not come here to be ****ing Germin Americans ,Aryan Americans,Italian Americnas and so on.They came here to be Americans.So **** all the race ****.
As the world gets to be a smaller and smaller place and more racist start to mix more, race will be menaingless.White will be meaningless,black will be meaningless and so on.

That would be like me saying because there are a few radical communists who vote democrat the whole democratic party is communist. The media only chooses to focus on the small amount of extremists to discredit the whole group.

Nice try but democrats have huge tie to the inbreed racist groups like the KKK. Read up on the reconstruction period after the civil war of our country.
I am hoping Democrats take back congress.

The thing about Cons being more racist then Libs is a bunch of bullshit!! It is equal on both sides, just maybe more open on the right.... so that makes me kinda leary of democrats also...

Democrats were the big racists in the past!!!!!
jamesrage said:
First of all we are Americans reguardless of skin color.We should stop the African American,white American,native American and other lables of formor nationality attached to American citizenship.The only culture you should give a **** about preserving is American culture,**** Mexican culture you are not in Mexico,**** british culture you are not a Britian,**** German culture you are not in Germany,and **** African Culture you are not in Africa.Our forefathers,ancestors,relatives did not come here to be ****ing Germin Americans ,Aryan Americans,Italian Americnas and so on.They came here to be Americans.So **** all the race ****.
As the world gets to be a smaller and smaller place and more racist start to mix more, race will be menaingless.White will be meaningless,black will be meaningless and so on.

I agree with a lot of your post. But you have to realize that American culture has been redifined by liberals to accommodate all of the worlds cultures, religions, and races which I do not agree with. This country was established by white Christians, made a superpower by white Christians, and needs to be preserved by white Christians. There is no racism in acknowleding that. If anything it is racist to change it.

I will say one thing. If I were to become a French citizen I would know that I am not a "real" French no matter what politically correctness says. France needs to preserve their culture and put the political correct poison away even if that means some peoples feelings would be hurt. I am not French and I do not belong there. I do not belong in Iraq, China, Africa, South America, Mexico, etc I only belong in a few countries and that is my native European country of origin or colonized white countries. Secondly its the liberals that like to create division in America by labeling people "African American" "Asian American" etc. I am sick of this garbage I would rather have the country be all white so we can be unified. It would be much better then everyone being so fixated upon race. If everyone was white there wouldnt be any racial problems or discrimination because we would all be the same. If anything it's racist to let peoples cultures mix and get eliminated through mass assimiliation.

I hate to break it to you but a lot of immigrants today are not being assimiliated and their allegiance is not to the US but to their country of origin. Do you honestly think that Muslim Americans are going to take sides with America over Islam? Their religion comes first regardless of their nationality and this is not in our interest.

Nice try but democrats have huge tie to the inbreed racist groups like the KKK. Read up on the reconstruction period after the civil war of our country.

Party lines change. The democratic party back then was nothing like the democratic party today. You really cant judge that way. Secondly that doesnt really take away from the point I was trying to make. Anyways you should really go ask questions at stormfront. I encourage people to get all viewpoints regardless of their point on the political spectrum. We can all learn from others. You seem to have a big pre conceived notion on the KKK. Again the KKK used to have 4 million official members and many Americans sympathized with their cause. America used to be a racialist country wether we like to acknowledge it or not. Not everyone in the KKK was an extremist as the media would lead you to believe. More blacks kill whites in one year then the whole KKK lychings combined. Sure you have your racists in the KKK but many people are just moderates that are just fed up with political correctness and multiculturalism.
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Perhaps you should move to Vermont. It is all white! Have fun!!!!!!!
jamespol said:
Democrats were the big racists in the past!!!!!

I would say that they still are racist.I blame most of the failure of the black community on liberal demcorats.Racial parasites like Al Sharpton and Jessy Jackson who feed off the color of their skin create this false victimization and self entitlement to what is not theirs keeps the black community down.Liberal democrats have not intergrated Black history into American history which contributes to seperation of Americans instead of a sense of a common unity amounst all Americnas.Liberals have contributed to the breakdown of the two parent mother and father home in the black community.

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