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Is religion a virus of the mind ? (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
My take on this is as follows:-

Religion a virus of the mind ?
Religion gets into the host & programs it to convert others to the same.
Just like a virus exploits it's host computer or cell to make copies of itself in the case of religion by preaching especially when possible, preying on the young of the species before they have had a chance to develop an immune system (cynicism & the power of rational thought).
The most prevalent religions are ones that also program the host to reproduce in large numbers (Islam & Catholicism.)
The virus (religion) gets into the host & switches on the instinctive circuitry in the brain for - I am loved, I love something, I have a father figure who is perfect, I belong to a tribe & also overcomes the most basic instinctive fear off death. All these instincts exist in the brain because they are a very strong survival attribute for man as a social pack animal that often mates for life.
Those instinctive love circuits are linked to pleasure centers in the brain hence the immense sense of pleasure people get when they fall in love with that mental construct known as the "Lord" or "Allah".
Remember the brain can love mental constructs. Most of the time the person you love is not before you or with you but you still love them. That is because the brain is able to love it's mental construct of that person. The only difference is the mental construct known as "God" is not only someone that you are not with, but also someone who's existence is indeterminate or even ill defined !

More reading here:-
Religion is part of man's quest for certainty. There are few certainties in life beyond death and taxes. Indeed, the progress of civilization has been a constant struggle to bring stability in an uncertain world. The invention of banking and credit brought standards of reliance and accountability in the commercial world; while government and laws based on precedent provided some predictability in applying the rules of social intercourse; and established religion perpetuated the myth of the triumph of good over evil. All that aside, and human nature being what it is, we are but little the better for it.
Religion is a virus? Ummmm OK. What kind of virus spreads love? What kind of virus gives such hope? Even if you think God doesn't exist you should still recognize that it is impossible live without religion.
Well viruses proberly dont kill as many people as religion.

but no religion is needed because alot of people arent morally developed enough to decide whats right or wrong.

plus it helps people deal with their own mortality
Religion is the root of all evil.
Nemo said:
Religion is the root of all evil.

You tell that to the countless of people in Venezuela who are able to live longer because my church donates thousands of dollars and actually plan a yearly trip to visit Venezuela. You tell that to the Tsunami victims, guess who was one of the first American Mens group there? Red Cross? Negative, Baptist Men.

Religion doesn't create the evil, religion is just a weapon used by the evil in order to inflict their authority on their subjects. True Christians, True Muslims, True Pagans don't learn in their religion "go out and shoot somebody in the face tomorrow, then spread your word by means of force."

Some people just don't understand, my theory is "if you haven't experienced, then don't make a judgment based on stereotypes".
guns_God_glory said:
Religion is a virus? Ummmm OK. What kind of virus spreads love? What kind of virus gives such hope? Even if you think God doesn't exist you should still recognize that it is impossible live without religion.

Which brings me to the question.

God doesn't exist for "love", God never existed for "love". People in biblical times never "loved" God, they feared the "Wrath of God"... I haven't see one time (before the coming of "Christ") where it says "and he fell down on his knees claiming his "love" for God".
Arch Enemy said:
Which brings me to the question.

God doesn't exist for "love", God never existed for "love". People in biblical times never "loved" God, they feared the "Wrath of God"... I haven't see one time (before the coming of "Christ") where it says "and he fell down on his knees claiming his "love" for God".

Well does religion spread love?
guns_God_glory said:
Even if you think God doesn't exist you should still recognize that it is impossible live without religion.

That's a bit of a contradiction, I think.

If religion was a virus, then there would be hope of developing a vaccine.
guns_God_glory said:
Well does religion spread love?

Love is being spread through the teachings of Jesus, not through the teachings of God. Yes, Love is being spread by many branches of the Church (minus that of the Catholics).
guns_God_glory said:
Religion is a virus? Ummmm OK. What kind of virus spreads love? What kind of virus gives such hope? Even if you think God doesn't exist you should still recognize that it is impossible live without religion.

Im with you on this one, A virus does not biuld up. It just destroys. A religon more or less gives hope. Except in afew cases. But even 'chistrianty and islam.' There true bases arent really to destroy. Its leaders that a radical in the religious system that choose to destroy. I dont not think 'God' himself is something that people kill. Its the persons own will to kill. And if one person kills in the name of his religion. Other will see this and consider him a martyr and they too will soon kill.
Religion is quite the intresting thing. While I must agree with what my signature states, allow me to try and understand. Religion, in a very simple form, is fine. If you want to strive to be a better person and a 2,000 year old book helps you, so be it. But when you wish to push this religion on others, then the line must be drawn. Religion imposes it's own set of morals and unwritten laws that it's followers expect the masses to follow. When the masses do not follow them, or are of a different religion, the religious expect the people to still listen to them. What I'm trying to get at is that those with religion, the majority, think of their's as the ultimate and true religion. They wish to convert and lead those who do not see things their own way. This I have a problem with.
I love your signature/quote Lenin, makes very much sense.
Well it's not my quote. You can thank some crazy old bearded German for that piece of wisdom. :mrgreen:
Is religion a virus of the mind?

Firstly, the term 'virus' has an implicit negative connotation. That said, I do understand the rationale of the thread preamble and can appreciate the usage of this particular religion/virus analogy.

However, the analogy seems a bit flawed. If religion is indeed a 'virus' that is transmitted from generation to generation, this implies that parents have no moral compunction... and willingly infect their offspring with a harmful entity. While this passage-phenomena does occur in selective stratas of humanity (ie. as rampant nationalism, racial animosity, anti-Semitism etc), it also has intrinsic parameters and is not a global commonality. By and large, most harmful virui that intentionaly ravage the mores of humanity... are combatted with the elixir of knowledge and the vacine of legislation.

The billions upon billions of people who embrace organized religion or a personal faith and willingly bequeath this to their children... suggests that religion is not a debilitating virus, but rather a treasured heirloom.

Quite like almost everything else in the cosmos, religion is a duality. Whether it manifests itself as a virus or an heirloom depends solely upon us.

V.I. Lenin said:
Religion is quite the intresting thing. While I must agree with what my signature states, allow me to try and understand. Religion, in a very simple form, is fine. If you want to strive to be a better person and a 2,000 year old book helps you, so be it. But when you wish to push this religion on others, then the line must be drawn. Religion imposes it's own set of morals and unwritten laws that it's followers expect the masses to follow. When the masses do not follow them, or are of a different religion, the religious expect the people to still listen to them. What I'm trying to get at is that those with religion, the majority, think of their's as the ultimate and true religion. They wish to convert and lead those who do not see things their own way. This I have a problem with.

And im with him on this one. Religion should never be forced. It should be taken freely. What did a jihad ever proove?
ghost said:
And im with him on this one. Religion should never be forced. It should be taken freely. What did a jihad ever proove?

Like-wise, what did a crusade ever prove? Jihads have been used for Good in the past, more recently the invasion of Afghanistan by Russia.

Ever since for the beginning of warfare, soldiers have been chewing at the bit looking for a reason on why they still fight for others and not only for their selves. The ideas of "Holy Wars" are a great way to raise the morale of soldiers, it gives them the illusion that they're not dying for nothing, yet they're defending their religion. The problem with the Christian "Holy Wars" is because it's been mainly on the aggressive side. We have no business invading Jerusalem, we've never had any business there... the only ones who deserve to share Jerusalem are the Jews and the Muslims.
Arch Enemy said:
Like-wise, what did a crusade ever prove? Jihads have been used for Good in the past, more recently the invasion of Afghanistan by Russia.

Ever since for the beginning of warfare, soldiers have been chewing at the bit looking for a reason on why they still fight for others and not only for their selves. The ideas of "Holy Wars" are a great way to raise the morale of soldiers, it gives them the illusion that they're not dying for nothing, yet they're defending their religion. The problem with the Christian "Holy Wars" is because it's been mainly on the aggressive side. We have no business invading Jerusalem, we've never had any business there... the only ones who deserve to share Jerusalem are the Jews and the Muslims.

Wars have never proved anything but military might. But as plato once said. Only the dead have seen the end of war. Wich leads me say that the jews and muslims will never share jeruselem. The might make peace for a short time, but one side will falter and that will all go up in smoke.
There will be dead on the streets of jeruselem for the rest of eternity. Ive been there. Ive seen it in all its wonders. Just the sheer beuty of it would be enough for either side to fight over it. But the truth be told. The holy land is for everyone. Because land can be taken over at any time.
But the souls of the people will always stay. Wich is why there will always be hate between them.
Arch Enemy said:
I love your signature/quote Lenin, makes very much sense.

I disagree with his eloquent quote, for modern times at any rate :smile: Television is the new opiate of the people.
ghost said:
Wars have never proved anything but military might. But as plato once said. Only the dead have seen the end of war. Wich leads me say that the jews and muslims will never share jeruselem. The might make peace for a short time, but one side will falter and that will all go up in smoke.
There will be dead on the streets of jeruselem for the rest of eternity. Ive been there. Ive seen it in all its wonders. Just the sheer beuty of it would be enough for either side to fight over it. But the truth be told. The holy land is for everyone. Because land can be taken over at any time.
But the souls of the people will always stay. Wich is why there will always be hate between them.

I love metaphors.

Fighting over something so beautiful? Now where have I heard that story, oh, wait!

Jerusalem is Helen of Troy
Palestine/Israel would be Greece and Troy

Maybe I should re-make the movie!

Any-who! Wars have proved something! That you cannot win a war with sheer might, that wars are wrong, that the greatest military leaders are both stubborn and intelligent.
See Wars can prove things.

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