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Is Pope A Nazi (1 Viewer)

Fried Rice

Feb 15, 2005
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We had talk on plane here about Pope. Seems this church was in ed with nazi and even this pope has many nazi ideas about women and gays. If Hitler had won he would be happy with this guy. Dont know whay everyone love him or they feel sorry for him as he close to death ?

Fried Rice think religion sometimes very strange
You raise a very important point Fried Rice.
The catholic church remained silent about the deportation of Italian Jews from under its own window. The pope of the time could have had a great impact commenting on the situation of the Jews in Germany, which he knew about, but he chose to stay silent and protect the gold chalices in his churches.
The current pope has very weird ideas about women and gays, and incites hatred. So while he may not have thrown people into gas chambers, he does have ideas which could be contrued as "nazi". Has he caused deaths? Indirectly, yes: by instructing people who will follow like sheep not to use condoms in areas of the world where AIDS is rife. most evil of all, he spreads the lie that the HIV virus penetrates intact latex. Bad man. While I feel sorry to see anybody suffering as he is currently, he has caused much misery in this world.
Yes Fried Rice, religion is strange, evil, unbelieveable sometimes.
Urethra Franklin said:
You raise a very important point Fried Rice.
The catholic church remained silent about the deportation of Italian Jews from under its own window. The pope of the time could have had a great impact commenting on the situation of the Jews in Germany, which he knew about, but he chose to stay silent and protect the gold chalices in his churches.
The current pope has very weird ideas about women and gays, and incites hatred. So while he may not have thrown people into gas chambers, he does have ideas which could be contrued as "nazi". Has he caused deaths? Indirectly, yes: by instructing people who will follow like sheep not to use condoms in areas of the world where AIDS is rife. most evil of all, he spreads the lie that the HIV virus penetrates intact latex. Bad man. While I feel sorry to see anybody suffering as he is currently, he has caused much misery in this world.
Yes Fried Rice, religion is strange, evil, unbelieveable sometimes.

Good that he will be dead soon. I forgot about his nonsense about AIDS. Back in China we are slowly allowing church to operate but i hope this decision is reversed and we ban again. All they do is pray on weak people so called intelligent people (especailly Americans) fall for it. he should be selling his gold to help Tsunami people not worry about what people do in bed
Urethra Franklin said:
Where were you flying to?

Urethra very nosey today.

We are in S Korea and soon to the North Korea. Our delegation is building a new casino for N Korea cadres and there families. So not all are so poor up there.....

Fried Rice is probably giving away secrets !
Urethra Franklin said:
You raise a very important point Fried Rice.
The catholic church remained silent about the deportation of Italian Jews from under its own window. The pope of the time could have had a great impact commenting on the situation of the Jews in Germany, which he knew about, but he chose to stay silent and protect the gold chalices in his churches.
The current pope has very weird ideas about women and gays, and incites hatred. So while he may not have thrown people into gas chambers, he does have ideas which could be contrued as "nazi". Has he caused deaths? Indirectly, yes: by instructing people who will follow like sheep not to use condoms in areas of the world where AIDS is rife. most evil of all, he spreads the lie that the HIV virus penetrates intact latex. Bad man. While I feel sorry to see anybody suffering as he is currently, he has caused much misery in this world.
Yes Fried Rice, religion is strange, evil, unbelieveable sometimes.

Amen to that!

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