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Is Noam Chomsky who he pretends to be? (1 Viewer)

superskippy said:
He's a dirty Liberal, Jew hating, Anti-Semite. He's a rat.

But Europeans love him, and they love to quote him.

Then again, they love Michael Moore. Go figure!
Lies to go to war: Ok

Lies about the guy who lied to go to war: Treason, a major symptom of the mental disorder known as Liberalism
I don't agree with most of what he says, but some are very impressed with someone who can speak seven languages, while that is impressive, it does not make him correct in his politics. I'll be damned if I know what they are putting in the water there in Mass, but it certainly is something I won't ever drink.
superskippy said:
He's a dirty Liberal, Jew hating, Anti-Semite. He's a rat.

I dont see any evidence at attal that he hates jews. He may crtiticise israel but what kind of person would not be against a government that destroys the homes of inocent people.
:roll: He wrote the entire preface to several books that deny the Holacaust ever happened. That is as much as you should need to know. He's a dirty anti-semite who uses the cloud of being an intellectual as a shield which makes people take him searously as opposed to neo nazi supremacists. He's got a lot of Nazi trait's going for him.

The prefaces I'm talking about were written for the writings of Robert Faurisson, and the rest of his "revisionist" writings including Annales d'Histoire Révisionniste.
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On a latter note when the Neo Nazi Faurisson was arrested for defamation of Holacuast survivors Chosmky wrote the petition and then sighned the petition in favour of Faurisson, which claimed Faurisson was not a Neo Nazi but "a relatively apolitical liberal of some sort". He then wrote the Preface for Faurisson's book "Mémoire en défense", a defense of his own views. Chomsky is an Anti Semite.
superskippy said:
On a latter note when the Neo Nazi Faurisson was arrested for defamation of Holacuast survivors Chosmky wrote the petition and then sighned the petition in favour of Faurisson, which claimed Faurisson was not a Neo Nazi but "a relatively apolitical liberal of some sort". He then wrote the Preface for Faurisson's book "Mémoire en défense", a defense of his own views. Chomsky is an Anti Semite.
superskippy said:
:roll: He wrote the entire preface to several books that deny the Holacaust ever happened. That is as much as you should need to know. He's a dirty anti-semite who uses the cloud of being an intellectual as a shield which makes people take him searously as opposed to neo nazi supremacists. He's got a lot of Nazi trait's going for him.

The prefaces I'm talking about were written for the writings of Robert Faurisson, and the rest of his "revisionist" writings including Annales d'Histoire Révisionniste.

It appears that you have not accurately portrayed things.

1) Noam Chomsky is himself Jewish and not an anti-semite. He is a dself-described Zionist.
2) "Chomsky was one of many who signed a petition to give Faurisson "free exercise of his legal rights". " Which is different than how you described the petition- " in favour of Faurisson."
3) The preface to Faurisson's book is this, "Some Elementary Comments on The Rights of Freedom of Expression," in defense of freedom of speech.

He's managed to **** off a wide spectrum of folks including anarchists and pro-Palestinian activists. To me this indicates that he probably isn't all bad if he pisses off many different sorts of people.

All that said, I'm not very familiar with the fella.
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For one thing a self hating Jew can still be an Anti Semite, and the document in question was written and signed with full knowledge of what he was supporting. Chomsky signed and promoted Guillaume's petition in support of Faurisson's "findings," describing Faurisson as a "respected" professor conducting "extensive historical research into the Holocaust question."
He used it as an excuse to shield his Neo Nazi beleifs and in doing so garnered support from various groups and has managed to retain support.

Besides Faurisson he has written for numerous magazines that deny the Holocaust. Chomsky often writes for such anti-Semitic outlets as Z Magazine, Lies of Our Times, Maine's Common Courage Press, Canada's Black Rose Books, California's Journal of Historical Review (which Canadian Customs bans as hate literature) and California's Marxist Pacifica network, which often broadcasts Chomsky's incendiary speeches.

He is a self hating Jew who has all but abandoned us, and we have branded him a traitor that the Jewish people have had few equals for. To call him Jewish is obscene.
superskippy said:
For one thing a self hating Jew can still be an Anti Semite, and the document in question was written and signed with full knowledge of what he was supporting. Chomsky signed and promoted Guillaume's petition in support of Faurisson's "findings," describing Faurisson as a "respected" professor conducting "extensive historical research into the Holocaust question."
He used it as an excuse to shield his Neo Nazi beleifs and in doing so garnered support from various groups and has managed to retain support.

Besides Faurisson he has written for numerous magazines that deny the Holocaust. Chomsky often writes for such anti-Semitic outlets as Z Magazine, Lies of Our Times, Maine's Common Courage Press, Canada's Black Rose Books, California's Journal of Historical Review (which Canadian Customs bans as hate literature) and California's Marxist Pacifica network, which often broadcasts Chomsky's incendiary speeches.

He is a self hating Jew who has all but abandoned us, and we have branded him a traitor that the Jewish people have had few equals for. To call him Jewish is obscene.

My grandfathers unit, the 817th Tank destroyer div. was the first unit on the seen at one of these death camps, I can't recall which one at the moment. Still, he told me that what he had witnessed there, disturbed him more then any other incident had in his four years, and he had seen some unpleasent things. I don't recall him telling me that Chomsky was there, but I know who I believe, and I will never forget the pictures, and this was before photoshop.:roll:
Are you denying that Chomsky has written for many magazines that deny the Holocaust and supported Faurisson and try to validate his findings? Regardless of the source listed the fact's in it are very true.
superskippy said:
For one thing a self hating Jew can still be an Anti Semite, and the document in question was written and signed with full knowledge of what he was supporting. Chomsky signed and promoted Guillaume's petition in support of Faurisson's "findings," describing Faurisson as a "respected" professor conducting "extensive historical research into the Holocaust question."
How do I know that you're not conflating Chomsky's support for someone's right to say something with support for what was being said?

superskippy said:
He used it as an excuse to shield his Neo Nazi beleifs and in doing so garnered support from various groups and has managed to retain support.
Those tricky Jewish Neo Nazis. Ther're the worst kind.

superskippy said:
Besides Faurisson he has written for numerous magazines that deny the Holocaust. Chomsky often writes for such anti-Semitic outlets as Z Magazine, Lies of Our Times, Maine's Common Courage Press, Canada's Black Rose Books, California's Journal of Historical Review (which Canadian Customs bans as hate literature) and California's Marxist Pacifica network, which often broadcasts Chomsky's incendiary speeches.
I've just now briefly skimmed through some of what's available online about some of these pubs. There's not much indication that these are anti Semitic.
IIRC, the Nazis were formed in part through opposition to communism. So to be a Neo-Nazi involved in communism is only slightly more sensible than being a Jewish Neo-Nazi.

Though I have only you rhetoric and assertions to go on, I'm leaning toward them being a bit hyperbolic.
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Funny thing is, he is. He isn't in that article but he is in the ADL's Audit of Anti-Semetic Incident's as having written for the Journal for Historical Reveiw, he's not listed as being Anti-Semitic because of the fact that he is Jewish, but under the written materials section and when the journal is listed his name is oddly listed as a contributer. Well maybe not so oddly since he is.

Those tricky Jewish Neo Nazis. Ther're the worst kind.

Ever heard of the Jew's who work with Neo Nazi's to help in their horrible effort to claim that the Holocaust never happened? Yeah they exist and though Chomsky is less robust about it he helps them and their magazines preach that non-sense.
superskippy said:
Funny thing is, he is. He isn't in that article...
In case you didn't look at the lin, that's Google of the adl site for chomsky's naqme. It's more than one article.

superskippy said:
...but he is in the ADL's Audit of Anti-Semetic Incident's as having written for the Journal for Historical Reveiw, he's not listed as being Anti-Semitic because of the fact that he is Jewish, but under the written materials section and when the journal is listed his name is oddly listed as a contributer. Well maybe not so oddly since he is.
I'd sure like to see what you're talking about.
Sorry about not listing a link, your link takes you to the google site, scroll to the bottom and read the ADL 2001 Audit, you need Acrobat Reader though. I think it is page 21 in pertanence to David Duke, but it might be farther down.
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superskippy said:
Sorry about not listing a link, your link takes you to the google site, scroll to the bottom and read the ADL 2001 Audit, you need Acrobat Reader though. I think it is page 21 in pertanence to David Duke, but it might be farther down.
Here's the text:
For instance, Arab Students United at New York University sent out an e-mail bulletin on campus in October, featuring long articles on the Middle East by David Duke and Noam Chomsky. The Chomsky and Duke pieces were remarkably similar in tone and analytical perspective.
The audit is talking more about what some Arab Students United at New York University had done than it was talking about Chomsky. Moreover it's discussing "anti-Israel" activities. Last I checked, Israel ≠ "The Jews." W/o having seen the piece that is referenced it's hard to make any sort of a judgment about it. However, if it was an article discussing Israel's role vis-a-vis US foreign policy, I'd like to note that the hotbed of Jewish Neo-Nazism, Foward, quoted Abraham Foxman thusly:

Israel's Role: The 'Elephant' They're Talking About
FEBRUARY 28, 2003
[Anti-Defamation League national director Abraham Foxman said:] ...accept as legitimate questions concerning the pro-Israel leanings of administration officials...
...it is...legitimate to question where the Sharon government or American Jewish groups stand on the war, the...line is... [portraying] these entities as a...Jewish conspiracy...[controlling] American foreign policy.
...American Jews are sometimes too quick to assume that antisemitism is at play...
"It is an old canard that Jews control America and American foreign policy. During both world wars, antisemites said that Jews manipulated America into war. So when you begin to hear it again, there is good reason for us to be aware of it and sensitive to it."
Opposing Israel's policies does not equal anti-Semitism. Even when David Duke does it. Of course, it doesn't exclude anti-Semitism either.
Superskippy Quotes:

"He's a dirty Liberal, Jew hating, Anti-Semite. He's a rat."

"He's a dirty anti-semite who uses the cloud of being an intellectual as a shield which makes people take him searously as opposed to neo nazi supremacists. He's got a lot of Nazi trait's going for him."

"Chomsky is an Anti Semite."

"He is a self hating Jew who has all but abandoned us, and we have branded him a traitor that the Jewish people have had few equals for. To call him Jewish is obscene."

Noam Chomsky Quotes:

"I described the Holocaust years ago as the most fantastic outburst of insanity in human history, so much so that if we even agree to discuss the matter we demean ourselves."

"In Philadelphia. The anti-Semitism was very real. There were certain paths I could take to walk to the store without getting beaten up. It was the late 1930s and the area was openly pro-Nazi. I remember beer parties when Paris fell and things like that. It's not like living under Hitler, but it's a very unpleasant thing. There was a really rabid anti-Semitism in that neighborhood where I grew up as a kid and it continued."

For the sakes of brevity with the quotes and I think it probably should be read in full, anyway, you may want to read this - www.chomsky.info/articles/19810228.htm. (concerning the Faurisson ordeal)

So, Superskippy, other than spitting out your rants, can you actually 'quote' anything of Noam Chomsky where he denies the Holocaust? and 'quote' something he said that unequivocally marks him as an anti-semite, jew hater?

Also, exactly who is this 'we' you speak so bold and loudly for, when you say state "we have branded him a traitor that the Jewish people have had few equals for."? .. just making a simple assumption here, but would that 'we' denote Jewish people? all of 'em?!
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The people he has written for, the magazines he has written for, it is horrendous.

Z Magazine, Lies of Our Times, Maine's Common Courage Press, Canada's Black Rose Books, California's Journal of Historical Review (which Canadian Customs bans as hate literature) and California's Marxist Pacifica network.

What I meant was if you meet a Jew who knows the work Chomsky has done, you will find that he is not a... highly regarded person. He is a traitor.
I see, so you don't actually have any quotes or remarks that would, evidently, reinforce your claims. What you have is references to certain institutes, with whom Noam Chomsky has perhaps engaged in talks with or had his work reiterated under whatever circumstances.

I'm quite sure there are many more media based groups that have echoed his work or with whom he has spoken with himself that could be seen as an "undesirable network" of "undesirable people" by few or many..but you're missing the point, and your arguement won't stand up in court..

Now, you show me "any" part of his work that you have studied or glanced over, and I suspect you haven't actually studied much of it at all, that uncontroversially puts Noam Chomsky in a position to be, somewhat, accurately and fairly called all those names you called him, and then we can engage on it further, at your desire. (And remarks by Werner Cohn or David Horowitz are not remarks made by Noam Chomsky).
I listed magazines he has written for, and you don't find whole magazine articles on the internet, that is the point of a magazine you have to buy it.

Chomsky is very smart to no launch overt attacks, but he does it covertly enough. Numerous holocaust deniel book's have his heksher bestowed upon them, such as his idea about Faurisson’s denial of the Holocaust,

While Chomsky’s preface does not specifically endorse Faurisson’s thesis, neither does it criticize or repudiate it. In addition, Chomsky denies that Faurisson is an anti-Semite, and instead characterizes him as “a relatively apolitical liberal of some type.” Shortly thereafter Chomsky went so far as to claim, in private correspondence with the Australian journalist William Rubenstein, that he saw nothing anti-Semitic about Holocaust denial:

“I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence. I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson’s work...”

You find nothing disturbing or disgusting about this? Or even slightly anti-semetic.

In his vocal support of Faurisson he claimed that it was all for freedom of speech. This does not sound so simple to me

“Dr. Robert Faurisson has served as a respected professor of twentieth-century French literature and document criticism for over four years at the University of Lyon in France. Since 1974 he has been conducting extensive historical research into the ‘Holocaust’ question. Since he began making his findings public, Professor Faurisson has been subject to a vicious campaign of harassment, intimidation, slander and physical violence in a crude attempt to silence him. Fearful officials have even tried to stop him from further research by denying him access to public libraries and archives. We strongly protest these efforts to deprive Professor Faurisson of his freedom of speech and expression, and we condemn the shameful campaign to silence him

He signed his name above all others and pronounced his support un-ashamidly for Faurisson, knowing fully what Faurisson preached. Chomsky goes on to claim that the petition was quite neutral and derived support for freedom of speech alone.

Chomsky gave an outstandingly open support for Israel Shahak's book attacking the Jew's, it is a book published by a Neo-Nazi group which claims to prod answers into the 'Jewish' question.

He is an avowed Anti-Semite who is a Jew in name only.
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Superskippy quotes:

"I listed magazines he has written for, and you don't find whole magazine articles on the internet, that is the point of a magazine you have to buy it."


Well, thats not entirely true, and doesn't really make all that much sense, anyway with your original point.

Ok, amongst your almost entirely recited document of Rachel Neuwirth there amonst rests a quote, but lets include the ommited quotes pertaining to the original quotes..

“Dr. Robert Faurisson has served as a respected professor of twentieth-century French literature and document criticism for over four years at the University of Lyon in France. Since 1974 he has been conducting extensive historical research into the ‘Holocaust’ question. Since he began making his findings public, Professor Faurisson has been subject to a vicious campaign of harassment, intimidation, slander and physical violence in a crude attempt to silence him. Fearful officials have even tried to stop him from further research by denying him access to public libraries and archives. We strongly protest these efforts to deprive Professor Faurisson of his freedom of speech and expression, and we condemn the shameful campaign to silence him”


Faurisson's conclusions are diametrically opposed to views I hold and have frequently expressed in print (for example, in my book Peace in the Middle East, where I describe the Holocaust as "the most fantastic outburst of collective insanity in human history"). But it is elementary that freedom of expression (including academic freedom) is not to be restricted to views of which one approves, and that it is precisely in the case of views that are almost universally despised and condemned that this right must be most vigorously defended. It is easy enough to defend those who need no defense or to join in unanimous (and often justified) condemnation of a violation of civil rights by some official enemy.

Then another:

"I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers or even denial of the Holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the Holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence. I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson's work."


"Even denial of the Holocaust would not prove that a person is an anti-Semite. I presume that that point too is not subject to contention. Thus if a person ignorant of modern history were told of the Holocaust and refused to believe that humans are capable of such monstrous acts, we would not conclude that he is an anti-Semite. That suffices to establish the point at issue."

Taking this part:

"Chomsky is very smart to not launch overt attacks"

Well, If you were to agree with that, then by definition you must accept he's something of a 'covert' anti-semite and such views taken on him are based on his 'covert' operations:-

"He signed his name above all others and pronounced his support un-ashamidly for Faurisson"

If that being the case, thats not very 'covert' is it? and neither is it a 'smart' way to conduct his so called 'covert' ops. to be so 'overtly' supportive of Faurisson or the Neo-Nazi Crowd!

Lets get it right, Superskippy, Chomsky is anti-Israel state..OVERTLY so..
Denial or question of the Holocaust, does not instantly relegate people to being an anti-Semite..Chomsky does not deny the Holocaust and has spoken plenty of it, of being a fantastic horrendous act of insanity of human kind.

But therein lies the retorts of name calling from largely pro-israel groups..as such, 'To be anti-Israel is to be anti-semite'.

I disagree with faurissons 'findings', but the violence that was enacted upon him was, unquestionably, wrong.

You needn't of used almost the entire article of some elses work and none of the above quotes you used, uncontroversially, make Noam Chomksy an anti-Semite. The article you did use was a nothing more than a batch of contradictions and non sequiters trying to maintain some hold on that he's, somewhat, of a sly covert anti-jew and hates himself every second of the day for being one...

Uncontroversially ridicilous.
MiamiFlorida said:

I've never seen such oversensitive journalistic masturbation in my life. Noam Chomsky's father was a Hebrew Scholar from a town in the Ukraine that was destroyed by Nazis. The name Noam is hebrew and means pleasantness. Chomsky is an intellectual, zionist, linguist, writer, war protester, anarco-syndaclist, and an academic. He's even made contributions to academic fields such as psychology, and computer science. For 19 years he was a professor of Linguistics at MIT. Does this sound like an anti-semite to you??? Read on:

"Since 1965 he has become one of the leading critics of U.S. foreign policy. He published a book of essays called American Power and the New Mandarins which is considered to be one of the most substantial arguments ever against American involvement in Vietnam."

"Chomsky... has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of London and the University of Chicago, as well as having been invited to lecture all over the world. In 1967, he delivered the Beckman Lectures at the University of California at Berkeley. In 1969, he presented the John Locke Lectures at the University of Oxford and Sherman Memorial Lectures at the University of London."

To say Noam Chomsky is an anti-semite is total B.S. The only thing he is against, are: a) corporate control of mainstream media, b) totalitarian rule

If you want to know more about Noam Chomsky, I suggest you see the documentary "Manufacturing Consent" (available through Netflix). Stop with hateful remarks. Noam is a significantly accomplished intellectual. He is many things, but saying he is a "pretender" or an anti-semite is simply wrong.



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