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Is Nancy Pelosi an effective Speaker? (1 Viewer)

Is Nancy Pelosi an effective Speaker?

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Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
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By effective, I mean can she rally support for policy, pass legislation and can she hold Trump accountable. IOW, can she can anything done that furthers the Democratic agenda.
I think it's time for fresh leadership for both parties, if we are gonna continue with the ridiculous exercise of the two party dictatorship.


Sometimes you gotta be careful what you wish for.

If tomorrow Mcconell and Pelosi could be gone, I would say most of us would take that deal... But the people that would take their place... I dunno man, might not be much better.
By effective, I mean can she rally support for policy, pass legislation and can she hold Trump accountable. IOW, can she can anything done that furthers the Democratic agenda.

Sure. She beat Trump at the shutdown, pulled the Democratic Party through the impeachment, has passed good legislation that will be useful for if/when Democrats take back the Senate and the White House, and is now actively fighting to make sure that an emergency assistance plan helps Americans rather than helps corporations like McConnell is trying to do.

And if you're going to be critical of her, keep in mind the extraordinary barriers of a DOJ that has gone rogue and courts that have been stacked with Trump appointees.
Sure. She beat Trump at the shutdown, pulled the Democratic Party through the impeachment, has passed good legislation that will be useful for if/when Democrats take back the Senate and the White House, and is now actively fighting to make sure that an emergency assistance plan helps Americans rather than helps corporations like McConnell is trying to do.

And if you're going to be critical of her, keep in mind the extraordinary barriers of a DOJ that has gone rogue and courts that have been stacked with Trump appointees.

I am going to be critical of her. What has she done to hold Trump accountable in any way, shape or form? Richard Neal could have gotten Trump's state taxes like 6 months ago. Why hasn't Pelosi leveraged this?

Do you think the Dems took a good swing at impeachment? Honestly?

As for 'helping people over corporations', where do you think Pelosi's power comes from?
Sure. She beat Trump at the shutdown, pulled the Democratic Party through the impeachment, has passed good legislation that will be useful for if/when Democrats take back the Senate and the White House, and is now actively fighting to make sure that an emergency assistance plan helps Americans rather than helps corporations like McConnell is trying to do.

And if you're going to be critical of her, keep in mind the extraordinary barriers of a DOJ that has gone rogue and courts that have been stacked with Trump appointees.

Please read the proposed "skinny bill" nancy is just in the way of money get out because she wants things that have nothing to do with the pandemic or economy. Maybe she sat too long under the dryer.
I think it's time for fresh leadership for both parties, if we are gonna continue with the ridiculous exercise of the two party dictatorship.


Sometimes you gotta be careful what you wish for.

If tomorrow Mcconell and Pelosi could be gone, I would say most of us would take that deal... But the people that would take their place... I dunno man, might not be much better.

It would be hard to get find someone worse than Pelosi. Outside of actively undermining the progressive agenda, her claim to fame is that she raises corporate donations.
By effective, I mean can she rally support for policy, pass legislation and can she hold Trump accountable. IOW, can she can anything done that furthers the Democratic agenda.
By effective, I mean can she rally support for policy, pass legislation and can she hold Trump accountable. IOW, can she can anything done that furthers the Democratic agenda.

i totally misread the op and voted wrong. I thought it was asking about her ability to give a speech or oration. I don't find her effective at the microphone at all. But as Speaker of the House, she has been as effective as circumstances have allowed.
I am going to be critical of her. What has she done to hold Trump accountable in any way, shape or form? Richard Neal could have gotten Trump's state taxes like 6 months ago. Why hasn't Pelosi leveraged this?

Do you think the Dems took a good swing at impeachment? Honestly?

As for 'helping people over corporations', where do you think Pelosi's power comes from?

You and Surrealistik are always critical of 'Real Democrats'.
It's what you do and it's the only time you post.
I am going to be critical of her. What has she done to hold Trump accountable in any way, shape or form? Richard Neal could have gotten Trump's state taxes like 6 months ago. Why hasn't Pelosi leveraged this?

Do you think the Dems took a good swing at impeachment? Honestly?

As for 'helping people over corporations', where do you think Pelosi's power comes from?

If you think there was a force on earth that was going to sway Senate Republicans to convict, then you must have watched a different impeachment than I did. You're really, really underestimating the significance of a rogue DOJ and packed courts.
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By effective, I mean can she rally support for policy, pass legislation and can she hold Trump accountable. IOW, can she can anything done that furthers the Democratic agenda.

She’s the most effective Speaker either party has had in a half century. Legislatively, every Pelosi House churns out Dem policy left and right (even very hard stuff, like health care reform or cap and trade).
You and Surrealistik are always critical of 'Real Democrats'.
It's what you do and it's the only time you post.

Demonstrably wrong, but go on being provably deluded.
Not perfect but I like her. She's intelligent and does the best she can do under the circumstances. I give her points for not verbally calling Moscow Mitch a f'ing Asshole.
She was a master at fund raising and has had tremendous power. Now she more blows in the wind and mostly is into a very personal feud with Donald Trump - for which that and remaining Speaker is all that matters to her.

The video of the hair salon really hurt her, but not because she was not wearing a mask. What people saw is a dottering old rich white woman desperately trying to stay looking young - in a way that makes her look older. She does not inspire anyone. Not among the "moderates" and certainly not young progressive Democrats including in Congress. This all has made her ineffectual and a handicap. She also is too indebted to and dependent upon San Francisco's LGTBQ activists - leading to the losing demand that it be ordered that men can use women's bathrooms.

Democrats can TRY to campaign nationally by reference to McConnell - but most Americans don't know who that is or what difference it makes. But they have heard of Nancy Pelosi and outside of partisanship the majority sentiment is negative - including being a factor in Trump's 2016 win.

Then again I say everyone over age 70 should be in their last term of office anyway. Old people often are extremely stubborn, can revert to childish emotions, and are certain they already know everything. How dare anyone question their opinion or actions.
Nancy Pelosi is an embarassment to this country...
If you think there was a force on earth that was going to sway Senate Republicans to convict, then you must have watched a different impeachment than I did. You're really, really underestimating the significance of a rogue DOJ and packed courts.

The impeachment was so limited so as to be utterly worthless. By design. Nancy was dragged KICKING AND SCREAMING to hold Trump accountable even a little. And again, Richard Neal.
She’s the most effective Speaker either party has had in a half century. Legislatively, every Pelosi House churns out Dem policy left and right (even very hard stuff, like health care reform or cap and trade).

Why doesn't she debate her primary challenger if her record is so strong?
She was a master at fund raising and has had tremendous power. Now she more blows in the wind and mostly is into a very personal feud with Donald Trump - for which that and remaining Speaker is all that matters to her.

The video of the hair salon really hurt her, but not because she was not wearing a mask. What people saw is a dottering old rich white woman desperately trying to stay looking young - in a way that makes her look older. She does not inspire anyone. Not among the "moderates" and certainly not young progressive Democrats including in Congress. This all has made her ineffectual and a handicap. She also is too indebted to and dependent upon San Francisco's LGTBQ activists - leading to the losing demand that it be ordered that men can use women's bathrooms.

Democrats can TRY to campaign nationally by reference to McConnell - but most Americans don't know who that is or what difference it makes. But they have heard of Nancy Pelosi and outside of partisanship the majority sentiment is negative - including being a factor in Trump's 2016 win.

Then again I say everyone over age 70 should be in their last term of office anyway. Old people often are extremely stubborn, can revert to childish emotions, and are certain they already know everything. How dare anyone question their opinion or actions.

McConnell is a master politician and tactician compared to Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has the strategic acumen of a turnip.
Trump is scared to death of her, lol. The woman stood up, shook her finger in his face in front of his entire cabinet and loudly snapped, "With you all roads lead to Putin!" Then walked out of the room, leaving Trump to look like the impotent, inept and incompetent pretender that he is.

Yep, Pelosi rocks. :)
Trump is scared to death of her, lol. The woman stood up, shook her finger in his face in front of his entire cabinet and loudly snapped, "With you all roads lead to Putin!" Then walked out of the room, leaving Trump to look like the impotent, inept and incompetent pretender that he is.

Yep, Pelosi rocks. :)

That about sums up Pelosi's efforts to hold Trump accountable.
The impeachment was so limited so as to be utterly worthless. By design. Nancy was dragged KICKING AND SCREAMING to hold Trump accountable even a little. And again, Richard Neal.

Pelosi wisely waited until there was an impeachable offense that the public could understand and get behind. Obviously impeachment was never going to get past the Senate, and if you thought it stood a chance then you either ignored or didn't understand everything that preceded that point.

The result of the impeachment is multi-fold, of course, but one of the consequences...and this is directly attributable to Pelosi's choice on which hill the Democrats should fight on...the blame for impeachment failure has been laid on the shoulders of Senate Republicans rather than contrarian Democrats.
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That about sums up Pelosi's efforts to hold Trump accountable.

The fact is that due to multi-institutional failure far beyond Pelosi's control, the mechanism for accountability ultimately rests with you and me this November. Nobody's asking you to like it, but that's just how it is.

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