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Is It Time To Consider How Blessed We Are ? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2021
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Political Leaning
Maybe some food for thought, maybe not.

In light of the pictures I've seen of Ukrainians bearing arms in a fight they can't possibly win if Russia totally commits itself, I feel a surge of ungratefulness for all that I enjoy in this country and in my life.

While I don't like the current state of government and a great many other things, I am not being called to lay it all on the line.

I have to be greatful for this country and for it stands for. For so many of it's leaders who made it strong.

I am grateful for the founders, the constitution and the liberties I enjoy.

I am thankful for my family and how blessed we all are.

The list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I think it necessary for me to step back from the whining and be grateful.

Any thoughts.
When I say ungratefulness.....I might better say.

I am not grateful enough.


I take too many things for granted.

I am ennjoying warm sunshine on my back in my kitchen as I type this. And the sky is bright blue.

I love AZ (and I get that this place isn't for everyone).

I'm just a heat lover and grateful I am not living in Vermont (nothing against Vermont).
Maybe some food for thought, maybe not.

In light of the pictures I've seen of Ukrainians bearing arms in a fight they can't possibly win if Russia totally commits itself, I feel a surge of ungratefulness for all that I enjoy in this country and in my life.

While I don't like the current state of government and a great many other things, I am not being called to lay it all on the line.

I have to be greatful for this country and for it stands for. For so many of it's leaders who made it strong.

I am grateful for the founders, the constitution and the liberties I enjoy.

I am thankful for my family and how blessed we all are.

The list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I think it necessary for me to step back from the whining and be grateful.

Any thoughts.
Gratitude for our lives and existence is something we should all practice daily. I know that I don't even have to go around the corner to find someone who is worse off than I am. Whenever I think I have problems, I remind myself that on any given day, there might be as many as 5 billion people on this planet who would trade places with me in a heartbeat.
Gratitude for our lives and existence is something we should all practice daily. I know that I don't even have to go around the corner to find someone who is worse off than I am. Whenever I think I have problems, I remind myself that on any given day, there might be as many as 5 billion people on this planet who would trade places with me in a heartbeat.

Thank you for posting this.

I agree.

One of my daughters and I discuss, on a frequent basis, just how much active gratitude can affect us mentally.

We discuss how it's O.K. to give some time to those things we don't have, but want.

But, more importantly, we should be spending daily time reflecting on just how fortunate we are.
We try to practice grateful mindsets daily.

I honestly believe we simply don't see just how fortunate we are unless we take the time to truly consider what we've been given.

I look at people who have lost their health and my heart breaks.

I am reminded that, regardless of my circumstances, having my health is such a great blessing.
Maybe some food for thought, maybe not.

In light of the pictures I've seen of Ukrainians bearing arms in a fight they can't possibly win if Russia totally commits itself, I feel a surge of ungratefulness for all that I enjoy in this country and in my life.

While I don't like the current state of government and a great many other things, I am not being called to lay it all on the line.

I have to be greatful for this country and for it stands for. For so many of it's leaders who made it strong.

I am grateful for the founders, the constitution and the liberties I enjoy.

I am thankful for my family and how blessed we all are.

The list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I think it necessary for me to step back from the whining and be grateful.

Any thoughts.

Everything you say here sounds to be dead on accurate to my ears.

What the lying thieves working hard in both major parties have done to the US since 1999 is not an act of war only because it is an act of treason.
Maybe some food for thought, maybe not.

In light of the pictures I've seen of Ukrainians bearing arms in a fight they can't possibly win if Russia totally commits itself, I feel a surge of ungratefulness for all that I enjoy in this country and in my life.

While I don't like the current state of government and a great many other things, I am not being called to lay it all on the line.

I have to be greatful for this country and for it stands for. For so many of it's leaders who made it strong.

I am grateful for the founders, the constitution and the liberties I enjoy.

I am thankful for my family and how blessed we all are.

The list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I think it necessary for me to step back from the whining and be grateful.

Any thoughts. i had a hole in my roof leaking water when it rained. i was going to fix it, but then i met someone with two holes in their roof. and I said ""to hell with it' let it rot
Maybe some food for thought, maybe not.

In light of the pictures I've seen of Ukrainians bearing arms in a fight they can't possibly win if Russia totally commits itself, I feel a surge of ungratefulness for all that I enjoy in this country and in my life.

While I don't like the current state of government and a great many other things, I am not being called to lay it all on the line.

I have to be greatful for this country and for it stands for. For so many of it's leaders who made it strong.

I am grateful for the founders, the constitution and the liberties I enjoy.

I am thankful for my family and how blessed we all are.

The list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I think it necessary for me to step back from the whining and be grateful.

Any thoughts.
To keep your self healthy and well balanced it's good to be thankful each and everyday! Everyone who is a US citizen should be extremely thankful. You are one of the very lucky people to be born in the United states.
Thanks for all the replys so far. I'd like to encourage everyone in this direction.

It has a lot of positive benefits for the individual, family, and society.
A lot of our problems in society these days can be, at least partially, traced back to a lack of gratitude and perspective.

I have a daughter who would burn down the entire advertising industry if she could get away with it.

The whole......

"You deserve...."

"You've earned....."

"Treat yourself......"

Marketing approach truly bothers (angers) her.

I don't angry....becasue I think I am relatively unaffected.

But I see many who are.

The anecdote.......

Count your blessings
Name them one by one

will help.

Thanks for the reply.
Maybe some food for thought, maybe not.

In light of the pictures I've seen of Ukrainians bearing arms in a fight they can't possibly win if Russia totally commits itself, I feel a surge of ungratefulness for all that I enjoy in this country and in my life.

While I don't like the current state of government and a great many other things, I am not being called to lay it all on the line.

I have to be greatful for this country and for it stands for. For so many of it's leaders who made it strong.

I am grateful for the founders, the constitution and the liberties I enjoy.

I am thankful for my family and how blessed we all are.

The list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I think it necessary for me to step back from the whining and be grateful.

Any thoughts.

I am always reminding myself how lucky I am to have been born and lived where I do. For sure when wars/famines/disasters occur there's always an added sense of gratitude for them not effecting your own , your friends and yourself, I mean how can you not be thankful for that.

I consider myself a citizen of the world and thus feel linked to all peoples/nations at a human level. As a history buff I have read about/watched documentaries about many events in world history that proved themselves to be difficult reads/watches and felt great relief for not having to have endured them myself whilst at the same time feeling immense sadness that others did.

In addition to the above, in the consumer societies we live in I feel as though thankfulness and a sense of satisfaction run counter to the popular ( prefered?) culture which, for way too many seems to revolve around a never ending, insatiable desire, to amass ever more, largely unnecessary, possessions and use that to judge our success on what we have achieved in life when it is actually only in the material domain . A personal shift away from that ,I think, makes a greater gratitude more attainable and nurtures a better, more healthy and balanced, assessment of what is valuable and how we evaluate our lives.
I am always reminding myself how lucky I am to have been born and lived where I do. For sure when wars/famines/disasters occur there's always an added sense of gratitude for them not effecting your own , your friends and yourself, I mean how can you not be thankful for that.

I consider myself a citizen of the world and thus feel linked to all peoples/nations at a human level. As a history buff I have read about/watched documentaries about many events in world history that proved themselves to be difficult reads/watches and felt great relief for not having to have endured them myself whilst at the same time feeling immense sadness that others did.

In addition to the above, in the consumer societies we live in I feel as though thankfulness and a sense of satisfaction run counter to the popular ( prefered?) culture which, for way too many seems to revolve around a never ending, insatiable desire, to amass ever more, largely unnecessary, possessions and use that to judge our success on what we have achieved in life when it is actually only in the material domain . A personal shift away from that ,I think, makes a greater gratitude more attainable and nurtures a better, more healthy and balanced, assessment of what is valuable and how we evaluate our lives.
I've know my share of acquisitive people, who define themselves by what they think they own. They never seem to realize that it is their possessions that own them. Most of the things they desperately covet actually outlive them, and all the money they spend on those possessions amounts to nothing more than just paying for the right to temporarily be the caretaker of some objects.
I've know my share of acquisitive people, who define themselves by what they think they own. They never seem to realize that it is their possessions that own them. Most of the things they desperately covet actually outlive them, and all the money they spend on those possessions amounts to nothing more than just paying for the right to temporarily be the caretaker of some objects.

Have you noticed that the same people are never satisfied/happy and are always looking at people with more than they have? I mean you would think they are at some level aware that they judge their success in life by how much they own and how prestigeous those things are, so you think they would be looking at people with less so as to feel some benefit for their consumerismthat but they don't, they look at people with more and feel the disatisfacation It's the classic hamster wheel situation and it is the product of advertising and its impact of the culture.

When I was younger I was advised to go into advertising by someone in the industry and they were really serious about it offering me a position I concentrated on the studies. Being unemployed at the time and having little money in my day to day life to say I didn't consider it would be a lie. BUT I hated the industry and what it does to our societies and the people living in them and decided, well got lucky really, to work in another industry. I have never stopped pulling holes in advertising since those times in RL to any who will listen and to this day loathe the industry itself. I have definitely never regreted not going into it, even if the other line of work I ended up in didn't pay as well as some in advertising would have. At the end of ther day you have to look at yourself in the mirror and try to limit the damage living in a rapacious capitalist/endless consumerist world can do to us
Have you noticed that the same people are never satisfied/happy and are always looking at people with more than they have? I mean you would think they are at some level aware that they judge their success in life by how much they own and how prestigeous those things are, so you think they would be looking at people with less so as to feel some benefit for their consumerismthat but they don't, they look at people with more and feel the disatisfacation It's the classic hamster wheel situation and it is the product of advertising and its impact of the culture.

When I was younger I was advised to go into advertising by someone in the industry and they were really serious about it offering me a position I concentrated on the studies. Being unemployed at the time and having little money in my day to day life to say I didn't consider it would be a lie. BUT I hated the industry and what it does to our societies and the people living in them and decided, well got lucky really, to work in another industry. I have never stopped pulling holes in advertising since those times in RL to any who will listen and to this day loathe the industry itself. I have definitely never regreted not going into it, even if the other line of work I ended up in didn't pay as well as some in advertising would have. At the end of ther day you have to look at yourself in the mirror and try to limit the damage living in a rapacious capitalist/endless consumerist world can do to us
Indeed. And most tragic of all are those who are so tied to what they imaging they "own" that they commit suicide when their fortunes are catastrophically reversed. I recall tales of the 1929 stock market crash when those who suddenly realized that they had nothing mistakenly thought that it meant that they were nothing.

Yet another reason to be grateful - for the blessing to have the sense to not identify my self worth with the material things I possess.
Gratitude for our lives and existence is something we should all practice daily. I know that I don't even have to go around the corner to find someone who is worse off than I am. Whenever I think I have problems, I remind myself that on any given day, there might be as many as 5 billion people on this planet who would trade places with me in a heartbeat.

I saw something the other day that said, "The life that you are living is the life that someone else is praying for." That was so profound to me.

I never take happiness for granted. Ever. And I never take basic things like shelter, food, and medical care for granted. I'm thankful for everything I have in my life, because I know how tenuous life can be.
I've know my share of acquisitive people, who define themselves by what they think they own. They never seem to realize that it is their possessions that own them. Most of the things they desperately covet actually outlive them, and all the money they spend on those possessions amounts to nothing more than just paying for the right to temporarily be the caretaker of some objects.

I look at things like this --

I've been up and lived in a brand new, beautiful 2,600 sf home that we had built from the ground up, and I've lived in a 16x72 single wide trailer with the floor rotting out. I've driven a brand new Cadillac, and I've driven a 20 year old Camry with the muffler tied on with panty hose.

I always appreciate what I have, and where I am at any given time in my life. because all that stuff is just that - stuff. Means nothing to me. As long as I have a way to get around, and a roof over my head, and food in my belly, I'm a happy girl.

Life is so fragile. Belongings - stuff - is fragile and fleeting. Worry more about who you are than what you have. You'll be much happier as a result.
I look at things like this --

I've been up and lived in a brand new, beautiful 2,600 sf home that we had built from the ground up, and I've lived in a 16x72 single wide trailer with the floor rotting out. I've driven a brand new Cadillac, and I've driven a 20 year old Camry with the muffler tied on with panty hose.

I always appreciate what I have, and where I am at any given time in my life. because all that stuff is just that - stuff. Means nothing to me. As long as I have a way to get around, and a roof over my head, and food in my belly, I'm a happy girl.

Life is so fragile. Belongings - stuff - is fragile and fleeting. Worry more about who you are than what you have. You'll be much happier as a result.
Yes, ma'am.
I look at things like this --

I've been up and lived in a brand new, beautiful 2,600 sf home that we had built from the ground up, and I've lived in a 16x72 single wide trailer with the floor rotting out. I've driven a brand new Cadillac, and I've driven a 20 year old Camry with the muffler tied on with panty hose.

I always appreciate what I have, and where I am at any given time in my life. because all that stuff is just that - stuff. Means nothing to me. As long as I have a way to get around, and a roof over my head, and food in my belly, I'm a happy girl.

Life is so fragile. Belongings - stuff - is fragile and fleeting. Worry more about who you are than what you have. You'll be much happier as a result.
Philippians 4:12
Winter is passing and Spring temperatures are here for many of us.

The days are getting longer.

Hopefully, all of you are healthy.

What more can you ask for ?
No one ever lays in their death bed thinking about the things they didn't buy. In the grand scheme of things, we have a brief moment in the sun and we are gone. Take care of your body, realize that life is an experience so go out and experience the world, and be grateful for what you have and what you get to experience in this brief moment you have in the sun.
No one ever lays in their death bed thinking about the things they didn't buy. In the grand scheme of things, we have a brief moment in the sun and we are gone. Take care of your body, realize that life is an experience so go out and experience the world, and be grateful for what you have and what you get to experience in this brief moment you have in the sun.

I worry that we have to much fear and suspicion foisted upon us.

There really is so much to be grateful fro.

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