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Is it right to politicize the aftermath of katrina? (1 Viewer)

Is it right to politicize the aftermath of katrina?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • No

    Votes: 19 82.6%

  • Total voters
[Moderator mode]

An actual "poll" was added....

Seeing as how it's in the "Polls" section and all....:2wave:

[Moderator mode]
Right or wrong, it's important. The thing about this is now the country knows what we in the coastal region have known for years, the worst part of these storms comes after the event itself, I say this is important because areas of the country in this storm range that haven't been hit in years tend to forget what these things can do(and this is literally any coast region) and it helps to know what to do when you are faced with this problem. As Well, the coverage adds perspective as to what happens when this kind of human catastrophe happens, and too, it lets the rest of the country know that if we don't get coastal industry back up(oil,gas,gasoline,shipping) everyone will suffer from this event.
Holy #$%%! I misread the poll question, I thought it was if it is right to publicize the aftermath of Katrina. That changes everything, the answer is no, hell no it isn't right to turn this tragedy into a political tool, god no.:3oops:
Holy #$%%! I misread the poll question, I thought it was if it is right to publicize the aftermath of Katrina. That changes everything, the answer is no, hell no it isn't right to turn this tragedy into a political tool, god no.

Yes make sure you read it correctly. And I think your right its not right to politicaize this. The most imprtant thing right now is helping people. But I do also think its ok to question why things are so bad there and who failed to prevent this kinds thing. Now again question not politicize there is a major difference.
LaMidRighter said:
Holy #$%%! I misread the poll question, I thought it was if it is right to publicize the aftermath of Katrina. That changes everything, the answer is no, hell no it isn't right to turn this tragedy into a political tool, god no.:3oops:

I was about to ask who the hell voted yes, but I guess now we know. :lol:
I was about to ask who the hell voted yes, but I guess now we know.

Lol, its ok I think we know where his true vote lies.
Yes make sure you read it correctly. And I think your right its not right to politicaize this. The most imprtant thing right now is helping people. But I do also think its ok to question why things are so bad there and who failed to prevent this kinds thing. Now again question not politicize there is a major difference.
It's been a long week, even here in Southwest Louisiana, and right now we all just have so much going on, so many to help, most of us are fatigued and can't see straight, but it'll get better, hopefully sooner than expected, prolly not though.
What is NOT right, though, is to merely be reactive after the disaster struck, when it was clear that it was on its way.
No its not but I just heard on C-SPAN the Minority Leader in the HOR Nancy Pelosi doing just that................Sad...........
Navy Pride said:
No its not but I just heard on C-SPAN the Minority Leader in the HOR Nancy Pelosi doing just that................Sad...........
Huh? She doesn't control the National Guard, she doesn't control Congress, she doesn't control the Administration. Those who are controlling these institutions and agencies are the ones with the slowed result.

So as best I can read your reply, you are merely spewing partisan lies to score political points.

Yes, if you want to keep up such lies to play politics and show what your conservative party really is all about, have at it.
steen said:
What is NOT right, though, is to merely be reactive after the disaster struck, when it was clear that it was on its way.
What exactly was clear? That the levee's would fail? There was no way to know this and no way to fix it as the storm approached. This was the final blow that devastated the city after the storm moved through not during. Was it a potential disaster waiting to happen.....yes indeed and so is every city near the San Andreas fault and yet they keep building.
steen said:
Huh? She doesn't control the National Guard, she doesn't control Congress, she doesn't control the Administration. Those who are controlling these institutions and agencies are the ones with the slowed result.

So as best I can read your reply, you are merely spewing partisan lies to score political points.

Yes, if you want to keep up such lies to play politics and show what your conservative party really is all about, have at it.

With all due respect I think you don't get it.........Ms Pelosi was talking to reporters and was politicizing the disaster that happened blaming everyone in the other party and in this time of need and everyone pulling together together she is doing just the opposite for partisan political motives and that is just sad................
With all due respect I think you don't get it.........Ms Pelosi was talking to reporters and was politicizing the disaster that happened blaming everyone in the other party and in this time of need and everyone pulling together together she is doing just the opposite for partisan political motives and that is just sad...........

True I heard this as well. It is sad for either party to do this. I just will not stand for it.
No, it isn't right but they're doing it anyways and so am I. I being from Fl. and having survived Andrew and to many hurricanes to name feel I'm in a position to state something of relevance so here's my rant cuz I'm p*****d. There is no reason in hell that there should have been this amount of loss of life in this technological age with the advanced warning we recieved. It's been common knowledge for a long time now that the 'bowl' section of New Orleans was succeptable to flooding where the hell was the Governor of Loisiana Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) at? She really dropped the ball on this one! Like I said I'm from Fl. and Governor Jeb Bush (R) handled the numerous hurricane situations with utmost profesionalism and took care of business and we've been hit like 20 times in the last two years with not even a close proximity to the death count in the whole state to equal that in the one city of New Orleans! We had excellent evac routes and a minimum loss of life my cousin got hit, I got hit, shoot just about everyone in my family has been hit by a Hurricane in the past two years and there has been nowhere near the amount of loss of life as there is in New Orleans, even in Key West or Miami. Florida took lots of steps in the aftermath of Andrew it's the governors responsibility not the presidents. Jeb was on t.v. like every day during the hurricanes I haven't seen the Loisiana governor on t.v. once since this whole incident started!
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No, it isn't right but they're doing it anyways and so am I. I being from Fl. and having survived Andrew and to many hurricanes to name feel I'm in a position to state something of relevance so here's my rant cuz I'm p*****d. There is no reason in hell that there should have been this amount of loss of life in this technological age with the advanced warning we recieved. It's been common knowledge for a long time now that the 'bowl' section of New Orleans was succeptable to flooding where the hell was the Governor of Loisiana Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) at? She really dropped the ball on this one! Like I said I'm from Fl. and Governor Jeb Bush (R) handled the numerous hurricane situations with utmost profesionalism and took care of business and we've been hit like 20 times in the last two years with not even a close proximity to the death count in the whole state to equal that in the one city of New Orleans! We had excellent evac routes and a minimum loss of life my cousin got hit, I got hit, shoot just about everyone in my family has been hit by a Hurricane in the past two years and there has been nowhere near the amount of loss of life as there is in New Orleans, even in Key West or Miami. Florida took lots of steps in the aftermath of Andrew it's the governors responsibility not the presidents. Jeb was on t.v. like every day during the hurricanes I haven't seen the Loisiana governor on t.v. once since this whole incident started!

We feel your pain brutha. Let it out.
Yes, I understand your pain over having a president (R) that have no problem sending national guard troops to die in Iraq, but have difficulty sending them around in the US to save lives of Americans.
Yes, I understand your pain over having a president (R) that have no problem sending national guard troops to die in Iraq, but have difficulty sending them around in the US to save lives of Americans.

I cant beleive how many of you people have no integrity watsoever. You want to point fingers instead of help those who are in dire need? That is plain WRONG!!! There will be plenty of time to point fingers after all these people get helped. Get over your petty crap rhetoric. And buy some water and send it to dying people in the gulf coast. That discussion is closed.
Yeah, I think that we should figure this out after the crisis has past....... But I think the president should do more about it.......... It's pretty bad..............We'll see about that later I guess. Ok, everybody:


We are already, despite conservative hate mongering lies to the contrary.
We are already, despite conservative hate mongering lies to the contrary.

WEll good do it some more and stfu. Again discussion closed. Either talk about how you can help the problem or just shutup.
WEll good do it some more and stfu. Again discussion closed. Either talk about how you can help the problem or just shutup.
Ah, yes. I remember. You decided to deliver your hate-mongering tirade and then the discussion Was "done," before somebody would actually challenge you on it.

And now you are getting upset because you are being called on it? Well, excuuuuuse meee.
When the Entire govt. from the governor all the way up to the president are Republicans, yes.
They are in charge, they are responsible. They have the nerve to be congatulating each other ! they made the U S A look like haiti . America has been humiliated all over the world by this debacle.
steen said:
We are already, despite conservative hate mongering lies to the contrary.

I don't like certain conservatives any more than you do, but do you have any eveidence on the hate mongering lies that the conservitives are saying? Anything to back that up? I just want to know of you are assuming they are or if you have any eveidnce. Sources? Oh, and:



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