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Is it possible? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
Just saw an old clip of mr. trump being asked about a massive amount of debt that he might possess, he response, well forbes has been after me for a long time. End of clip.

Is it possible trump's base fell in love with him because he too always portrays himself as a victim?

The elections are rigged.

Hillary lies, lock her up.

The way they treat me is unfair.

I'm all alone in the white house boo hoo.

The fake news is after me and on and on.

Seriously, do you think that's possible?
Just saw an old clip of mr. trump being asked about a massive amount of debt that he might possess, he response, well forbes has been after me for a long time. End of clip.

Is it possible trump's base fell in love with him because he too always portrays himself as a victim?

The elections are rigged.

Hillary lies, lock her up.

The way they treat me is unfair.

I'm all alone in the white house boo hoo.

The fake news is after me and on and on.

Seriously, do you think that's possible?

I think this is definitely part of it. I think many of his supporters voted for him because they felt victimized by 8 years of a liberal government. They are sympathetic to arguments that portray the government as an all powerful force of evil and wanted someone who would get in there and trash the place. And when he fails at anything he is quick to "blame the liberals" just as they do. It's a position where he theoretically can't lose... even if he "shot someone on Fifth Avenue."
Just saw an old clip of mr. trump being asked about a massive amount of debt that he might possess, he response, well forbes has been after me for a long time. End of clip.

Is it possible trump's base fell in love with him because he too always portrays himself as a victim?

The elections are rigged.

Hillary lies, lock her up.

The way they treat me is unfair.

I'm all alone in the white house boo hoo.

The fake news is after me and on and on.

Seriously, do you think that's possible?

Possible? Yes.

So too would be the appearance of a police box right behind me in 3...2...1....

But not very likely. Insanely unlikely. It's sad because there is all sorts of real corruption, but "they" have to go all truther-style about it.
Possible? Yes.

So too would be the appearance of a police box right behind me in 3...2...1....

But not very likely. Insanely unlikely. It's sad because there is all sorts of real corruption, but "they" have to go all truther-style about it.

I at least ask if it's possible, I don't make it a statement...and watch out for that police box behind you.

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