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Is it in our interest to stop pollution? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Most people assiociate pollution with global warming

I simply believe this is not the only reason why its important to limit pollution.

I have mentioned the hydroxl collapse before (those are the little things that make our fresh air, fresh)

but thats just another reason why to lower pollution levels across the globe.

I believe that overwhelming pollution can destroy more than just the ozone layer, you can contribute pollution to the destroying of much forest land, many crops, rivers, lakes, parts of the ocean, ponds so on and so forth.

So when we look at pollution, is it really just about global warming? or isn't it about keeping our life style intack without harsh consquences?
There are meny reasons, I live close to the largest freshwater lake( Duluth, MN, to be specific) and a lot of times the shoreline is closed because its polluted, I guess it doesn't help liveng in the busiest US freshwater hrbor. But anyways, the winters here have become dull, most times the snow nor is slushy, and it sucks. It was hot here all summer too.

I live 4 hours away from you, how spooky...
128shot said:
Most people assiociate pollution with global warming
It's only appropriate to do so because they ARE related.
128shot said:
I believe that overwhelming pollution can destroy more than just the ozone layer, you can contribute pollution to the destroying of much forest land, many crops, rivers, lakes, parts of the ocean, ponds so on and so forth.
Not just you believe this, buddy. It's not some kind of revolutionary theory.
Then why is our focus just on global warming?

Nobody ever mentions why Sweden puts lime in its lakes.

I think another problem is excessive regulation, where do we draw the line?
Comrade Brian said:
There are meny reasons, I live close to the largest freshwater lake( Duluth, MN, to be specific) and a lot of times the shoreline is closed because its polluted, I guess it doesn't help liveng in the busiest US freshwater hrbor. But anyways, the winters here have become dull, most times the snow nor is slushy, and it sucks. It was hot here all summer too.

I just moved to CO from St. Paul. The winter was pretty mild last year huh? Can't say I was complaining though...

lots of socialists from minnesota! I'm starting to get closterphobic...
A weiner town called Nimhrod,

but a closer town would be Wadena or Brainerd..
Ahhh, Brainerd, that's about 1 and a half hour or two hours away. Not a bad place.
I have an oddity for you.

Maybe we could hook up some time...
Thats what I was going to say...
Pollution has been a concern before the concept of global warming, or the ozone hole was identified. Catalytic converters were required on automobiles in the mid 70s, prior to any convincing analysis of the ozone hole (BTW, the data was there, but not the appropriate analysis).

But, its only in your interest to stop pollution if your interests extend past your own lifetime.
Comrade Brian said:
There are meny reasons, I live close to the largest freshwater lake( Duluth, MN, to be specific) and a lot of times the shoreline is closed because its polluted, I guess it doesn't help liveng in the busiest US freshwater hrbor. But anyways, the winters here have become dull, most times the snow nor is slushy, and it sucks. It was hot here all summer too.

Heat is kind of subjective. We go up to the North Shore of Lake Superior every summer for a long weekend because even when you guys up there think it’s hot, its still at least 20 degrees cooler than almost anywhere else in America. I mean a hot day to you guys is what 85? I have been up there in August when the high was only in the 50s.

Very, very, very beautiful area though.
128shot said:
Most people assiociate pollution with global warming

I simply believe this is not the only reason why its important to limit pollution.

I have mentioned the hydroxl collapse before (those are the little things that make our fresh air, fresh)

but thats just another reason why to lower pollution levels across the globe.

I believe that overwhelming pollution can destroy more than just the ozone layer, you can contribute pollution to the destroying of much forest land, many crops, rivers, lakes, parts of the ocean, ponds so on and so forth.

So when we look at pollution, is it really just about global warming? or isn't it about keeping our life style intack without harsh consquences?

They just did an environmental survey some time ago... The results were rather interesting. The pollution being put out is actually making a sort of atmospheric layer that reflects some of the light coming to Earth. When we started regulating and the pollution levels went down, more light got in, which caused temperatures to rise some.

I predict that next the environmentalists whackos (the ones that save a tree, then burn the flag) will start hyping up about a new ice age.
Nez Dragon said:
They just did an environmental survey some time ago...
Would it trouble you state who and when? Or, could I trouble you to clarify "some sort of atmospheric layer" ?

Nez Dragon said:
I predict that next the environmentalists whackos (the ones that save a tree, then burn the flag) will start hyping up about a new ice age.

Actually, global warming, not cooling, leads to the next ice age. I predict that the next wackos to reply will also be those like you, who misunderstand environmental physics, and reduce it to a political agenda.
i think that it is in our best interests. it couldn't hurt to be more eco logical.
Nez Dragon said:
They just did an environmental survey some time ago... The results were rather interesting. The pollution being put out is actually making a sort of atmospheric layer that reflects some of the light coming to Earth. When we started regulating and the pollution levels went down, more light got in, which caused temperatures to rise some.

I predict that next the environmentalists whackos (the ones that save a tree, then burn the flag) will start hyping up about a new ice age.
Like "The Day After Tomarrow!" Hollywood movie stereotype: "Crazy guy saves us all!" Now I'm not against pollution advocates, the problem is I don't see any of them become engineers to develope renewable resources? Better human resources can go into the developement of resources, instead of and endless political debate. Endless meaning that our children's, children will still be debating on pollution. What I would actually like to see is words go into actions, instead of actions against political differences.
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stsburns said:
Now I'm not against pollution advocates, the problem is I don't see any of them become engineers to develope renewable resources?

You must not be looking very hard. Here's a good place to start:
stsburns said:
You must have a small mind.
That's a tight argument, there, sts. You must impress all your friends.
Ye Olde Geeke said:
That's a tight argument, there, sts. You must impress all your friends.
I have one friend that is obsessed with Hitler, but hates Bush, and listening too him talk reminds me of last nights report on CNN. But we get along well! I like your sarcasm, its better than being all out offensive! Thanks!
128shot said:
Most people assiociate pollution with global warming

I simply believe this is not the only reason why its important to limit pollution.

I have mentioned the hydroxl collapse before (those are the little things that make our fresh air, fresh)

but thats just another reason why to lower pollution levels across the globe.

I believe that overwhelming pollution can destroy more than just the ozone layer, you can contribute pollution to the destroying of much forest land, many crops, rivers, lakes, parts of the ocean, ponds so on and so forth.

So when we look at pollution, is it really just about global warming? or isn't it about keeping our life style intack without harsh consquences?

The entire premise of this thread is wrong. C02 is the engine of the greenhouse effect, but its not pollution.
SouthernDemocrat said:
The entire premise of this thread is wrong. C02 is the engine of the greenhouse effect, but its not pollution.

Actually CO2 is the main engine of the greenhouse premise, but there are others (Methane, NO2, etc.). As far as pollutants go, studies have shown they actually have a cooling effect, and the premise is that they actually fight and reverse the greenhouse premise.

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